Update '19-PSA.usfm'

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Rick 2021-09-14 22:26:16 +00:00 committed by Gitea
parent ff35aa5e59
commit 5be895c3e6

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@ -3926,54 +3926,55 @@
\d For the chief musician; set to Shushan Eduth. A michtam of David, for teaching; when he fought with Aram Naharaim and with Aram Zobah, and Joab returned and killed twelve thousand Edomites in the Valley of Salt.
\v 1 God, you have rejected us; you have broken through our defenses;
\q you have been angry; restore us again.
\q2 you have been angry; restore us again.
\v 2 You have made the land tremble; you have torn it apart;
\q heal its cracks, for it is shaking.
\q2 heal its cracks, for it is shaking.
\v 3 You have made your people see difficult things;
\q you have made us drink the wine of staggering.
\q2 you have made us drink the wine of staggering.
\v 4 For those who honor you,
\q you have set up a banner
\q to be displayed against those who carry the bow.
\q2 you have set up a banner
\q2 to be displayed against those who carry the bow.
\qs Selah\qs*
\v 5 So that those you love may be rescued,
\q rescue us with your right hand and answer me.
\q2 rescue us with your right hand and answer me.
\v 6 God has spoken in his holiness, "I will rejoice;
\q I will divide Shechem and apportion out the Valley of Sukkoth.
\q2 I will divide Shechem
\q2 and apportion out the Valley of Sukkoth.
\v 7 Gilead is mine, and Manasseh is mine;
\q Ephraim also is my helmet;
\q Judah is my scepter.
\q2 Ephraim also is my helmet;
\q2 Judah is my scepter.
\v 8 Moab is my washbasin;
\q over Edom I will throw my sandal;
\q I will shout in triumph because of Philistia."
\q2 over Edom I will throw my sandal;
\q2 I will shout in triumph because of Philistia."
\v 9 Who will bring me into the strong city?
\q Who will lead me to Edom?
\q2 Who will lead me to Edom?
\v 10 But you, God, have you not rejected us?
\q You do not go into battle with our army.
\q2 You do not go into battle with our army.
\v 11 Give us help against the enemy,
\q for man's help is futile.
\q2 for man's help is futile.
\v 12 We will triumph with God's help;
\q he will trample down our enemies.
\q 2he will trample down our enemies.
\c 61
@ -3981,143 +3982,150 @@
\d For the chief musician; on a stringed instrument. A psalm of David.
\v 1 Hear my cry, God;
\q attend to my prayer.
\q2 attend to my prayer.
\v 2 From the ends of the earth will I call to you when my heart is faint;
\q lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
\q2 lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
\v 3 For you have been a refuge for me,
\q a strong tower from the enemy.
\q2 a strong tower from the enemy.
\v 4 Let me live in your tabernacle forever!
\q Let me take refuge under the shelter of your wings.
\q2 Let me take refuge under the shelter of your wings.
\qs Selah\qs*
\v 5 For you, God, have heard my vows,
\q you have given me the inheritance of those who honor your name.
\q2 you have given me the inheritance of those who honor your name.
\v 6 You will prolong the king's life;
\q his years will be like many generations.
\q2 his years will be like many generations.
\v 7 He will reign before God forever;
\q appoint your steadfast love and faithfulness to protect him.
\q2 appoint your steadfast love and faithfulness to protect him.
\v 8 I will sing praise to your name forever
\q so that I may perform my vows every day.
\q2 so that I may perform my vows every day.
\c 62
\d For the chief musician; after the manner of Jeduthun. A psalm of David.
\v 1 I wait in silence for God alone;
\q my salvation comes from him.
\q2 my salvation comes from him.
\v 2 He alone is my rock and my salvation;
\q he is my high tower; I will not be greatly moved.
\q2 he is my high tower; I will not be greatly moved.
\v 3 How long, all of you, will you attack a man,
\q that you may murder him,
\q like a leaning wall or a shaky fence?
\q2 that you may murder him,
\q2 like a leaning wall or a shaky fence?
\v 4 They consult with him only to bring him down from his honorable position;
\q they love to tell lies;
\q they bless him with their mouths, but in their hearts they curse him.
\v 4 They consult with him
\q2 only to bring him down from his honorable position;
\q2 they love to tell lies;
\q they bless him with their mouths,
\q2 but in their hearts they curse him.
\qs Selah\qs*
\v 5 I wait in silence for God alone;
\q for my hope is set on him.
\q2 for my hope is set on him.
\v 6 He alone is my rock and my salvation;
\q he is my high tower; I will not be moved.
\q2 he is my high tower; I will not be moved.
\v 7 With God is my salvation and my glory;
\q the rock of my strength and my refuge are in God.
\q2 the rock of my strength and my refuge are in God.
\v 8 Trust in him at all times, you people;
\q pour out your heart before him;
\q God is a refuge for us.
\q2 pour out your heart before him;
\q2 God is a refuge for us.
\qs Selah\qs*
\v 9 Surely men of low standing are vanity, and men of high standing are a lie;
\v 9 Surely men of low standing are vanity,
\q2 and men of high standing are a lie;
\q they will weigh lightly in the scales;
\q weighed together, they are lighter than nothing.
\q2 weighed together, they are lighter than nothing.
\v 10 Do not trust in oppression or robbery;
\q and do not hope uselessly in riches,
\q for they will bear no fruit; do not fix your heart on them.
\q2 and do not hope uselessly in riches,
\q for they will bear no fruit;
\q2 do not fix your heart on them.
\v 11 God has spoken once,
\q twice have I heard this:
\q2 twice have I heard this:
\q power belongs to God.
\v 12 Also to you, Lord, belongs covenant faithfulness,
\q for you pay back every person for what he has done.
\q2 for you pay back every person for what he has done.
\c 63
\d A psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah.
\v 1 God, you are my God! I earnestly search for you,
\q my soul thirsts for you, and my flesh longs for you,
\q in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
\v 1 God, you are my God!
\q2 I earnestly search for you,
\q my soul thirsts for you,
\q2 and my flesh longs for you,
\q in a dry and weary land
\q2 where there is no water.
\v 2 So I have looked on you in the sanctuary,
\q to see your power and your glory.
\q2 to see your power and your glory.
\v 3 Because your covenant faithfulness is better than life,
\q my lips will praise you.
\q2 my lips will praise you.
\v 4 So I will bless you while I live;
\q I will lift up my hands in your name.
\q2 I will lift up my hands in your name.
\v 5 It will be as if I ate a meal of marrow and fatness;
\q with joyful lips my mouth will praise you,
\q2 with joyful lips my mouth will praise you,
\v 6 when I think about you on my bed
\q and meditate on you in the night watches.
\q2 and meditate on you in the night watches.
\v 7 For you have been my help,
\q and in the shadow of your wings I rejoice.
\q2 and in the shadow of your wings I rejoice.
\v 8 I cling to you;
\q your right hand supports me.
\q2 your right hand supports me.
\v 9 But those who seek to destroy my life
\q will go down into the lowest parts of the earth;
\q2 will go down into the lowest parts of the earth;
\v 10 they will be given over to those whose hands use the sword,
\q and they will become food for the jackals.
\q2 and they will become food for the jackals.
\v 11 But the king will rejoice in God;
\q everyone who swears by him will be proud of him,
\q but the mouth of those who speak lies will be stopped up.
\q2 everyone who swears by him will be proud of him,
\q2 but the mouth of those who speak lies will be stopped up.
\c 64
@ -4125,45 +4133,45 @@
\d For the chief musician. A psalm of David.
\v 1 Hear my voice, God, listen to my complaint;
\q preserve my life from fear of my enemies.
\q2 preserve my life from fear of my enemies.
\v 2 Hide me from the secret plotting of evildoers,
\q from the commotion of those who behave wickedly.
\q2 from the commotion of those who behave wickedly.
\v 3 They have sharpened their tongues like swords;
\q they have aimed their arrows, bitter words,
\q2 they have aimed their arrows, bitter words,
\v 4 so that they may shoot from secret places at someone who is innocent;
\q suddenly they shoot at him and fear nothing.
\q2 suddenly they shoot at him and fear nothing.
\v 5 They encourage themselves in an evil plan;
\q they consult privately together in order to set traps;
\q they say, "Who will see us?"
\q2 they consult privately together in order to set traps;
\q2 they say, "Who will see us?"
\v 6 They invent injustices;
\q "We have finished," they say, "a careful plan."
\q The inner thoughts and hearts of man are deep.
\q2 "We have finished," they say, "a careful plan."
\q2 The inner thoughts and hearts of man are deep.
\v 7 But God will shoot them;
\q suddenly they will be wounded with his arrows.
\q2 suddenly they will be wounded with his arrows.
\v 8 They will be made to stumble, since their own tongues are against them;
\q all who see them will wag their heads.
\q2 all who see them will wag their heads.
\v 9 All people will fear
\q and will declare God's deeds.
\q They will wisely think about what he has done.
\q2 and will declare God's deeds.
\q2 They will wisely think about what he has done.
\v 10 The righteous will be glad about Yahweh and will take refuge in him;
\q all the upright in heart will take pride in him.
\q2 all the upright in heart will take pride in him.
\c 65
@ -4171,65 +4179,65 @@
\d For the chief musician. A psalm. A song of David.
\v 1 For you, God in Zion, our praise waits;
\q our vows will be carried out to you.
\q2 our vows will be carried out to you.
\v 2 You who hear prayer,
\q to you all flesh will come.
\q2 to you all flesh will come.
\v 3 Iniquities prevail against us;
\q as for our transgressions, you will forgive them.
\q2 as for our transgressions, you will forgive them.
\v 4 Blessed is the man whom you choose to bring near to you
\q so that he may live in your courts.
\q2 so that he may live in your courts.
\q We will be satisfied with the goodness of your house,
\q your holy temple.
\q2 your holy temple.
\v 5 In righteousness you will answer us by doing awesome deeds,
\q God of our salvation;
\q2 God of our salvation;
\q you who are hope of all the ends of the earth
\q and of those who are far across the sea.
\q2 and of those who are far across the sea.
\v 6 For it is you who made the mountains firm,
\q you who are girded with strength.
\q2 you who are girded with strength.
\v 7 It is you who quiet the roaring of the seas,
\q the roaring of their waves,
\q and the commotion of the peoples.
\q2 the roaring of their waves,
\q2 and the commotion of the peoples.
\v 8 Those who live in the uttermost parts of the earth are afraid of the evidence of your deeds;
\q you make the east and the west rejoice.
\q2 you make the east and the west rejoice.
\v 9 You come to help the earth; you water it;
\q you greatly enrich it;
\q2 you greatly enrich it;
\q the river of God is full of water;
\q you provide mankind grain when you have prepared the earth.
\q2 you provide mankind grain when you have prepared the earth.
\v 10 You water its furrows abundantly;
\q you settle down the furrows' ridges;
\q2 you settle down the furrows' ridges;
\q you make them soft with rain showers;
\q you bless the sprouts between them.
\q2 you bless the sprouts between them.
\v 11 You crown the year with your goodness,
\q and your wagon tracks overflow with abundance.
\q2 and your wagon tracks overflow with abundance.
\v 12 The pastures in the wilderness drip with dew,
\q and the hills are girded with joy.
\q2 and the hills are girded with joy.
\v 13 The pastures are clothed with flocks;
\q the valleys also are covered over with grain;
\q they shout for joy, and they sing.
\q2 the valleys also are covered over with grain;
\q2 they shout for joy, and they sing.
\c 66
@ -4239,84 +4247,85 @@
\v 1 Shout out loud to God, all the earth;
\v 2 Sing out the glory of his name;
\q make his praise glorious.
\q2 make his praise glorious.
\v 3 Say to God, "How terrifying are your deeds!
\q By the greatness of your power your enemies will submit to you.
\q2 By the greatness of your power
\q2 your enemies will submit to you.
\v 4 All the earth will worship you
\q and will sing to you;
\q they will sing praises to your name."
\q2 and will sing to you;
\q2 they will sing praises to your name."
\qs Selah\qs*
\v 5 Come and see the works of God;
\q he is fearsome in his deeds toward the sons of mankind.
\q2 he is fearsome in his deeds toward the sons of mankind.
\v 6 He turned the sea into dry land;
\q they went through the river on foot;
\q there we rejoiced in him.
\q2 they went through the river on foot;
\q2 there we rejoiced in him.
\v 7 He rules forever by his might;
\q his eyes observe the nations;
\q let not the rebellious exalt themselves.
\q2 his eyes observe the nations;
\q2 let not the rebellious exalt themselves.
\qs Selah\qs*
\v 8 Give blessing to God, you people,
\q let the sound of his praise be heard.
\q2 let the sound of his praise be heard.
\v 9 He keeps us among the living,
\q and he does not permit our feet to slip.
\q2 and he does not permit our feet to slip.
\v 10 For you, God, have tested us;
\q you have tested us as silver is tested.
\q2 you have tested us as silver is tested.
\v 11 You brought us into a net;
\q you laid a heavy burden on our backs.
\q2 you laid a heavy burden on our backs.
\v 12 You made people ride over our heads;
\q we went through fire and water,
\q but you brought us out into a spacious place.
\q2 we went through fire and water,
\q2 but you brought us out into a spacious place.
\v 13 I will come into your house with burnt offerings;
\q I will pay you my vows
\q2 I will pay you my vows
\v 14 which my lips promised
\q and my mouth spoke when I was in distress.
\q2 and my mouth spoke when I was in distress.
\v 15 I will offer to you burnt offerings of fat animals
\q with the sweet aroma of rams;
\q I will offer bulls and goats.
\q2 with the sweet aroma of rams;
\q2 I will offer bulls and goats.
\qs Selah\qs*
\v 16 Come and listen, all you who fear God,
\q and I will declare what he has done for my soul.
\q2 and I will declare what he has done for my soul.
\v 17 I cried to him with my mouth,
\q and he was praised with my tongue.
\q2 and he was praised with my tongue.
\v 18 If I had seen wickedness within my heart,
\q the Lord would not have listened to me.
\q2 the Lord would not have listened to me.
\v 19 But God has truly heard;
\q he has paid attention to the voice of my prayer.
\q2 he has paid attention to the voice of my prayer.
\v 20 Blessed be God,
\q who has not turned away my prayer
\q or his covenant faithfulness from me.
\q2 who has not turned away my prayer
\q2 or his covenant faithfulness from me.
\c 67
@ -4324,34 +4333,34 @@
\d For the chief musician; on stringed instruments. A psalm, a song.
\v 1 May God be merciful to us and bless us
\q and cause his face to shine on us
\q2 and cause his face to shine on us
\qs Selah\qs*
\v 2 so that your ways may be known on earth,
\q your salvation among all nations.
\q2 your salvation among all nations.
\v 3 Let the peoples praise you, God;
\q let all the peoples praise you.
\q2 let all the peoples praise you.
\v 4 Oh, let the nations be glad and sing for joy,
\q for you will judge the peoples with justice
\q and govern the nations on earth.
\q2 for you will judge the peoples with justice
\q2 and govern the nations on earth.
\qs Selah\qs*
\v 5 Let the peoples praise you, God;
\q let all the peoples praise you.
\q2 let all the peoples praise you.
\v 6 The earth has yielded its produce
\q and God, our God, has blessed us.
\q2 and God, our God, has blessed us.
\v 7 God has blessed us,
\q and all the ends of the earth honor him.
\q2 and all the ends of the earth honor him.
\c 68
@ -4359,151 +4368,153 @@
\d For the chief musician; A psalm of David, a song.
\v 1 Let God arise; let his enemies be scattered;
\q let those also who hate him flee before him.
\q2 let those also who hate him flee before him.
\v 2 As smoke is driven away, so drive them away;
\q as wax melts before the fire,
\q so let the wicked perish in the presence of God.
\q2 as wax melts before the fire,
\q2 so let the wicked perish in the presence of God.
\v 3 But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God;
\q may they rejoice with gladness.
\q2 may they rejoice with gladness.
\v 4 Sing to God! Sing praises to his name!
\q Praise the one who rides through the plains of the Jordan River valley!
\q Yah is his name! Rejoice before him! \f + \ft Yah is a short form of the name Yahweh.\f*
\q2 Praise the one who rides through the plains of the Jordan River valley!
\q2 Yah is his name! Rejoice before him! \f + \ft Yah is a short form of the name Yahweh.\f*
\v 5 A Father of the fatherless, a judge of the widows,
\q is God in the holy place where he lives.
\q2 is God in the holy place where he lives.
\v 6 God puts the lonely into families;
\q he brings out the prisoners with singing;
\q but the rebellious live in a parched land.
\q2 he brings out the prisoners with singing;
\q2 but the rebellious live in a parched land.
\v 7 God, when you went out before your people,
\q when you marched through the wilderness,
\q2 when you marched through the wilderness,
\qs Selah\qs*
\v 8 the earth trembled;
\q the heavens also dropped rain in God's presence,
\q in the presence of God when he came to Sinai, in the presence of God, the God of Israel.
\q2 the heavens also dropped rain in God's presence,
\q2 in the presence of God when he came to Sinai, in the presence of God, the God of Israel.
\v 9 You, God, sent a plentiful rain;
\q you strengthened your inheritance when it was weary.
\q2 you strengthened your inheritance when it was weary.
\v 10 Your people lived in it;
\q You, God, gave from your goodness to the poor.
\q2 You, God, gave from your goodness to the poor.
\v 11 The Lord gave the word,
\q and those who announced them were a great army.
\q2 and those who announced them were a great army.
\v 12 Kings of armies flee, they flee,
\q and the women waiting at home divide the plunder:
\v 13 the wings of a dove are covered with silver,
\q its feathers with shining gold.
\q2 its feathers with shining gold.
\q Yet some of you people lie down among the sheepfolds.
\v 14 The Almighty scattered kings there,
\q it was as when it snowed on Mount Zalmon.
\q2 it was as when it snowed on Mount Zalmon.
\v 15 A mighty mountain is the hill country of Bashan;
\q a high mountain is the hill country of Bashan.
\v 16 Why do you look in envy, you high hill country,
\q at the mountain which God desires for the place he will live?
\q Indeed, Yahweh will live in it forever.
\q2 at the mountain which God desires for the place he will live?
\q2 Indeed, Yahweh will live in it forever.
\v 17 The chariots of God are twenty thousand, thousands upon thousands;
\q the Lord is among them in the holy place, as at Sinai.
\v 17 The chariots of God are twenty thousand,
\q2 thousands upon thousands;
\q2 the Lord is among them in the holy place, as at Sinai.
\v 18 You have ascended on high; you have led away captives;
\q you have received gifts from among men,
\v 18 You have ascended on high;
\q2 you have led away captives;
\q2 you have received gifts from among men,
\q even from the rebellious,
\q so that Yah, God, might live there.\f + \ft Yah is a short form of the name Yahweh.\f*
\q2 so that Yah, God, might live there.\f + \ft Yah is a short form of the name Yahweh.\f*
\v 19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burdens,
\q the God who is our salvation.
\q2 the God who is our salvation.
\qs Selah\qs*
\v 20 Our God is a God who saves;
\q Yahweh the Lord is the one who is able to rescue us from death.
\q2 Yahweh the Lord is the one who is able to rescue us from death.
\v 21 But God will strike through the heads of his enemies,
\q through the hairy scalps of those who walk in offenses against him.
\q2 through the hairy scalps of those who walk in offenses against him.
\v 22 The Lord said, "I will bring my enemies back from Bashan;
\q I will bring them back from the depths of the sea
\q2 I will bring them back from the depths of the sea
\v 23 so that you may crush your enemies, dipping your foot in blood,
\q and so that the tongues of your dogs may have their share from your enemies."
\q2 and so that the tongues of your dogs may have their share from your enemies."
\v 24 They have seen your processions, God,
\q the processions of my God, my King, into the holy place.
\q2 the processions of my God, my King, into the holy place.
\v 25 The singers went first, the minstrels followed after,
\q and in the middle were the unmarried girls playing tambourines.
\q2 and in the middle were the unmarried girls playing tambourines.
\v 26 Bless God in the assemblies;
\q praise Yahweh, you who are from the fountain \f + \ft The copies of the ancient Hebrew text can be read either as \fqa from the fountain \fqa* or \fqa from the assembly \fqa* . \f* of Israel.
\q2 praise Yahweh, you who are from the fountain \f + \ft The copies of the ancient Hebrew text can be read either as \fqa from the fountain \fqa* or \fqa from the assembly \fqa* . \f* of Israel.
\v 27 There is Benjamin, the smallest tribe, ruling them,
\q then the leaders of Judah and their multitudes,
\q the leaders of Zebulun and the leaders of Naphtali.
\q2 then the leaders of Judah and their multitudes,
\q2 the leaders of Zebulun and the leaders of Naphtali.
\v 28 Your God, Israel, has decreed your strength;
\q reveal to us your power, God, as you have revealed it in times past.
\q2 reveal to us your power, God, as you have revealed it in times past.
\v 29 Reveal your power to us from your temple at Jerusalem,
\q where kings bring tribute to you.
\q2 where kings bring tribute to you.
\v 30 Rebuke the wild beasts in the reeds,
\q against the peoples, that multitude of bulls and calves.
\q2 against the peoples, that multitude of bulls and calves.
\q Humiliate them and make them bring you silver;
\q scatter the peoples who love to wage war.
\q2 scatter the peoples who love to wage war.
\v 31 Princes will come out of Egypt;
\q Cush will hurry to reach out with her hands to God.
\q2 Cush will hurry to reach out with her hands to God.
\v 32 Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth.
\qs Selah\qs*
\q Sing praises to the Lord,
\q2 Sing praises to the Lord,
\v 33 to him who rides on the heaven of heavens, which exist from ancient times;
\q see, he lifts up his voice with power.
\q2 see, he lifts up his voice with power.
\v 34 Ascribe strength to God;
\q his majesty is over Israel,
\q and his strength is in the skies.
\q2 his majesty is over Israel,
\q2 and his strength is in the skies.
\v 35 God, you are fearsome in your holy place;
\q the God of Israel—he gives strength and power to his people.
\q2 the God of Israel—he gives strength and power to his people.
\q Blessed be God.
@ -4512,83 +4523,90 @@
\d For the chief musician; set to Shoshannim. A psalm of David.
\v 1 Save me, God;
\q for the waters have put my life in danger.
\q2 for the waters have put my life in danger.
\v 2 I sink in deep mire, where there is no place to stand;
\q I have come into deep waters, where the floods flow over me.
\q2 I have come into deep waters, where the floods flow over me.
\v 3 I am weary with my crying; my throat is dry;
\q my eyes fail while I wait for my God.
\q2 my eyes fail while I wait for my God.
\v 4 Those who hate me without a cause are more than the hairs on my head;
\q those who would cut me off, being my enemies for wrong reasons, are mighty;
\q what I did not steal, I have to give back.
\v 4 Those who hate me without a cause
\q2 are more than the hairs on my head;
\q those who would cut me off,
\q2 being my enemies for wrong reasons, are mighty;
\q what I did not steal,
\q2 I have to give back.
\v 5 God, you know my foolishness,
\q and my sins are not hidden from you.
\q2 and my sins are not hidden from you.
\v 6 Let not those who hope in you be put to shame because of me, Lord Yahweh of hosts;
\q let not those who seek you be brought to dishonor because of me, God of Israel.
\q2 let not those who seek you be brought to dishonor because of me, God of Israel.
\v 7 For your sake I have borne rebuke;
\q shame has covered my face.
\q2 shame has covered my face.
\v 8 I have become a stranger to my brothers,
\q an alien to my mother's children.
\q2 an alien to my mother's children.
\v 9 For the zeal of your house has eaten me up,
\q and the rebukes of those who rebuke you have fallen on me.
\q2 and the rebukes of those who rebuke you have fallen on me.
\v 10 When I weep and fast,
\q I must endure scorn.
\q2 I must endure scorn.
\v 11 When I put on sackcloth,
\q I became a byword to them.
\q2 I became a byword to them.
\v 12 Those who sit in the city gate talk about me;
\q I am a song of drunkards.
\q2 I am a song of drunkards.
\v 13 But as for me, my prayer is to you, Yahweh, at a time that you will accept;
\q answer me in the trustworthiness of your salvation.
\v 13 But as for me, my prayer is to you, Yahweh,
\q2 at a time that you will accept;
\q2 answer me in the trustworthiness of your salvation.
\v 14 Pull me out of the mire, and do not let me sink;
\q let me be taken away from those who hate me and rescued out of the deep waters.
\v 14 Pull me out of the mire,
\q2 and do not let me sink;
\q let me be taken away from those who hate me
\q2 and rescued out of the deep waters.
\v 15 Do not let the floods of water overwhelm me,
\q neither let the deep swallow me up.
\q Do not let the pit shut its mouth on me.
\q2 neither let the deep swallow me up.
\q2 Do not let the pit shut its mouth on me.
\v 16 Answer me, Yahweh, for your covenant faithfulness is good;
\q because your mercies for me are many, turn to me.
\q2 because your mercies for me are many, turn to me.
\v 17 Do not hide your face from your servant,
\q for I am in distress; answer me quickly.
\q2 for I am in distress; answer me quickly.
\v 18 Come to me and redeem me.
\q Because of my enemies, ransom me.
\q2 Because of my enemies, ransom me.
\v 19 You know my rebuke, my shame, and my dishonor;
\q my adversaries are all before you.
\q2 my adversaries are all before you.
\v 20 Rebuke has broken my heart; I am full of heaviness;
\v 20 Rebuke has broken my heart;
\q2 I am full of heaviness;
\q I looked for someone to take pity, but there was none;
\q I looked for comforters, but I found none.
\q2 I looked for comforters, but I found none.
\v 21 They gave me poison for my food;
\q in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.
@ -4596,61 +4614,61 @@
\v 22 Let their table before them become a snare;
\q when they think they are in safety, let it become a trap.
\q2 when they think they are in safety, let it become a trap.
\v 23 Let their eyes be darkened so that they cannot see;
\q and always make their loins shake.
\q2 and always make their loins shake.
\v 24 Pour out your indignation on them,
\q and let your raging anger overtake them.
\q2 and let your raging anger overtake them.
\v 25 Let their encampment be a desolation;
\q let no one live in their tents.
\q2 let no one live in their tents.
\v 26 For they persecuted the one you struck down.
\q They repeated the account of the pain of those you have wounded.
\q2 They repeated the account of the pain of those you have wounded.
\v 27 Accuse them of having committed iniquity after iniquity;
\q do not let them come into your righteous victory.
\q2do not let them come into your righteous victory.
\v 28 Let them be blotted out of the Book of Life
\q and not be written down along with the righteous.
\q2 and not be written down along with the righteous.
\v 29 But I am poor and in pain;
\q let your salvation, God, set me up on high.
\q2 let your salvation, God, set me up on high.
\v 30 I will praise the name of God with a song
\q and will exalt him with thanksgiving.
\q2 and will exalt him with thanksgiving.
\v 31 That will please Yahweh better than an ox
\q or a bull that has horns and hooves.
\q2 or a bull that has horns and hooves.
\v 32 The meek have seen it and are glad;
\q you who seek after God, let your hearts live.
\q2 you who seek after God, let your hearts live.
\v 33 For Yahweh hears the needy
\q and does not despise his prisoners.
\q2 and does not despise his prisoners.
\v 34 Let heaven and earth praise him,
\q the seas and everything that moves in them.
\q2 the seas and everything that moves in them.
\v 35 For God will save Zion and will rebuild the cities of Judah;
\q the people will live there and have it as a possession.
\q2 the people will live there and have it as a possession.
\v 36 His servants' descendants will inherit it;
\q and those who love his name will live there.
\q2and those who love his name will live there.
\c 70