Consistent comma usage

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Bob Johnson 2019-07-31 12:09:32 +00:00
parent 8e9dffc2fd
commit 370db10f26
1 changed files with 18 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -530,7 +530,7 @@
\v 19 The meat from the ram's shoulder must be boiled. After it is cooked, the priest will take it along with one of the loaves of bread and one wafer that has been brushed with olive oil, and he will put them in your hands.
\v 20 Then the priest will take them back and lift them up high to dedicate them to me. They now belong to the priest, and he is permitted to eat some of the meat from the ram's shoulder and from its ribs and from one of its thighs, because that meat is his share of the sacrifice. After that, you will no longer be a Nazir, and you will again be permitted to drink wine.
\v 20 Then the priest will take them back and lift them up high to dedicate them to me. They now belong to the priest, and he is permitted to eat some of the meat from the ram's shoulder and from its ribs and from one of its thighs because that meat is his share of the sacrifice. After that, you will no longer be a Nazir, and you will again be permitted to drink wine.
@ -763,7 +763,7 @@
\v 9 Then you must summon all the Israelite people to come together in front of the sacred tent, to gather around the descendants of Levi.
\v 10 Then the Israelite people must lay their hands on the descendants of Levi.
\v 11 Aaron must then present them to me to be a gift from the Israelite people, as if he had lifted them up to me, in order that they can work for me at the sacred tent.
\v 11 Aaron must then present them to me to be a gift from the Israelite people, as if he had lifted them up to me, so that they can work for me at the sacred tent.
@ -871,7 +871,7 @@
\v 9 When you fight against enemies who attack you in your own land, tell the priests to blow the trumpets loudly. I, Yahweh, your God, will hear that, and I will rescue you from your enemies.
\v 10 Also tell the priests to blow the trumpets when the people are happy, and at the festivals each year, and at the times when they celebrate the new moon each month. Tell them to blow the trumpets when the people bring offerings that will be completely burned, and when they bring offerings to restore fellowship with me. If they do that, it will help you to think about me. You must do that, because I am Yahweh your God."
\v 10 Also tell the priests to blow the trumpets when the people are happy, and at the festivals each year, and at the times when they celebrate the new moon each month. Tell them to blow the trumpets when the people bring offerings that will be completely burned and when they bring offerings to restore fellowship with me. If they do that, it will help you to think about me. You must do that because I am Yahweh your God."
@ -908,7 +908,7 @@
\v 29 One day Moses said to his brother-in-law Hobab son of Reuel from the Midian people. "We are on the way to the place that Yahweh promised to give to us. Come with us, and we will take good care of you, because Yahweh has promised to do good things for us Israelite people."
\v 29 One day Moses said to his brother-in-law Hobab son of Reuel from the Midian people. "We are on the way to the place that Yahweh promised to give to us. Come with us, and we will take good care of you because Yahweh has promised to do good things for us Israelite people."
\v 30 But Hobab replied, "No, I will not go with you. I want to return to my own land and to my own family."
@ -943,7 +943,7 @@
\v 4 Then some troublemakers from other peoples who were traveling with the Israelites began to want better food. And when they started complaining, the Israelite people also started to complain. They said, "We wish we had some meat to eat!
\v 5 We remember the fish that we ate while we were in Egypt, fish that was given to us without cost. And we had all the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions, and garlic we could eat.
\v 6 But now we have lost our appetite, because all we have to eat is this manna!"
\v 6 But now we have lost our appetite because all we have to eat is this manna!"
@ -1041,7 +1041,7 @@
\v 9 Yahweh was very angry with Miriam and Aaron, and he left.
\v 10 When the cloud rose up from the sacred tent, Aaron looked at Miriam, and he saw that her skin was as white as snow, because she now had leprosy.
\v 10 When the cloud rose up from the sacred tent, Aaron looked at Miriam, and he saw that her skin was as white as snow because she now had leprosy.
\v 11 Aaron said to Moses, "My master, please do not punish us for this sin that we have foolishly committed.
@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@
\v 30 Caleb told the people who were standing near Moses to be quiet. Then he said, "We should go there and take the land, because we are certainly able to conquer it!"
\v 30 Caleb told the people who were standing near Moses to be quiet. Then he said, "We should go there and take the land because we are certainly able to conquer it!"
\v 31 But the men who had gone with him said, "No, we cannot attack and defeat those people. They are much stronger than we are!"
@ -1220,8 +1220,8 @@
\v 41 But Moses said, "Yahweh commanded you to return to the desert, so why are you now disobeying him? It will not succeed.
\v 42 Do not try to enter the land now! If you try, your enemies will defeat you, because Yahweh will not be with you.
\v 43 When you begin to fight the descendants of Amalek and Canaan, they will slaughter you! Yahweh will abandon you, because you have abandoned him."
\v 42 Do not try to enter the land now! If you try, your enemies will defeat you because Yahweh will not be with you.
\v 43 When you begin to fight the descendants of Amalek and Canaan, they will slaughter you! Yahweh will abandon you because you have abandoned him."
@ -1278,7 +1278,7 @@
\v 24 If you or they sin by forgetting to obey these instructions and none of the Israelite people realize that they were doing that, one young bull as an offering for all the people must be brought to the priest. That will be pleasing to me when it is burned on the altar. They must also bring to me a flour offering and an offering of wine, and a male goat to be sacrificed to remove the guilt of their sin.
\v 25 By offering these sacrifices, the priest will make atonement for all of you Israelite people. Then, as a result of their bringing to me an offering to be burned on the altar, you will be forgiven, because you sinned without realizing that you were sinning.
\v 25 By offering these sacrifices, the priest will make atonement for all of you Israelite people. Then, as a result of their bringing to me an offering to be burned on the altar, you will be forgiven because you sinned without realizing that you were sinning.
\v 26 You Israelite people, and the foreigners who are living among you, will all be forgiven.
@ -1296,7 +1296,7 @@
\v 32 One day, while the Israelites were in the wilderness, some of them saw a man who was gathering firewood on the Sabbath day.
\v 33 Those who saw him doing that brought him to Aaron and Moses and the rest of the Israelite people.
\v 34 They guarded him carefully, because they did not know what to do to punish him.
\v 34 They guarded him carefully because they did not know what to do to punish him.
\v 35 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "The man must be executed. All of you must kill him by throwing stones at him outside the camp."
@ -1518,7 +1518,7 @@
\v 30 Also, tell this to the descendants of Levi, 'When you present those best portions of grain and wine as your offering to me, I will consider that those gifts are as though they came from your own grain and wine.
\v 31 You descendants of Levi and your families are permitted to eat the rest of that food, and you may eat it wherever you want to, because it is your payment for the work that you do at the sacred tent.
\v 31 You descendants of Levi and your families are permitted to eat the rest of that food, and you may eat it wherever you want to because it is your payment for the work that you do at the sacred tent.
\v 32 If you give to the priests the best portions of what you receive, you will not be punished by me for accepting one tenth of the gifts that the people bring to me. But you must consider those gifts to be sacred. If you sin by eating those things in ways that are contrary to these regulations that I have given to you, you will be executed.'"
@ -1707,7 +1707,7 @@
\v 23 But King Sihon refused. He would not allow them to walk through his land. Instead, he sent his whole army to attack the Israelites in the desert. They attacked the Israelites at Jahaz village.
\v 24 But the Israelites completely defeated them and occupied their land, from the Arnon River in the south to the Jabbok River in the north. They stopped at the border of the land where the Ammon people lived, because the Ammon army was defending the border strongly.
\v 24 But the Israelites completely defeated them and occupied their land, from the Arnon River in the south to the Jabbok River in the north. They stopped at the border of the land where the Ammon people lived because the Ammon army was defending the border strongly.
\v 25 So the Israelites occupied all the cities and towns where the Amorites lived, and some of the Israelites began to live in them. They occupied the city of Heshbon and the nearby villages.
\v 26 Heshbon was the capital of the country. It was the city where King Sihon ruled. His army had previously defeated the army of the king of Moab, and then his people had begun to live in all of the land of Moab as far as the Arnon River in the south.
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\v 12 God replied to Balaam, "Do not go with them! I have blessed those people, so you must not curse them!"
\v 13 The next morning, Balaam got up and told Balak's men, "Go back home. But go by yourselves, because Yahweh is not allowing me to go with you."
\v 13 The next morning, Balaam got up and told Balak's men, "Go back home. But go by yourselves because Yahweh is not allowing me to go with you."
\v 14 So the men from Moab returned to King Balak and they reported to him, "Balaam refused to come with us."
@ -2121,7 +2121,7 @@
\v 16 Then Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 17 "Take your men and attack the Midian people and kill them.
\v 18 They have become your enemies, because they tricked you Israelite people and induced many of you to worship Baal, and because one of your men slept with Kozbi, who was the daughter of a leader of the Midian people. She was killed at the time the plague started because of the people who sinned at Mount Peor."
\v 18 They have become your enemies because they tricked you Israelite people and induced many of you to worship Baal and because one of your men slept with Kozbi, who was the daughter of a leader of the Midian people. She was killed at the time the plague started because of the people who sinned at Mount Peor."
\c 26
@ -2330,7 +2330,7 @@
\v 9 If the man has no sons or daughters, give to his brothers the things that his sons and daughters would have inherited.
\v 10 If the man had no brothers, give to his father's brothers the things that his sons or daughters or brothers would have inherited.
\v 11 If the man's father has no brothers, give to his closest relative the things that the others would have inherited.' That will be a rule for the Israelite people, because I am giving this as a command to you, Moses, to tell them."
\v 11 If the man's father has no brothers, give to his closest relative the things that the others would have inherited.' That will be a rule for the Israelite people because I am giving this as a command to you, Moses, to tell them."
@ -2670,7 +2670,7 @@
\v 10 So Yahweh became very angry with them, and he solemnly declared this,
\v 11-12 'From all the people who came out of Egypt, the only ones who are at least twenty years old who will see the land that I promised to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, are Jephunneh's son Caleb and Nun's son Joshua, because they trusted me completely. None of the other people who came out of Egypt will even see that land, because they have not completely believed in my power.'
\v 11-12 'From all the people who came out of Egypt, the only ones who are at least twenty years old who will see the land that I promised to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, are Jephunneh's son Caleb and Nun's son Joshua because they trusted me completely. None of the other people who came out of Egypt will even see that land, because they have not completely believed in my power.'
\v 13 So Yahweh was angry with the Israelite people, and as a result he has caused us to wander in this desert for forty years. Finally, all the people who had sinned against Yahweh by refusing to trust him died, one by one.
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\v 24 That law is that the people of that city must decide whether the relative of the dead person has the right to get revenge, or whether the one who killed the other person truly did it accidentally.
\v 25 If they decide that the killer planned to kill the other person, they must not allow him to stay in their city. But if they decide that it was done accidentally, they must protect the killer from being killed by the dead person's relative. They must send the killer to one of the cities where he will be safe, and allow him to stay there until the high priest dies. After that, the killer may go back to his home, because the dead person's relative no longer has the right to get revenge.
\v 25 If they decide that the killer planned to kill the other person, they must not allow him to stay in their city. But if they decide that it was done accidentally, they must protect the killer from being killed by the dead person's relative. They must send the killer to one of the cities where he will be safe, and allow him to stay there until the high priest dies. After that, the killer may go back to his home because the dead person's relative no longer has the right to get revenge.