\s5 \c 143 \d A psalm written by David. \b \q1 \v 1 Yahweh, hear me while I pray to you! \q2 Because you are righteous \q2 and because you faithfully do what you have promised, \q2 listen to what I am pleading for you to do for me. \q1 \v 2 I am one who worships you; \q1 do not judge me \q2 because you do not consider anyone to be completely innocent. \b \s5 \q1 \v 3 My enemies have pursued me; \q2 they have completely defeated me. \q1 It is as though they have put me in a dark prison \q1 where I have nothing good to hope for. \q1 \v 4 So I am very discouraged in my inner being; \q2 I am very dismayed. \b \s5 \q1 \v 5 I remember what has happened previously; \q2 I meditate on all the things that you have done; \q1 I consider all the great deeds that you have performed. \q1 \v 6 I lift up my hands to you while I pray; \q2 I want very much to be with you as much as I would thirst for water in a vast wilderness. \b \s5 \q1 \v 7 Yahweh, I am very discouraged, \q2 so please answer me right now! \q1 Do not keep away from me \q2 because if you do that, I will soon be among those who descend to where the dead people are. \q1 \v 8 Every morning cause me to remember that you faithfully love me \q2 because I trust in you. \q1 I pray to you; \q2 show me the things that I should do. \s5 \q1 \v 9 Yahweh, I have gone to you for you to protect me, \q2 so rescue me from my enemies. \q1 \v 10 You are my God; \q2 teach me to do what you want me to do. \q1 I want your good Spirit to show me the right things to do. \b \s5 \q1 \v 11 Yahweh, restore me when I am close to dying as you promised to do \q2 because you are righteous! \q1 \v 12 I am one who serves you; \q1 so because you faithfully love me as you promised to do, \q2 kill my enemies \q2 and get rid of all those who oppress me.