diff --git a/act/06/09.md b/act/06/09.md
index 0defe413e9..ea732eff04 100644
--- a/act/06/09.md
+++ b/act/06/09.md
@@ -10,6 +10,14 @@ The word "arose" is an idiom that represents beginning to act. These people did
 "Freedmen" were probably ex-slaves from these different locations. It is unclear if the other people listed were part of the synagogue or just participated in the debate with Stephen.
+# the Cyrenians and Alexandrians
+"people from Cyrene and Alexandria." Cyrene and Alexandria were cities in Northern Africa. They were south of the Mediterranean Sea.
+# some from Cilicia and Asia
+Cilicia was a city and Asia was a Roman province, both north of the Mediterranean Sea.
 # debating with Stephen
 "arguing with Stephen"