"marks" would work if the primary meaning were "evidence" or
"appearance." I’ve put "appear" because Paul may have been using this
as metonymy for Jewish lifestyle.
Since many languages don’t use air quotes, and Paul didn’t either,
thought this was worth trying. The original seems to be a conditional.
I took the protasis from Meyer at
http://biblehub.com/commentaries/1_corinthians/8-5.htm and checked it
against NIGTC, from which I took the last clause because Meyer’s
apodosis didn’t seem to make sense.
Only GOD’s WORD at http://biblehub.com/1_corinthians/8-6.htm uses
quotation marks, but I don’t think they’re unwarranted. However, "yet
for us" seems to be part of the frame, not the quotation, and GW
agrees, so I’ve moved those words.
1 Cor 10:33 correct the wording, "Try as I try to please..." is not worded this way in the original. The initial "Try as" is not there since Paul is not exhorting the Corinthians to try as he tries, but only providing the example of his own practices.
Either the quote marks or the word "other" had to go. Either Paul was
sorta-quoting the Corinthians, in which case "other" was not needed, or
he was speaking straight and implying the other. Most translations go
with the latter.
1 Cor 1:26 change "call" to "calling" Also cut "and sisters" since that is not in the Greek. It can be derived depending on the cultural expressions of the MTTs.