EZK 13-15 edits/corrections

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bobj 2019-12-29 13:26:47 +00:00
parent 537a7ef3e9
commit bf2dbeb92b
1 changed files with 17 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -559,7 +559,7 @@
\v 1 Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
\v 2 "Son of man, prophesy a warning against the prophets in Israel who are prophesying. Some of them are prophesying things that they themselves have imagined. Say to them, 'Listen to what Yahweh says!
\v 3 He says, "Terrible things will happen to those wicked prophets who proclaim their own ideas and have not seen any visions from me.
\v 4 You Israelite people, your prophets are like jackals in the desert, they are scavengers feeding off of others' loss.
\v 4 You Israelite people, your prophets are like jackals in the desertthey are scavengers feeding off of others' loss.
\v 5 Because you were listening to them, you have not repaired breeches or strengthened your walls. That needs to be done so that the walls will be strong when I, Yahweh, send your enemies to attack you.
@ -574,13 +574,13 @@
\v 10 They deceive my people, saying "Things will go well for us" when things will not go well. It is like they want to make people think that there is a very strong wall when it is not strong.
\v 11 So, tell those prophets who cover the wall with whitewash that the wall will surely fall down. It will rain very hard. I will send big hailstones to fall. Very strong winds will blow against it.
\v 11 So tell those prophets who cover the wall with whitewash that the wall will surely fall down. It will rain very hard. I will send big hailstones to fall. Very strong winds will blow against it.
\v 12 When the wall falls down, the people will certainly say to those prophets, "The white paint certainly did not make the wall strong!"
\v 13 So this is what I, Yahweh the Lord, say: Because I am very angry with you, I will send enemy armies to destroy Jerusalem. It will be as though I will send a very strong wind and hailstones and very heavy rains to destroy you.
\v 14 The false prophecies of your prophets are like a wall that they have covered with whitewash, but I will break it down, and shatter it down to the ground, with the result that people can see its foundations. When the wall collapses you also will be killed, and everyone will know that I, Yahweh, have the power to do what I say that I will do.
\v 14 The false prophecies of your prophets are like a wall that they have covered with whitewash, but I will break it down and shatter it down to the ground, with the result that people can see its foundations. When the wall collapses, you also will be killed, and everyone will know that I, Yahweh, have the power to do what I say that I will do.
\v 15 In that way I will show that I am very angry with the wall and with those who covered it with whitewash. And I will say, "The wall is gone and those who whitewashed it have been killed."
@ -589,14 +589,14 @@
\v 17 So you, son of man, show that you are angry with the women of Jerusalem who prophesy things that they themselves have imagined, and speak true prophesy against them.
\v 18 Tell them, 'This is what Yahweh the Lord says: Terrible things will happen to you women who fasten magic charms on your wrists and make veils of various sizes to put on your heads in order to deceive the people. You think that you will deceive others by telling them that you know what will happen in the future, and you will save your own lives.
\v 18 Tell them, 'This is what Yahweh the Lord says: Terrible things will happen to you women who fasten magic charms on your wrists and make veils of various sizes to put on your heads in order to deceive the people. You think that you will deceive others by telling them you know what will happen in the future and that you will save your own lives.
\v 19 You dishonored me by telling lies in order to get from my people a few handfuls of barley and a few pieces of bread. My people listen to lies; and you women who are lying to them have caused people who did not deserve to die to be killed, and have spared those who should not continue to live.'
\v 19 You dishonored me by telling lies in order to get from my people a few handfuls of barley and a few pieces of bread. My people listen to lies, and you women who are lying to them have caused people who did not deserve to die to be killed and have spared those who should not continue to live.'
\v 20 Therefore, this is what I, Yahweh the Lord, say to those women: 'I detest your magic charms by which you deceive people like other people trap birds. I will tear those charms off your wrists, and I will cause the people whom you have deceived to no longer be deceived by you.
\v 20 Therefore, this is what I, Yahweh the Lord, say to those women: 'I detest your magic charms by which you deceive people as other people trap birds. I will tear those charms off your wrists, and I will cause the people whom you have deceived to no longer be deceived by you.
\v 21 I will also tear off your veils and rescue my people from continuing to be deceived by you, and they will no longer be under your control. Then you will know that I, Yahweh, have the power to do what I say that I will do.
@ -606,22 +606,22 @@
\c 14
\v 1 One day some of the elders of Israel came to me and sat down in front of me.
\v 1 One day, some of the elders of Israel came to me and sat down in front of me.
\v 2 Then Yahweh gave me this message:
\v 3 "Son of man, these men worship idols, and they are allowing idols to induce them to sin. So should I answer them if they ask me for advice?
\v 4 But say this to them: 'This is what Yahweh the Lord says: When any Israelite person wants to worship idols that will induce him to sin, and goes to a prophet to get advice, I, Yahweh, will give him the same answer that they deserve to receive because they worship idols.
\v 4 But say this to them: 'This is what Yahweh the Lord says: When any Israelite person wants to worship idols that will induce him to sin, and he goes to a prophet to get advice, I, Yahweh, will give him the same answer that they deserve to receive because they worship idols.
\v 5 I will do this so the Israelite people, who have abandoned me in order to worship their idols, will sincerely worship me again.'
\v 6 Therefore, say to the Israelite people, 'This is what Yahweh the Lord says: Repent! Stop worshiping your idols, and stop all your other detestable behavior!'
\v 6 Therefore, say to the Israelite people, 'This is what Yahweh the Lord says: Repent! Stop worshiping your idols, and stop all of your other detestable behavior!'
\v 7 When any of you Israelite people or any foreigner living among you turns away from me and starts worshiping idols that induce him to sin, and then goes to a prophet to find out what I want him to do, I myself will answer him.
\v 8 I will show that I detest him, and cause what happens to him to be a warning to others, and cause him to be someone whom people despise. I will not allow him to associate with my people. Then you will know that I, Yahweh, have the power to do what I say that I will do.
\v 7 When any of you Israelite people or any foreigner living among you turns away from me and starts worshiping idols that induce him to sin and then goes to a prophet to find out what I want him to do, I myself will answer him.
\v 8 I will show that I detest him and cause what happens to him to be a warning to others and cause him to be someone whom people despise. I will not allow him to associate with my people. Then you will know that I, Yahweh, have the power to do what I say that I will do.
@ -632,23 +632,23 @@
\v 12 Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
\v 13 "You human, if the people of some country sin against me by abandoning me, and I punish them by cutting off their food supply and by sending a famine so that people and animals die,
\v 13 "You human, if the people of some country sin against me by abandoning me and I punish them by cutting off their food supply and by sending a famine so that people and animals die,
\v 14 even if Noah, Daniel, and Job were there, they would save only themselves because of their being righteous. That is what I, Yahweh the Lord, declare.
\v 15 Or, if I send wild animals throughout the country, and they attack and kill many of the people, so that travel in that country becomes very dangerous and no one travels through that country,
\v 15 Or if I send wild animals throughout the country and they attack and kill many of the people so that travel in that country becomes very dangerous and no one travels through that country,
\v 16 as surely as I am alive, even if those three men were in that country, they could not save even their own sons or daughters from being killed. Only they three would be saved, and the country would become a wasteland. That is what I, Yahweh the Lord, declare.
\v 17 Or, if I bring enemy soldiers to kill the people and animals throughout that country with their swords,
\v 17 Or if I bring enemy soldiers to kill the people and animals throughout that country with their swords,
\v 18 as surely as I am alive, even if those three men were in that country, they would not be able to save even their own sons or daughters from being killed. They would save only themselves. That is what I, Yahweh the Lord, declare.
\v 19 Or, if I send a plague into that land and cause the people and the animals to die from the plague because I am very angry with those people,
\v 20 as surely as I am alive, even if Noah, Daniel and Job were in that country, they would not be able to save even their sons and daughters. They would save only themselves because of their being righteous. That is what I, Yahweh the Lord, declare.
\v 19 Or if I send a plague into that land and cause the people and the animals to die from the plague because I am very angry with those people,
\v 20 as surely as I am alive, even if Noah, Daniel, and Job were in that country, they would not be able to save even their sons and daughters. They would save only themselves because of their being righteous. That is what I, Yahweh the Lord, declare.
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\v 7 I will reject them. It will be as though they have escaped from a fire, but there will still be a fire that will burn them up. And when I punish them, you people who remain alive will know that I, Yahweh, have done it.
\v 8 I will cause your country to become a wasteland because your people have not been loyal to me. That is what I, Yahweh, the Lord, say."
\v 8 I will cause your country to become a wasteland because your people have not been loyal to me. That is what I, Yahweh the Lord, say."
\c 16