diff --git a/20-PRO/21.usfm b/20-PRO/21.usfm
index 8ffd4eb4..ca75be69 100644
--- a/20-PRO/21.usfm
+++ b/20-PRO/21.usfm
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 \q2 than inside a house with a wife who always wants to argue with you.
 \v 10 The wicked crave evil more than anything,
- \q2 when his neighbor looks at him, he cannot see any kindness in his eyes.
+\q2 when his neighbor looks at him, he cannot see any kindness in his eyes.
diff --git a/20-PRO/22.usfm b/20-PRO/22.usfm
index d3575cb2..50cb3145 100644
--- a/20-PRO/22.usfm
+++ b/20-PRO/22.usfm
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 \v 6 A child must be shown the way to live and the direction he should go,
 \q2 and when he reaches old age, he will stay on that same path.
 \v 7 The fact is that the rich often have power over the poor,
@@ -110,8 +110,7 @@
-\v 28 The ancient boundary stones show where the property lines are. Do not take them away or move them.
-Your ancestors put them there. Leave them alone.
+\v 28 The ancient boundary stones show where the property lines are. Do not take them away or move them. Your ancestors put them there. Leave them alone.
 \v 29 One who learns a trade and is skillful at it will become a servant of kings.
 \q2 Because of his achievements he will not serve mere ordinary people.
diff --git a/20-PRO/26.usfm b/20-PRO/26.usfm
index f2232bf6..4c92ba8b 100644
--- a/20-PRO/26.usfm
+++ b/20-PRO/26.usfm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 \v 2 A sparrow flies here and there flittering around, and a swallow darts back and forth when it flies,
 \q2 that is like someone speaking a curse against you—but it cannot land on you.
 \v 3 A horse needs a whip to make it move, and a donkey must have a bridle in its mouth, or it will not carry its load.
diff --git a/20-PRO/30.usfm b/20-PRO/30.usfm
index 3741b348..8e25c98c 100644
--- a/20-PRO/30.usfm
+++ b/20-PRO/30.usfm
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
 \v 2 I am more like an animal than any human being!
 \q2 I lack the understanding that a human being has!
-\v 3
-I have not learned about wisdom;
+\v 3 I have not learned about wisdom;
 \q2 I do not know Yahweh, the Holy One.
@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ I have not learned about wisdom;
 \q2 Who can gather up the waters in an overcoat?
 \q2 Who set the limits to the size of the earth?
 \q2 What is his name? And what is the name of his son?
-Do you know?
+\q2 Do you know?