JAS 3-5 minor edits/corrections

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Bob Johnson 2019-04-08 10:15:26 +00:00
parent 98ef183f96
commit ecacbce0f0
1 changed files with 8 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
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\v 3 To illustrate, if we put a small metal bit into the mouth of a horse in order to cause the horse to obey us, we can turn the horse's large body and cause it to go where we want it to. \v 3 To illustrate, if we put a small metal bit into the mouth of a horse in order to cause the horse to obey us, we can turn the horse's large body and cause it to go where we want it to.
\v 4 Think also about ships. Although a ship may be very large and although it can be moved by strong winds, by turning a very small rudder people can direct the ship wherever they want it to go. \v 4 Think also about ships. Although a ship may be very large and although it can be moved by strong winds, by turning a very small rudder, people can direct the ship wherever they want it to go.
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\v 5 In the same way, although our tongues are very small, if we do not control them, we can harm people when we use our tongues to boast about the great things we have done. Think also about how a great forest can be set on fire by a little flame. \v 5 In the same way, although our tongues are very small, if we do not control them, we can harm people when we use our tongues to boast about the great things we have done. Think also about how a great forest can be set on fire by a little flame.
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\v 6 Just like a fire burns a forest, when we say things that are evil, we can destroy many people. What we say reveals that there is much evil within us. What we say contaminates all that we think and do. Just like a flame of fire easily causes the whole surrounding area to burn, what we say can cause sons and daughters and their descendants to want to do evil for the rest of their lives. It is the devil himself who influences us to speak what is evil. \v 6 Just like a fire burns a forest, when we say things that are evil, we can destroy many people. What we say reveals that there is much evil within us. What we say contaminates all that we think and do. Just like a flame of fire easily causes the whole surrounding area to burn, what we say can cause sons and daughters and their descendants to want to do evil for the rest of their lives. It is the devil himself who influences us to speak what is evil.
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\v 7 Although people are able to tame all kinds of wild animals, birds, reptiles and creatures that live in the water, and people have tamed them, \v 7 Although people are able to tame all kinds of wild animals, birds, reptiles, and creatures that live in the water, and people have tamed them,
\v 8 no one is able to control what he says. The words we speak are an uncontrolled evil. Our words can do great harm, just like poison that kills. \v 8 no one is able to control what he says. The words we speak are an uncontrolled evil. Our words can do great harm, just like poison that kills.
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\v 10 Out of the same mouth we give honor to our Lord and Father and we speak curse words to others. My brothers and sisters, this should not be! \v 10 Out of the same mouth we give honor to our Lord and Father and we speak curse words to others. My brothers and sisters, this should not be!
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\v 11 Surely bitter water and good water do not come out of the same spring! \v 11 Surely, bitter water and good water do not come out of the same spring!
\v 12 My brothers and sisters, a fig tree cannot produce olives. Nor can a grapevine produce figs. Neither can a salty spring produce good water. Similarly, we should speak only what is good, and we should not speak what is evil. \v 12 My brothers and sisters, a fig tree cannot produce olives. Nor can a grapevine produce figs. Neither can a salty spring produce good water. Similarly, we should speak only what is good, and we should not speak what is evil.
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\v 13 Are any of you wise and understanding? That person should show his wisdom and understanding by the way he lives his life. He should show his good life by demonstrating the humility that comes when a person has wisdom. \v 13 Are any of you wise and understanding? That person should show his wisdom and understanding by the way he lives his life. He should show his good life by demonstrating the humility that comes when a person has wisdom.
\v 14 But if you are very envious of other people and tell lies about them and do them wrong, you should not pretend that you are wise. By boasting like that you are saying that what is true is actually false. \v 14 But if you are very envious of other people and tell lies about them and do them wrong, you should not pretend that you are wise. By boasting like that, you are saying that what is true is actually false.
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\v 15 Those who think like this are not wise as God wants them to be. Instead, they are only thinking and acting as people who do not honor him. They think and act according to their own evil desires. They do what the demons want them to do. \v 15 Those who think like this are not wise as God wants them to be. Instead, they are only thinking and acting as people who do not honor him. They think and act according to their own evil desires. They do what the demons want them to do.
\v 16 Remember that people who think like this do not control themselves. They envy other people and act as if what they were doing were right, but it is wrong. They do every sort of evil. \v 16 Remember that people who think like this do not control themselves. They envy other people and act as if what they were doing were right, but it is wrong. They do every sort of evil.
\v 17 God in heaven makes us wise. First of all, he teaches us to be morally pure. He teaches us how to make peace with others. He teaches us to be kind to others and to help them. He teaches to be kind to those who do not deserve it. He teaches us to do good things that have lasting results. He teaches us to never stop doing what is right and to be honest. \v 17 God in heaven makes us wise. First of all, he teaches us to be morally pure. He teaches us how to make peace with others. He teaches us to be kind to others and to help them. He teaches us to be kind to those who do not deserve it. He teaches us to do good things that have lasting results. He teaches us to never stop doing what is right and to be honest.
\v 18 Those who act peacefully toward others cause them to also act peacefully, with the result that they all live together and act in the right way. \v 18 Those who act peacefully toward others cause them to also act peacefully, with the result that they all live together and act in the right way.
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\v 7 So, my brothers and sisters, although rich people cause you to suffer, be patient until the Lord Jesus Christ comes back. Remember that when farmers plant a field, they wait for their valuable crops to grow. They must wait patiently for the rain that comes at the planting season and for more rain that comes just before the harvest season. They wait for the crops to grow and mature before they can harvest them. \v 7 So, my brothers and sisters, although rich people cause you to suffer, be patient until the Lord Jesus Christ comes back. Remember that when farmers plant a field, they wait for their valuable crops to grow. They must wait patiently for the rain that comes at the planting season and for more rain that comes just before the harvest season. They wait for the crops to grow and mature before they can harvest them.
\v 8 Similarly, you also should wait patiently and trust the Lord Jesus firmly, because he is coming back soon and will judge all people fairly. \v 8 Similarly, you also should wait patiently and trust the Lord Jesus firmly because he is coming back soon and will judge all people fairly.
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\v 9 My brothers and sisters, do not complain against each other, in order that the Lord Jesus may not condemn and punish you. It is he who will judge us, and he is ready to appear. \v 9 My brothers and sisters, do not complain against each other, so that the Lord Jesus may not condemn and punish you. It is he who will judge us, and he is ready to appear.
\v 10 My brothers and sisters, as an example of how to be patient, consider the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. Although people caused them to suffer much, they endured it patiently. \v 10 My brothers and sisters, as an example of how to be patient, consider the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. Although people caused them to suffer much, they endured it patiently.
\v 11 We know that God honors and helps those who endure suffering for him. You know how patient Job was, and you have seen that the Lord finally brought good to him. And from that we know that the Lord is very compassionate and kind. \v 11 We know that God honors and helps those who endure suffering for him. You know how patient Job was, and you have seen that the Lord finally brought good to him. And from that we know that the Lord is very compassionate and kind.
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\v 12 Also, my brothers and sisters, I want to say something important about how you talk. You must not take an oath by calling on heaven or by calling on the earth to stand as a witness for the promise you make. All you need to say is "Yes" or "No." God will judge you when you say more than that. \v 12 Also, my brothers and sisters, I want to say something important about how you talk. You must not take an oath by calling on heaven or the earth or anything else to stand as a witness for the promise you make. All you need to say is "Yes" or "No." God will judge you when you say more than that.
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