diff --git a/content/kt/atonementlid.md b/content/kt/atonementlid.md
index 4c45e8ce..dd0a4b63 100644
--- a/content/kt/atonementlid.md
+++ b/content/kt/atonementlid.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ The "atonement lid" was a slab of gold that was used to cover the top of the ark
 ## Translation Suggestions: ##
-* Other ways to translate this term could include, "ark covering where God promises to redeem" or "place where God atones" or "lid of ark where God forgives and restores."
+* Other ways to translate this term could include "ark covering where God promises to redeem" or "place where God atones" or "lid of ark where God forgives and restores."
 * Can also mean "place of propitiation."
 * Compare this term with how you translated "atonement," "propitiation," and "redemption."