# word, words # ## Definition: ## A "word" refers to something that someone has said. * An example of this would be when the angel told Zechariah, "You did not believe my words," which means, "You did not believe what I said." * This term almost always refers to an entire message, not just one word. * Sometimes "word" refers to speech in general, such as "powerful in word and deed" which means "powerful in speech and behavior." * Often in the Bible "the word" refers to everything God has said or commanded, as in "the word of God" or "the word of truth." * A very special use of this term is when Jesus is called "the Word." For these last two meanings, see [word of God, God's word, scripture](../kt/wordofgod.md) ## Translation Suggestions: ## * Different ways of translating "word" or "words" include, "teaching" or "message" or "news" or "a saying" or "what was said." (See also: [word of God, God's word, scripture](../kt/wordofgod.md)) ## Bible References: ## * [2 Timothy 04:1-2](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/2ti/04/01) * [Acts 08:4-5](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/act/08/04) * [Colossians 04:2-4](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/col/04/02) * [James 01:17-18](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/jas/01/17) * [Jeremiah 27:1-4](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/jer/27/01) * [John 01:1-3](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/jhn/01/01) * [John 01:14-15](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/jhn/01/14) * [Luke 08:14-15](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/luk/08/14) * [Matthew 02:7-8](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/mat/02/07) * [Matthew 07:26-27](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/mat/07/26)