\s5 \c 3 \m \d A psalm written by David when he was fleeing from his son Absalom \v 1 Yahweh, I have many enemies! \q2 There are many people who oppose me. \q1 \v 2 Many people are saying about me, \q2 "God will certainly not help him." \s5 \q2 \v 3 But Yahweh, you are like a shield that protects me. \q1 You greatly honor me, and you encourage me. \q1 \v 4 I cry out to you, Yahweh, \q2 and you answer me from Zion, your sacred hill. \s5 \q1 \v 5 At night I lay down and slept, and I woke up in the morning \q2 because you, Yahweh, took care of me all during the night. \q1 \v 6 There may be thousands of enemy soldiers who surround me, \q2 but I am not afraid. \s5 \q1 \v 7 Yahweh, arise! \q2 My God, come and rescue me again! \q1 You will insult my enemies by slapping them on their cheeks; \q2 when you strike them, you will destroy their power, \q2 with the result that they cannot hurt anyone. \q1 \v 8 Yahweh, you are the one who saves your people from their enemies. \q2 Yahweh, bless your people!