From f7f19709046d1576b086ed69ea2a80217feb83be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TomWarren Date: Tue, 22 May 2018 10:48:17 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] From Forest Deal edits in Jhn --- 44-JHN.usfm | 147 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 97 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-) diff --git a/44-JHN.usfm b/44-JHN.usfm index 1263aa50..1e817df0 100644 --- a/44-JHN.usfm +++ b/44-JHN.usfm @@ -1255,16 +1255,16 @@ John answered, "No." \s5 \v 16 I am telling you the truth: A servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who has sent him. -\v 17 If you know these things, how fortunate you will be if you do them. +\v 17 If you know these things, how fortunate you will be if you do them." \p -\v 18 I am not saying this about all of you. I know the ones I have chosen. However, what is written in scripture must come true: 'The one who ate my food with me as a friend, he has turned against me and treated me like an enemy.' +\v 18 "I am not saying this about all of you. I know the ones I have chosen. However, what is written in scripture must come true: 'The one who ate my food with me as a friend, he has turned against me and treated me like an enemy.' \s5 \p \v 19 I am telling you this now before he hands me over so that when it does happen, you may believe that I am God. -\v 20 I am telling you the truth: If you receive the one I send to you, you are also receiving me; and whoever receives me, is also receiving my Father, the one who sent me." +\v 20 I am telling you the truth: If you receive the one I send to you, you are also receiving me; and whoever receives me is also receiving my Father, the one who sent me." \s5 \p @@ -1288,9 +1288,9 @@ John answered, "No." \s5 \p \v 31 After Judas left, Jesus said, "Now God will make people know what I, the Son of Man, am doing. I, the Son of Man, will make people know what God is doing as well, and people will praise him for it. -\v 32 Since I, the Son of Man, make God known to people and since I honor him, God will also honor me. God will do this immediately. +\v 32 Since I, the Son of Man, make God known to people and since I honor him, God will also honor me. God will do this immediately." \p -\v 33 Little children, I am with you just a little while longer. You will look for me; but, just as I told the Jews, and as I am now telling you, where I am going, you cannot come. +\v 33 "Little children, I am with you just a little while longer. You will look for me; but, just as I told the Jews, and as I am now telling you, where I am going, you cannot come. \s5 \v 34 I will give you this new command: You must love one another, just as I have loved you. @@ -1323,7 +1323,7 @@ John answered, "No." \s5 \p \v 8 Philip said to Jesus, "Lord, show us the Father and that will be all we will ever want!" -\v 9 Jesus said to him, "Philip, I have been with you so long, and still you do not know me. Those who have seen me, have seen my Father. So why do you say 'Show us the Father'? +\v 9 Jesus said to him, "Philip, I have been with you so long, and still you do not know me. Those who have seen me have seen my Father. So why do you say 'Show us the Father'? \s5 \v 10 Do you not believe that I am joined to my Father and that my Father is joined to me? The things I have told you—I did not think of these things; rather, it is my Father who has sent me to tell you all of these things, for my Father is joined to me and works through me. @@ -1332,13 +1332,14 @@ John answered, "No." \s5 \v 12 I am telling you the truth: Whoever trusts in me will also do the things that I do. He will do even greater works because I am going to be with the Father. \v 13 Whatever you ask in my name, that I will do. I will do this in order that everyone might honor the Father and that they might know the Father because of everything that I, his Son, do. -\v 14 If you ask the Father for anything because you belong to me, I will do it. +\v 14 If you ask the Father for anything because you belong to me, I will do it." \s5 \p -\v 15 If you love me, you will live as I have taught you. +\v 15 "If you love me, you will live as I have taught you. \v 16 Then I will ask the Father to give you another gift, and he will send you another Helper, one who will come alongside you to be with you forever. \v 17 He is the Spirit who tells the truth about God. The unbelieving people in this world will never welcome Him. The world cannot see him or know him. You know him because he lives with you and he will be joined to you. + \s5 \v 18 I will not abandon you and leave you with no one to care for you; I will come to you. \v 19 Soon the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you will live. @@ -1356,10 +1357,11 @@ John answered, "No." \s5 \v 25 I have said these things to you while I am still with you. \v 26 The Helper, the one who comes alongside to be with you—my Father will send him in my name. He will teach you everything that you need to know. He will also cause you to remember all the things that I have told you. -\v 27 As I leave you with peace, it is my peace that I am giving to you. I give you a kind of peace no one and nothing that belongs to this world can give you. So do not be upset or anxious; and do not be afraid. +\v 27 As I leave you with peace, it is my peace that I am giving to you. I give you a kind of peace no one and nothing that belongs to this world can give you. So do not be upset or anxious; and do not be afraid." + \s5 \p -\v 28 You heard me say to you that I am going away and will later come back to you. If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going back to the Father because the Father is greater than I am. +\v 28 "You heard me say to you that I am going away and will later come back to you. If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going back to the Father because the Father is greater than I am. \v 29 I have told you these things now before they happen so that, when they do happen, you will continue to trust me. \s5 \v 30 I will not be able to talk with you much longer because the ruler of this world is coming. However, he has no power over me, @@ -1375,18 +1377,18 @@ John answered, "No." \v 2 Every branch in me that does not grow fruit—my Father cuts it off and takes it away. As for every branch that gives good fruit, he makes it clean by pruning it so that it may produce even more fruit. \s5 \v 3 You are already pure because of the message I spoke to you. -\v 4 Remain joined to me, and I will remain joined to you. As the branch cannot bear any fruit on its own, neither can you bear fruit unless you stay joined to me and depend upon me for everything. +\v 4 Remain joined to me, and I will remain joined to you. As the branch cannot bear any fruit on its own, neither can you bear fruit unless you stay joined to me and depend upon me for everything." \s5 \p -\v 5 I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain joined to me and I remain joined to you, you will bear much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing at all. +\v 5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain joined to me and I remain joined to you, you will bear much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing at all. \v 6 Everyone who does not stay joined to me and draw his life from me will be thrown away like a dead branch. Those branches are gathered together and thrown into the fire and burned. \v 7 If you stay joined to me and live by my message, you can ask God for anything, and he will do it. \s5 -\v 8 When you bear much fruit, it causes people to honor the Father. Then you are my disciples. +\v 8 When you bear much fruit, it causes people to honor the Father. Then you are my disciples." \p -\v 9 As the Father loved me, so I have loved you. Continue to allow me to love you. +\v 9 "As the Father loved me, so I have loved you. Continue to allow me to love you. \s5 \v 10 If you obey what I tell you to do, you will continue to allow me to love you. You will be like me in this way: I obeyed what my Father required me to do, and because of my obedience, I have stayed in his love. That will be true of you, too. @@ -1402,12 +1404,12 @@ John answered, "No." \s5 \v 16 You did not choose me, but I chose you for a reason, so that you should go out and bear much fruit and so that your fruit should last forever. As a result, everything you ask the Father in my name, he will do for you. -\v 17 This is what I command you to do: Love one another. +\v 17 This is what I command you to do: Love one another." \s5 \p -\v 18 If the world despises you, you should realize that it hated me first. +\v 18 "If the world despises you, you should realize that it hated me first. \v 19 If you belonged to the unbelievers in this world, the world would love you, and you would love what they love and do what they do. But you do not belong to them; instead, I chose you to come out from among them. That is the reason the unbelievers in this world despise you. \s5 \v 20 Remember when I taught you this: 'A servant is not greater than his master.' Since they have made me suffer, you can be sure they will make you suffer also. If any of them have received my teachings and followed them, they will also follow what you teach them. @@ -1417,19 +1419,18 @@ John answered, "No." \s5 \v 23 Whoever hates me also hates my Father. \v 24 If I had not done those things among them, those things in which I showed my power, things that no one else has ever done, they would not have been guilty of sin. Yet now that they have seen me, they hate me, and they hate my Father, too. - -\v 25 These words were written in their law and have now come true: 'They hated me for no reason.' +\v 25 These words were written in their law and have now come true: 'They hated me for no reason.'" \s5 \p -\v 26 When the Helper comes, he is the one who will come from the Father and who will comfort you. He is the Spirit who tells the truth about God and me. He will tell everyone who I am, and he will show everyone all that I have done. +\v 26 "When the Helper comes, he is the one who will come from the Father and who will comfort you. He is the Spirit who tells the truth about God and me. He will tell everyone who I am, and he will show everyone all that I have done. \v 27 You also must tell everyone what you know about me because you have been with me the whole time from the very first days when I began to teach the people and to do miracles." \s5 \c 16 \p -\v 1 I told you these things so that you would not stumble or stop trusting in me because of the difficulties you must face. +\v 1 "I told you these things so that you would not stumble or stop trusting in me because of the difficulties you must face. \v 2 Difficult days are ahead. Your enemies will stop you from worshiping in the synagogues. However, something even worse will happen. The days are coming when people will put you to death and think that they are pleasing God. \s5 \v 3 They will do this because they have not known the Father or me. @@ -1443,21 +1444,22 @@ John answered, "No." \v 7 I tell you the truth, it is good for you that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Helper who comforts you will not come. If I go away, I will send him to you. \s5 -\v 8 When the Helper comes, he will convict them of the sins they have committed; he will show them that they do not reach God's standard of goodness; and he promises them that God will judge them because they did what God commanded them not to do. +\v 8 When the Helper comes, he will convict them of the sins they have committed; he will show them that they do not reach God's standard of goodness; and he will promise them that God will judge them because they did what God commanded them not to do. \v 9 Their guilt from sin comes because they could not put their trust in me. \v 10 Their failure to measure up to God's standard of goodness is confirmed because I am going back to my Father, and you will no longer see me. -\v 11 Their final accounting will come when God brings his punishment against them for their sin. This is shown by the punishment that Satan, the prince of this world, will receive because he fought against God. +\v 11 Their final accounting will come when God brings his punishment against them for their sin. This is shown by the punishment that Satan, the prince of this world, will receive because he fought against God." + \s5 \p -\v 12 I have many more things I want to tell you. However, if I tell you now, you will not be able to live well knowing these things. +\v 12 "I have many more things I want to tell you. However, if I tell you now, you will not be able to live well knowing these things. \v 13 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will lead you into all the truth you need to know. He will not speak from his own authority, but whatever he hears he will tell you, and he will tell you ahead of time about things that will happen. \v 14 The Spirit will honor me by telling you who I am and showing you what I have done. He will explain to you everything he heard from me. \s5 -\v 15 Everything my Father has belongs to me. That is why I said that the Spirit will take whatever he receives from me and will explain it to you. +\v 15 Everything my Father has belongs to me. That is why I said that the Spirit will take whatever he receives from me and will explain it to you." \p -\v 16 In a little while, you will not see me. Then after a little while, you will see me again." +\v 16 "In a little while, you will not see me. Then after a little while, you will see me again." \s5 \v 17 So some of his disciples said to one another, "What does Jesus mean when he says to us, 'In a little while, you will not see me,' and 'after a little while, you will see me again' and what does he mean by 'because I am going back to my Father'?" @@ -1498,17 +1500,17 @@ John answered, "No." \c 17 \p \v 1 After Jesus said these things, he looked up to the sky and said, "Father, it is time for you to announce to everyone and to tell them who I, your Son, am, and to show them all that I have done. Do this so that I, your Son, may reveal you to everyone who you really are, the great King who can do anything. -\v 2 Do this just as you have allowed me, your Son, to rule over all people. Father, you have done this in order that I might be able to them live forever—all whom you have given to me. +\v 2 Do this just as you have allowed me, your Son, to rule over all people. Father, you have done this in order that I might be able to give eternal life to all the people you have given to me. \s5 \v 3 This is everlasting life: To know you, Father—you, who are the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one whom you have sent into the world. \v 4 I have brought all kinds of people to you to show them all about you. I did this by finishing the work you gave me. -\v 5 Father, give me honor by bringing me into your own presence, as we were before the time we created the world. +\v 5 Father, give me honor by bringing me into your own presence, as we were before the time we created the world." \s5 \p -\v 6 Those whom you chose from everyone in this world to belong to me—I have taught them who you really are and what you are like. They belonged to you and you have given them to me. They have believed in what you said to them, and they have obeyed it. +\v 6 "Those whom you chose from everyone in this world to belong to me—I have taught them who you really are and what you are like. They belonged to you and you have given them to me. They have believed in what you said to them, and they have obeyed it. \v 7 Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you. \v 8 I gave them the message that you gave me. They accepted it, and now they know for sure that I came from you, and they believe that you sent me. @@ -1535,16 +1537,17 @@ John answered, "No." \s5 \p \v 20 "I am praying not only for these, but also I am praying for those who will trust in me when they hear their message. -\v 21 I pray that they may all be united, just as you and I are united. Father, you are united to me, and I am to you—may they also be united to us. Do this so that the world will know you sent me. +\v 21 I pray that they may all be united, just as you and I are united. Father, you are united to me, and I am united to you, and so, may they also be united to us. Do this so that the world will know you sent me. \s5 \v 22 I have shown them who I am, and they have seen what I have done. I have taught them this so that they may be united together, as you and I are united. \v 23 I am united with them and you are united with me. I have done this so that they may be perfectly united together and so that the unbelievers may know that you sent me and that you love them, just as you love me. \s5 \p -\v 24 "Father, I want these whom you have given to me to be with me always where I am so that they can see the splendor and majesty you will give to me when I am with you. You do this because you have loved me from before the time we created the world. +\v 24 "Father, I want these whom you have given to me to be with me always where I am so that they can see the splendor and majesty you will give to me when I am with you. You do this because you have loved me from before the time we created the world." + \s5 \p -\v 25 O Righteous Father, the world does not know you, but I know you; and these with me here know that you have sent me to them. +\v 25 "O Righteous Father, the world does not know you, but I know you; and these with me here know that you have sent me to them. \v 26 I have made them know who you are. I will continue to do this so that you may love them like you love me and so that I may be united with them." @@ -1586,7 +1589,7 @@ John answered, "No." \p \v 15 Simon Peter followed Jesus and so did another disciple. The other disciple was known to the high priest, so he had permission to enter the high priest's courtyard when the soldiers took Jesus. -\v 16 Peter had to stop outside at the gate. So the other disciple went out again and spoke to the servant girl who was watching the gate, and she let Peter in. +\v 16 Peter had to stop outside at the gate. So the other disciple went out again and he spoke to the servant girl who was watching the gate, and he let Peter in. \s5 \v 17 That servant girl said to Peter, "You are one the disciples of the man whom they have arrested, are you not?" He said, "No, I am not." @@ -1651,26 +1654,35 @@ John answered, "No." \p \v 4 Pilate came outside again and said to the people, "Look, I am bringing him out to you so that you can know that I find no reason to punish him." \v 5 So Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. Pilate said to them, "Look, here is the man!" -\v 6 When the chief priests and temple guards saw him, they shouted, "Crucify him! Crucify him!" Pilate said to them, "Take him yourselves and crucify him! As for me, I find no reason to punish him." +\q +\v 6 When the chief priests and temple guards saw him, they shouted, "Crucify him! Crucify him!" +\q Pilate said to them, "Take him yourselves and crucify him! As for me, I find no reason to punish him." \s5 \v 7 The Jewish leaders replied to Pilate, "We have a certain law that says he ought to die because he claimed to be the Son of God." +\q \v 8 When Pilate heard this, he was even more afraid. \v 9 He entered his headquarters once more and called the soldiers to bring Jesus back inside. Then he said to Jesus, "From where do you come?" However, Jesus gave him no answer. \s5 \v 10 So Pilate said to him, "Will you not speak to me? Do you not know that I have authority to release you, and I also have authority to crucify you?" +\q \v 11 Jesus answered him, "You would have no authority over me at all, if God had not given it to you. So the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a worse sin." \s5 \p \v 12 From that moment on, Pilate kept trying to release Jesus. However, the Jewish leaders cried out, "If you release this man, you are no friend of Caesar! Anyone who makes himself a king, stands opposed to Caesar." \v 13 When Pilate heard that, he brought Jesus out. Then Pilate sat down before him in the judgment seat, the place where he usually pronounced verdicts. This was called "The Stone Pavement," and in Aramaic it was "Gabbatha." +\q \s5 \v 14 Now it was the day before the Passover Festival, the day of preparation. It was almost noontime when Pilate said to the Jews, "See, here is your king!" -\v 15 They shouted, "Take him away! Take him away! Crucify him!" Pilate said to them, "Should I crucify your king?" The chief priests replied, "We have no king but Caesar!" +\q +\v 15 They shouted, "Take him away! Take him away! Crucify him!" +\q Pilate said to them, "Should I crucify your king?" +\q The chief priests replied, "We have no king but Caesar!" \v 16 So Pilate handed Jesus over to them, and they took him away. +\q \p @@ -1685,6 +1697,7 @@ John answered, "No." \s5 \v 21 The chief priests went back to Pilate and said, "You should not have written, 'King of the Jews', but rather, this man said, 'I am King of the Jews.'" +\q \v 22 Pilate replied, "You must leave the sign exactly as I have written it." \q @@ -1699,6 +1712,7 @@ John answered, "No." \v 25 The soldiers did those things. \p Jesus' mother, his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene were all standing near his cross. \v 26 When Jesus saw his mother standing there and John, the disciple whom he especially loved, standing nearby, he said to his mother, "Mother, here is the one who will act like a son to you." +\q \v 27 And he said to the disciple, "Here is your mother!" So from that very moment, that disciple took her to live in his home. @@ -1707,6 +1721,7 @@ John answered, "No." \v 28 A little later, Jesus knew that everything that God sent him to do had now been done, and in order to make come true one final thing that the scriptures had foretold, he said, "I am thirsty!" \v 29 A jar of sour wine stood there, so they took a short branch from a hyssop plant and put a sponge on it, and they dipped in the sour wine and held it up to Jesus' mouth. \v 30 After Jesus drank the sour wine, he said, "It is finished," and he bowed his head and died. +\q \s5 \p @@ -1731,21 +1746,21 @@ John answered, "No." \s5 \v 40 They took the body of Jesus and wrapped it in strips of linen cloth, and they packed the wrappings full with all the spices. \v 41 Now in the place where Jesus was crucified was a garden, and at the edge of the garden was a new tomb in which no one had been buried. -\v 42 The Passover was about to begin that evening, and they chose this tomb because it was close at hand and because they could bury Jesus quickly. So they laid Jesus there. +\v 42 The Passover was about to begin that evening, and they chose the tomb where they would bury Jesus because it was close at hand. That is where they laid the body of Jesus. \s5 \c 20 - - \p \v 1 Now on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb very early in the day, while it was still dark. She saw that someone had moved the stone away from the tomb. \v 2 So she ran to Jerusalem, where Simon Peter and the other disciple—the one whom Jesus loved—were staying, and told them, "They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we do not know where they have put him!" +\p \s5 \v 3 When they heard this, Peter and the other disciple rushed out to the tomb. \v 4 They were both running, but the other disciple was faster than Peter and reached the tomb first. \v 5 He bent down and looked into the tomb; he saw the strips of linen lying there, but he hesitated to go in. +\p \s5 \v 6 Then Simon Peter, who was running behind him, arrived there, but he went inside the tomb. He, too, saw the strips of linen cloth lying there, @@ -1761,15 +1776,23 @@ John answered, "No." \s5 \v 11 Mary was left standing just outside the tomb, weeping. As she wept, she bent down and looked into the tomb. \v 12 She saw two angels dressed in white robes sitting on the very place where Jesus' body had been, one at the head, the other at the feet. -\v 13 They said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping?" She said to them, "They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have put him!" +\p +\v 13 They said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping?" +\q She said to them, "They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have put him!" \s5 \v 14 After she said that, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it was he. -\v 15 He said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping? For whom are you looking?" She thought the man speaking to her was the gardener, and she said to him, "Sir, if you carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will take him." +\q +\v 15 He said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping? For whom are you looking?" +\q She thought the man speaking to her was the gardener, and she said to him, "Sir, if you carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will take him." +\p \s5 -\v 16 Jesus said to her, "Mary." She turned and said to him in Aramaic, "Rabboni!" (which means "Teacher"). +\v 16 Jesus said to her, "Mary." +\q She turned and said to him in Aramaic, "Rabboni!" (which means "Teacher"). +\q \v 17 Jesus said to her, "Do not touch me, for I have not yet gone up to heaven to be with my Father. Go to my disciples and tell them, 'I am about to return to heaven to be with my Father and your Father, to the one who is my God and your God.'" +\q \v 18 Mary Magdalene went to the disciples and announced, "I have seen the Lord"—and she reported to them what Jesus had said to her. @@ -1777,6 +1800,7 @@ John answered, "No." \p \v 19 On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors were locked, and the disciples were staying inside because they were afraid that the Jewish authorities might arrest them. Suddenly Jesus came and stood in the middle of their group; he said to them, "May God give you peace." \v 20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples had great joy when they saw the Lord! +\p \s5 \v 21 Jesus said to them again, "May God give you peace. Just as the Father sent me, now I am sending you." @@ -1786,18 +1810,22 @@ John answered, "No." \s5 \p \v 24 Now Thomas, one of the twelve, who was called "The Twin," was not with the other disciples when Jesus came to them. -\v 25 The other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord." However, he said to them, "Unless I see the marks of the nails in his hands and put my fingers in the holes made by the nails, and unless I put my hand into the gaping wound on his side, I will never put my trust in him." +\v 25 The other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord." +\q However, he said to them, "Unless I see the marks of the nails in his hands and put my fingers in the holes made by the nails, and unless I put my hand into the gaping wound on his side, I will never put my trust in him." \s5 \p \v 26 Eight days later, his disciples were again inside the house, and this time Thomas was with them. Although the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them, and he said to them all, "May God give you peace." +\q \v 27 Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here and see my hands, and put out your hand and place it in my side! Stop doubting that it is I; put your trust in me." +\q + \s5 \v 28 Thomas answered him, "My Lord and my God!" +\q \v 29 Jesus said to him, "Now you believe that I have risen because you see me. Yet God gives great happiness to those who have not seen me and still believe." - \s5 \p \v 30 Now Jesus did many other works of power and miracles that proved who he is. The disciples witnessed them, but they were so numerous that I have not written them all down in this book. @@ -1809,21 +1837,29 @@ John answered, "No." \p \v 1 After that, Jesus appeared to the disciples by Lake Tiberias (also known as the Sea of Galilee). He made himself known in this way: \v 2 Simon Peter, Thomas (called The Twin), Nathaniel of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee (James and John), and two other disciples, were together. -\v 3 Simon Peter said to the others, "I am going fishing." They said, "We will go with you." They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing. +\v 3 Simon Peter said to the others, "I am going fishing." +\q They said, "We will go with you." They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing. +\p \s5 \v 4 In the morning as day was breaking, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. -\v 5 Jesus said to them, "My friends, do you have any fish?" They said, "No." +\q +\v 5 Jesus said to them, "My friends, do you have any fish?" +\q They said, "No." +\q \v 6 He said to them, "Throw your net out off the right side of the boat and you will find some." They cast it as he told them, and they caught so many fish in the net that they were unable to pull the net into the boat! \s5 -\v 7 John, the disciple whom Jesus especially loved, said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" When Simon Peter heard him say this, he tucked up his outer garment around himself (he had worn almost nothing while working), and jumped into the water. +\v 7 John, the disciple whom Jesus especially loved, said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" +\q When Simon Peter heard him say this, he tucked up his outer garment around himself (he had worn almost nothing while working), and jumped into the water. \v 8 The other disciples came to shore in the boat, pulling behind the net full of fish. They were not far from shore, only ninety meters away. \v 9 When they got to shore, they saw a charcoal fire ready and hot, with fish cooking on it, and there was some bread. +\p \s5 \v 10 Jesus said to them, "Bring some of the fish that you have just caught!" \v 11 Simon Peter got back in the boat and dragged the net to the shore, full of large fish. There were 153 of them. Even so, the net was not torn. +\p \s5 \v 12 Jesus said to them, "Come and eat breakfast!" None of the disciples dared to ask him, "Who are you?" They knew it was the Lord. @@ -1832,11 +1868,20 @@ John answered, "No." \s5 \p -\v 15 When they finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these others love me?" Peter said to him, "Yes, Lord, you know I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my lambs." -\v 16 Jesus said to him a second time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" He replied, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Be a shepherd to my sheep." +\v 15 When they finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these others love me?" +\q Peter said to him, "Yes, Lord, you know I love you." +\q Jesus said, "Feed my lambs." +\p +\v 16 Jesus said to him a second time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" +\q He replied, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." +\q Jesus said to him, "Be a shepherd to my sheep." +\p \s5 -\v 17 Jesus said to him a third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" Peter was grieved because Jesus asked him three times, "Do you love me?" Peter said, "Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my sheep." +\v 17 Jesus said to him a third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" +\q Peter was grieved because Jesus asked him three times, "Do you love me?" Peter said, "Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you." +\q Jesus said, "Feed my sheep." +\p \v 18 I am telling you the truth: When you were young, you put your own clothes on and you walked about wherever you wanted to go. However, when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone will dress you and will lead you where you do not want to go." \s5 @@ -1844,8 +1889,9 @@ John answered, "No." \s5 \p -\v 20 Peter turned around and saw John, the disciple whom Jesus especially loved following them. He was the one who had leaned close to Jesus at the table and said, "Lord, who is going to hand you over to your enemies?" +\v 20 Peter turned around and saw John, the disciple whom Jesus especially loved, following them. He was the one who had leaned close to Jesus at the table and said, "Lord, who is going to hand you over to your enemies?" \v 21 When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, "Lord, what is going to happen to this man?" +\p \s5 \v 22 Jesus said to him, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, that is not your concern! You follow me." @@ -1853,7 +1899,8 @@ John answered, "No." \s5 \p -\v 24 I, John, am the disciple who is bearing witness about all these things, and I have written them down. We know that his testimony is true. +\v 24 "I, John, am the disciple who is bearing witness about all these things, and I have written them down." +\q Many others know him, and we know that his testimony is true. \p \v 25 Jesus did many other things, so many that if they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written.