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@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# Philippians Commentary # Commentario de Filipenses
## Overview ## Visión general
When Paul wrote this letter, he was in prison because he had preached about Jesus. However, he wrote about how happy he was. He was happy because he had peace with God. He also helped the Christians to know that they could have peace with God only if they trusted in Jesus Christ. If they thought that God would save them if they obeyed the Law of Moses, they would never have peace with God. Cuando Pablo escribió esta carta el estaba en prisión por predicar de Jesús, el escribió de lo feliz que era porque estaba en paz con Dios, el ayudó a entender a los cristianos que ellos también podían tener esa paz si creían en Jesucristo y obedecian la ley de Moisés.
If anyone has peace with God, he can endure any suffering. Si alguien está en paz con Dios, el puede soportar cualquier sufrimiento.
Paul loved the church in Philippi. He had helped start it when he was traveling through that part of Greece. Pablo amaba la ciudad de Filipo, allí el comenzó esa obra cuando pasó por esa región de Grecia.
See: [Law of Moses](../articles/lawofmoses.md) See: [Law of Moses](../articles/lawofmoses.md)
@ -16,76 +16,83 @@ This letter begins with the words “Paul and Timothy.” However, Paul and Timo
See: 1:1, 1:7 See: 1:1, 1:7
### Who did Paul write it to? ### ¿Quien escribió la carta?
Paul wrote this letter to the Christians in Philippi. There were many more Gentiles in that church than Jewish believers. The city of Philippi did not even have ten Jewish men, which was the smallest number of Jews who could make a synagogue. La carta comienza con las palabras "Pablo y Timoteo¨, los cuales no escribieron esta carta juntos, el apóstol Pablo escribió la carta estando en una prisión de Roma en compañía de Timoteo, probablemente Pablo le dictaba y Timoteo escribía, esta era la manera en que muchos escribían.
In this letter, Paul did not even repeat any verses from the Old Testament. This is because Gentile Christians in Philippi probably did not know much about the Old Testament. Ver: 1:1, 1:7
Philippi was a city in the region of Macedonia, north of Greece. The city was a Roman city. This meant that the citizens of Philippi were also citizens of the Roman Empire. The people of Philippi were proud that they were citizens of Rome. However, Paul told the believers that they were citizens of heaven, that is, their true home was with God in heaven (see: 3:20). ### ¿A quién Pablo ie escribía?
**Advice to translators:**; A citizen is a person who lived in a city. He was free, that is, he was not a servant. Also, he could vote in elections and become a leader in the city. Pablo escribió esta carta a los cristianos de Filipo, los cuales eran gentiles en su mayoría, esta ciudad no tenía ni diez hombres judíos, que era la cantidad rminima para formar una sinagoga.
En esta carta Pablo no relata ningún verso del viejo testamento, probablemente porque estos gentiles no conocían del viejo testamento.
Filipo estaba situada en el norte de Grecia,en la región de Macedonia, una ciudad romana, siendo los filipenses ciudadanos Romanos y orgullosos de serlo, aun así Pablo les predico que ellos eran ciudadanos del cielo, que su verdadero hogar está con Dios en el cielo (ver: 3:20).
**Aviso a los traductores: un ciudadano es una persona libre, miembros de una ciudad, estos ciudadanos tienen derechos y deberes, cada uno tiene derecho a votar y a ser electo.
See: [Synagogue](../articles/synagogue.md); [Citizen](../articles/citizen\.md) See: [Synagogue](../articles/synagogue.md); [Citizen](../articles/citizen\.md)
### What Paul wrote about in this letter ### ¿De qué escribió Pablo en esta carta?
#### Paul rejoiced #### Pablo se gozó.
Paul wrote much that he had “joy.” He also spoke much about rejoicing. Paul wanted to write about this because he had much joy even though he was in prison for teaching others about the gospel. He wanted the Philippian Christians to also have this same joy. El escribió sobre el gozo, sobre el regocijo, el estaba gozoso a pesar de estar en prisión por enseñarl el evangelio, Pablo quería que los filipenses tuvieran este mismo gozo.
In his letter to the church in Philippi, Paul often spoke about joy and rejoicing. He wanted Christians to be happy like he was happy, even though he suffered while he wrote this letter. Paul was in prison when he wrote this letter, even though he did not do anything wrong. Despite this, he was still able to rejoice in the Lord. En su carta a la iglesia de Filipo Pablo frequentemente hablo de gozo y regocijarce aunque sufria cuando escribio la carta y sus buenos deseos, a pesar de los problemas que enfrentaba todavía se regocijaba en el Señor.
See: [Rejoice (Joy, Joyful)](../articles/rejoice.md); [Suffer](../articles/suffer.md) See: [Rejoice (Joy, Joyful)](../articles/rejoice.md); [Suffer](../articles/suffer.md)
#### Christians should have peace with each other #### Los cristianos deben tener paz unos con los otros
Paul wanted the Christians in Philippi to be at peace with one another. Some of them were quarreling with one another (see: 2:3-4). Perhaps some of them thought that they were better than the others. Paul even wrote the names of two of these people. He told them to be at peace with one another (see: 4:2) Contrario a los deseos del apostol, habían algunos filipenses peleándose unos con otros (2:3-4). hay inclusive nombres escritos en la carta y el los exhortaba a la paz entre ellos (4:2).
### Why did Paul write this letter? ###
¿Por qué Pablo escribió esta carta?
Paul wrote this letter because he wanted to do several things. Pablo la escribió por muchas razones.
(1) Paul wanted to thank the Philippian Christians for giving him money to help him. (1) Para dar gracias a los cristianos filipenses por el dinero dado para su causa.
(2) Quería contarles como vivía cuando estaba en prisión en Roma.
(2) Paul wanted to tell them about how he was doing while he was in prison in Rome. (3) El apostol promovia la idea de no seguir a los falso maestros que enseñaban únicamente la ley de Moisés (3:2-16)
(3) Paul wanted to tell them not to believe false teachers, those who said they must obey the Law of Moses (see: 3:2-16).
(4) Paul wanted them to be happy because they were at peace with God, even if they were suffering hardships. (4) Quería que fueran felices porque estaban en paz con Dios a pesar de los problemas.
(5) Paul wanted to give them news about Epaphroditis. This man had come to help Paul. While he with Paul, he became very ill.Epaphroditis was returning to Philippi, so Paul sent a letter with him. (5) Deseaba anunciarles de Epafrodito, el cual estando con Pablo se enfermó y al retornar a Filipo les trajo una carta de parte de Pablo.
## Outline ## Bosquejo
1. Greeting, thanksgiving and prayer (1:1-11) 1. Saludo, agradecimiento, y oración (1: 1:1-11)
1. Paul's report on his ministry (1:12-26) 1. Reporte de Pablo, de su ministerio (1: 12-26)
1. Instructions 1. Instrucciones
a. To be steadfast (1:27-30) a. Estar firmes.
b. To be united (2:1-2) b. Unidos.
c. To be humble (2:3-11) c. humildes.
d. To work out our salvation, and God working in you (2:12-13) d. dedícarse a entender lo que significa ser salvado por Dios y a estar consiente de Dios.(2: 12-13)
e. To be innocent and light (2:14-18) e. deben alejarse de la maldad y brillar por su buen comportamiento (2: 14-18)
1. Timothy and Epaphroditus (2:19-30) 1. Timoteo y Epafrodito (2: 19-30)
1. Warning about false teachers (3:1-4:1) 1. Aviso sobre los falsos maestros. (3: 1-4: 1)
1. Personal instruction (4:2-5) 1. Instrucción personal. (4: 2-5)
1. Rejoice and do not be anxious (4:4-6) 1. Regocijaos y no estar ansiosos. (4: 4-6)
1. Final remarks 1. Anotaciones finales.
a. Values (4:8-9) a. Valores. (4: 8-9)
b. Contentment (4:10-20) b. Contentamiento (4: 10-20)