diff --git a/03-LEV.usfm b/03-LEV.usfm index 1c9453b1..06e4620a 100644 --- a/03-LEV.usfm +++ b/03-LEV.usfm @@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ \s5 \p -\v 12 Moses said to Aaron and his two sons who were still alive, Eleazar and Ithamar, "Take the offering made from flour that is left after a portion of it has been offered to Yahweh to be burned, and eat it alongside the altar. It should not be eaten elsewhere because it is very holy. +\v 12 Moses said to Aaron and his two sons who were still alive, Eleazar and Ithamar, "Take the offering made from flour that is left after a portion of it has been offered to Yahweh to be burned, and eat it alongside the altar. It should not be eaten elsewhere, because it is very holy. \v 13 Eat it in a holy place. It is the share for you and your sons from the meat that you have burned as offerings. Yahweh has commanded me to tell you this. \s5 @@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ \s5 \p \v 15 Aaron must then go outside the sacred tent and slaughter the goat, for it to be an offering for the sins of the people. Then he must bring its blood into the very holy place behind the curtain. There he must sprinkle some of that blood on the lid of the sacred chest and against the front of the chest, as he did with the bull's blood. -\v 16 By doing that, he will purify the very holy place. And he must sprinkle more of the blood on the sacred tent, because I am present where the tent is, in the midst of the camp of the Israelite people, who have become unacceptable to me because of their sins. +\v 16 By doing that, he will purify the very holy place. And he must sprinkle more of the blood on the sacred tent because I am present where the tent is, in the midst of the camp of the Israelite people, who have become unacceptable to me because of their sins. \s5 \v 17 When Aaron goes into the very holy place in the sacred tent to purify it, no one else is permitted to enter the other part of the sacred tent. Only after Aaron has performed rituals to enable me to forgive him and his family, and all the Israelite people, is any priest permitted to enter the sacred tent. @@ -1183,7 +1183,7 @@ \c 19 \p \v 1 Yahweh also said to Moses, -\v 2 "Speak to all the people of Israel and tell them this: 'You must be holy, because Yahweh your God is holy, and he wants you to be like him. +\v 2 "Speak to all the people of Israel and tell them this: 'You must be holy because Yahweh your God is holy, and he wants you to be like him. \p \v 3 Each of you must respect your father and your mother. And you must honor the Sabbath days. It is Yahweh, your God, who is commanding you to do these things. \p @@ -1298,7 +1298,7 @@ \p \v 6 I will reject those who go to those who consult the spirits of dead people, or who go to fortune tellers who ask spirits to advise them. I will reject such people; they will no longer be with my own people. \p -\v 7 Set yourselves apart for my honor, so that you may belong to me, because I am Yahweh your God. +\v 7 Set yourselves apart for my honor so that you may belong to me, because I am Yahweh your God. \s5 \v 8 Carefully obey everything that I have commanded you. I am Yahweh, the one who sets you apart from the other peoples so that I am honored. @@ -1350,7 +1350,7 @@ \v 25 So you must distinguish between birds and animals that are unacceptable to me and those that are acceptable to me. Do not defile yourselves by eating birds or animals, or anything that crawls along on the ground, things that I have said are unacceptable for you. \s5 -\v 26 You must live as a people who are set apart for my honor, because I, Yahweh, am also set apart and I do everything for my honor. I have taken you out of the other nations, because you are mine. +\v 26 You must live as a people who are set apart for my honor because I, Yahweh, am also set apart and I do everything for my honor. I have taken you out of the other nations because you are mine. \s5 \p @@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ \p \v 1 Yahweh also said to Moses, "Speak to the priests, the sons of Aaron, and say to them, \v 2 'You priests must not cause yourselves to become unfit to do my work by touching any dead body. You are permitted to touch only the corpses of close relatives, such as your mother, father, son, daughter, or brother. -\v 3 You may also touch the corpse of a sister if she is not married and has been living in your house, because she has no husband to bury her. +\v 3 You may also touch the corpse of a sister if she is not married and has been living in your house because she has no husband to bury her. \s5 \v 4 You priests must not cause yourselves to become unfit to do my work by touching the dead bodies of other relatives of yours. @@ -1372,7 +1372,7 @@ \s5 \p \v 7 You priests must not marry women who have been prostitutes or who have been divorced from their husbands, because you priests are set apart for God. -\v 8 You must remember that I have set you apart to worship me. It is as though you were offering food to me, your God. Regard yourselves as belonging to me, because I, Yahweh, am the one who made you to be priests, and I have nothing to do with any evil—I am holy. +\v 8 You must remember that I have set you apart to worship me. It is as though you were offering food to me, your God. Regard yourselves as belonging to me because I, Yahweh, am the one who made you to be priests, and I have nothing to do with any evil—I am holy. \p \v 9 If a priest's daughter becomes a prostitute, she disgraces her father, and you must burn her in a fire. @@ -1419,7 +1419,7 @@ \v 6 Any priest who touches anything unclean will be unclean until evening. He must not eat any of the holy things, unless he first washes his body with water. \s5 -\v 7 After the sun sets, he may eat food from the sacred offerings, because they are now his food that is to be eaten. +\v 7 After the sun sets, he may eat food from the sacred offerings because they are now his food that is to be eaten. \v 8 But he must not eat anything that has died a natural death or that has been killed by wild animals, because if he did that, he would be unfit to work for me. I, Yahweh, am commanding those things. \p \v 9 The priests must obey my commandments; they must not despise them, or they will become guilty and die. I am Yahweh, the one who sets them apart for my honor. @@ -1589,7 +1589,7 @@ \s5 \v 7 Along each row, place on the gold table some pure incense to be burned as an offering to me instead of the bread. \v 8 The priests must put new loaves of bread on the table each Sabbath day, to signify the covenant that will never end, which I have made with you Israelites. -\v 9 When the loaves are removed from the table, they will belong to Aaron and his sons. They must eat them in a place set aside for this purpose, because they are part of the offerings—the offerings that belong only to me—that are given to me by being burned." +\v 9 When the loaves are removed from the table, they will belong to Aaron and his sons. They must eat them in a place set aside for this purpose because they are part of the offerings—the offerings that belong only to me—that are given to me by being burned." \s5 \p @@ -1690,7 +1690,7 @@ \v 32 The descendants of Levi are a special case, however. If they sell their houses in the cities that belong to them, they are permitted to buy them back at any time. \s5 -\v 33 But even if they do not buy back those houses, they will become theirs again in the year of the celebration of Jubilee, because those houses are in their cities, on land that the other Israelites had given to them. +\v 33 But even if they do not buy back those houses, they will become theirs again in the year of the celebration of Jubilee because those houses are in their cities, on land that the other Israelites had given to them. \v 34 But the pastureland near their towns must not be sold. It must belong to the original owners permanently. \s5 @@ -1732,8 +1732,8 @@ \s5 \v 53 During those years that he is working for the man who bought him, the man who bought him must treat him like he would treat a hired worker, and all of you must make sure that his owner does not treat him cruelly. \p -\v 54 And even if a fellow Israelite who has sold himself to a rich man is not able to pay for himself to be freed by any of these ways, he and his children must be freed in the year of the celebration of Jubilee, -\v 55 because it is as though you Israelites are my slaves, whom I, Yahweh your God, freed from being slaves in Egypt.'" +\v 54 And even if a fellow Israelite who has sold himself to a rich man is not able to pay for himself to be freed by any of these ways, he and his children must be freed in the year of the celebration of Jubilee +\v 55 because it is as though you Israelites are my slaves whom I, Yahweh your God, freed from being slaves in Egypt.'" \s5 \c 26 @@ -1772,14 +1772,14 @@ \v 15 Suppose that you reject my decrees and laws, and do not obey me, but that instead you reject the covenant that I made with you. \s5 -\v 16 In that case, these are the things that I will do to you. I will suddenly send disasters that will ruin you. You will have diseases that cannot be cured, and fevers that will cause you to become blind and will slowly kill you. It will be useless for you to plant your fields, because your enemies will eat the crops that grow. +\v 16 In that case, these are the things that I will do to you. I will suddenly send disasters that will ruin you. You will have diseases that cannot be cured, and fevers that will cause you to become blind and will slowly kill you. It will be useless for you to plant your fields because your enemies will eat the crops that grow. \v 17 I will reject you, so your enemies will conquer you. Then they will rule over you, and you will be so terrified that you will run away even if they do not pursue you. \s5 \p \v 18 But after all these things happen to you, if you still refuse to obey me, I will continue to punish you again and again for the sins that you have committed. \v 19 I will punish you so much that you will no longer be stubborn or proud. I will not let any rain fall in your land. It will be as though the sky were made of iron, and the ground were as hard as bronze. -\v 20 You will uselessly work very hard to plant seeds, because crops will not grow in the hard soil in your fields, and fruit will not grow on your trees. +\v 20 You will uselessly work very hard to plant seeds because crops will not grow in the hard soil in your fields, and fruit will not grow on your trees. \s5 \p