\s5 \c 126 \d A psalm written for people going up to the temple to worship. \b \q1 \v 1 When Yahweh made Jerusalem prosperous again, \q1 it was wonderful; \q2 it seemed as though we were dreaming. \s5 \q1 \v 2 We were extremely happy, \q1 and we continued shouting joyfully. \q1 Then the other people groups said about us, \q2 "Yahweh has done great things for them!" \q1 \v 3 We said, "Yes, Yahweh truly has done great things for us, \q2 and we are very happy." \b \s5 \q1 \v 4 Restore us, O Yahweh, like the rains that fill the streams in the southern Judean wilderness. \q2 Enable our nation to become great again like it was before. \q1 \v 5 We cried when we planted seeds because it was hard work preparing the soil that had not been plowed for many years; \q1 now we want to shout joyfully because we are gathering a big harvest. \q1 \v 6 Those who cried as they carried the bags of seeds to the fields will shout joyfully \q2 when they bring the crops to their houses at harvest time.