double spaces removed

This commit is contained in:
Tom Warren 2017-06-13 10:40:04 -04:00
parent 1d773fa409
commit 8ae5c0b283
43 changed files with 57 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
\v 6 In the meantime, Shechem's father Hamor went to talk with Jacob.
\v 7 Jacob's sons came in from the field, and when they had found out what had happened, they were shocked and very angry, because Shechem had brought much shame to Israel by forcing himself on Jacob's daughter. She was their sister! This was a terrible crime that should never be done.
\v 7 Jacob's sons came in from the field, and when they had found out what had happened, they were shocked and very angry, because Shechem had brought much shame to Israel by forcing himself on Jacob's daughter. She was their sister! This was a terrible crime that should never be done.

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@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
\v 34 You should also appoint supervisors over the country, in order that they can arrange to collect one-fifth of all the grain that is harvested during the seven years when food is plentiful.
\v 35 They should collect this amount of grain during those seven years that are coming, when there will be plenty of food. Each of the cities should supervise and protect the food that is stored up.
\v 35 They should collect this amount of grain during those seven years that are coming, when there will be plenty of food. Each of the cities should supervise and protect the food that is stored up.
\v 36 This grain should be kept so that it can be eaten during the seven years when there will be a famine here in Egypt, so that the people in this country will not die from hunger."

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
\v 9 Around the sacred tent Bezalel and his helpers made a courtyard. To form the courtyard, they made curtains of fine white linen. On the south side, the curtain was forty-five and three-quarters meters long.
\v 9 Around the sacred tent Bezalel and his helpers made a courtyard. To form the courtyard, they made curtains of fine white linen. On the south side, the curtain was forty-five and three-quarters meters long.
\v 10 To support the curtain, they made twenty bronze posts and twenty bronze bases, one for under each post. To fasten the curtains to the posts, they made silver hooks, and they made metal rods covered with silver.

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@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
\v 24 Yahweh also told Moses to
\v 25 tell Aaron and his sons, "These are the regulations concerning the offerings for the sins of the people. The priest will kill the sacrifice at the place where the offerings are burned; it is killed before Yahweh and the offering is dedicated to Yahweh.
\v 26 The priest who makes the offering for sin, may eat the offering given to Yahweh. The priest can only eat it in the place in the courtyard that has been set apart for eating sacrifices.
\v 26 The priest who makes the offering for sin, may eat the offering given to Yahweh. The priest can only eat it in the place in the courtyard that has been set apart for eating sacrifices.
\v 27 Any other person who touches any of its meat will belong to me. And if its blood is splattered on your clothes, you must wash the clothes in a holy place.
\v 28 If the meat is cooked in a clay pot, the pot must be broken afterwards. But if it is cooked in a bronze pot, the pot must be scoured afterwards and rinsed with water.

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
\v 2 When the offerings on the altar on that day are being completely burned, the smell will be very pleasing to me. The animals that you must bring are one young bull, one male sheep, and seven male lambs that are one year old. They must have no defects.
\v 3 With these animals bring a grain offering of finely ground flour mixed with olive oil. With the bull, bring five and three-quarters liters. With the male sheep, bring three and four-fifths liters,
\v 3 With these animals bring a grain offering of finely ground flour mixed with olive oil. With the bull, bring five and three-quarters liters. With the male sheep, bring three and four-fifths liters,
\v 4 and with each of the seven lambs bring two liters.
\v 5 Also offer one male goat to atone for your sins.
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
\v 8 When you burn offerings on the altar on that day, the smell will be very pleasing to me. The animals that you must bring are one young bull, one male sheep, and seven male lambs that are one year old. They must have no defects.
\v 9 With the bull, bring a flour offering of five and three-quarters liters of finely ground flour mixed with olive oil. With the male sheep, bring three and four-fifths liters.
\v 9 With the bull, bring a flour offering of five and three-quarters liters of finely ground flour mixed with olive oil. With the male sheep, bring three and four-fifths liters.
\v 10 With each of the lambs, bring two liters.
\v 11 Also bring one male goat to remove the guilt of your sins, and the animals and flour and wine that you burn on the altar each day to atone for your sins. Those offerings will be in addition to the animals and flour and wine that are completely burned on the altar each day.
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
\v 13 When the offerings are burned on the altar, the smell will be very pleasing to me. The animals that you must bring are thirteen young bulls, two male sheep, and fourteen male lambs that are one year old. These animals must have no defects.
\v 14 With each of the thirteen bulls, bring a flour offering of five and three-quarters liters of finely-ground flour mixed with olive oil. With each of the male sheep, bring three and four-fifths liters.
\v 14 With each of the thirteen bulls, bring a flour offering of five and three-quarters liters of finely-ground flour mixed with olive oil. With each of the male sheep, bring three and four-fifths liters.
\v 15 With each of the fourteen lambs, bring two liters.
\v 16 Also bring one male goat to be sacrificed to remove the guilt of your sins, in addition to the offerings of animals and flour and wine that are completely burned on the altar each day.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
\v 1 While he was still a boy, Samuel was serving Yahweh while Eli supervised him. At that time there were very few messages that anyone received from Yahweh, and very few people saw visions that Yahweh gave them.
\v 2 By that time Eli's eyes were very weak; he was almost blind. One night he was sleeping in his room,
\v 3 and Samuel was sleeping in the temple of Yahweh, where the sacred chest was kept. There was a lamp there that represented the presence of God, and it was still burning.
\v 3 and Samuel was sleeping in the temple of Yahweh, where the sacred chest was kept. There was a lamp there that represented the presence of God, and it was still burning.
\v 4 Just then Yahweh called, "Samuel! Samuel!" Samuel replied, "I am here!"

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
\v 9 All of these buildings and the walls around the palace courtyard were made from stones, from the foundations up to the eaves. The stones had been expensive for the workers to cut at the quarry, according to the sizes that were needed, and the sides of the stones were shaped and smoothed by cutting them with saws.
\v 10 The foundations were also made from huge blocks of expensive stones that had been prepared at the quarry. Some of them were about three and three-quarters meters long and others were about four and four-fifths meters long.
\v 10 The foundations were also made from huge blocks of expensive stones that had been prepared at the quarry. Some of them were about three and three-quarters meters long and others were about four and four-fifths meters long.
\v 11 On top of the foundation stones were other expensive stones that had been cut according to the sizes they needed, as well as cedar beams.
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
\v 23 Huram also made a very large round bronze basin called "The Sea" that was made of metal and cast in a clay mold. It was two and one-third meters tall, four and three-fifths meters across, and thirteen and three-quarters meters around.
\v 23 Huram also made a very large round bronze basin called "The Sea" that was made of metal and cast in a clay mold. It was two and one-third meters tall, four and three-fifths meters across, and thirteen and three-quarters meters around.
\v 24 Around the outer edge of the rim of the "The Sea" were two rows of figures that resembled gourds that were made of bronze. But the gourds were not cast separately. They were cast in the same mold as the rest of the tank. For each meter of length around the rim of the tank there were about eighteen gourds.

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@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
\v 19 Some men from the tribe of Manasseh also joined David when he went with the soldiers of Philistia to fight against Saul's army. But David and his men did not really help the army of Philistia. After the leaders of Philistia talked about David and his soldiers, they sent David away. They said, "If David joins his master Saul again, we will all be killed."
\v 19 Some men from the tribe of Manasseh also joined David when he went with the soldiers of Philistia to fight against Saul's army. But David and his men did not really help the army of Philistia. After the leaders of Philistia talked about David and his soldiers, they sent David away. They said, "If David joins his master Saul again, we will all be killed."
\v 20 When David went to Ziklag, these were the men from the tribe of Manasseh who went with him: Adnah, Jozabad, Jediael, Michael, another man whose name was Jozabad, Elihu, and Zillethai. Each of them had been a commander of one thousand men in Saul's army.

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
\v 4 Uzziah did the things that Yahweh said were good, like his father Amaziah had done.
\v 5 He chose to do what pleased God during the time that Zechariah the priest was living. Zechariah taught him to revere God, and as long as Uzziah followed Yahweh, God gave him success in all he did.
\v 5 He chose to do what pleased God during the time that Zechariah the priest was living. Zechariah taught him to revere God, and as long as Uzziah followed Yahweh, God gave him success in all he did.

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
\v 13 Tattenai, the governor of the province, and his assistant Shethar-Bozenai and their colleagues read the message and immediately obeyed the decree of King Darius.
\v 13 Tattenai, the governor of the province, and his assistant Shethar-Bozenai and their colleagues read the message and immediately obeyed the decree of King Darius.
\v 14 So the Jewish leaders continued their work of rebuilding the temple. They were greatly encouraged by the messages that the prophets Haggai and Zechariah preached. The Israelites continued building the temple, just as God had commanded them to do and as King Cyrus and King Darius had decreed.
\v 15 They finished building it on third day of the month of Adar, during the sixth year that King Darius ruled.

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@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
\v 17 No, you just sweat there in your hot clothing
\q2 because even the clothes you wear become very hot.
\q1 Your clothing becomes hot because the heat builds up
\q2 when the wind comes from the south.
\q2 when the wind comes from the south.

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@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
\q1 and I will sing songs of praise about you to many people groups.
\v 10 For your love for us is as great as the distance from the earth to the sky,
\q2 and your faithfulness to us goes up to the clouds.
\q2 and your faithfulness to us goes up to the clouds.
\v 11 God, show in the heavens that you are very great!
\q2 Show your glory to people all over the earth!

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@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
\v 18 Those who enter her house are taken to their death,
\q2 because the way to her house takes them where dead people are buried.
\q2 because the way to her house takes them where dead people are buried.
\v 19 All who go to her to sleep with her have no way to get out of her house,

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
\q2 and do not be too quick in your heart to complain about something to God.
\q1 Remember that God is very different from you and he is in heaven.
\q2 You, however, are very limited and you must live all your life here on earth.
\q1 So think carefully about what you say to God, and do not speak without thinking about how you should speak to him.
\q1 So think carefully about what you say to God, and do not speak without thinking about how you should speak to him.
\v 3 If you are continually thinking and worrying about things,
\q2 you will have bad dreams about them and not rest well.

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@ -38,9 +38,9 @@
\v 10 I will cause you people to be unable to care;
\q2 and I will cause you people to not be able to hear,
\q2 and I will cause you people to not be able to see.
\q2 and I will cause you people to not be able to see.
\q1 Otherwise you would see with your eyes and you would recognize what it is you are looking at,
\q2 and you would hear with your ears and be able to understand what you have heard,
\q2 and you would hear with your ears and be able to understand what you have heard,
\q2 and you would care deeply and with understanding,
\q2 and you would turn to me so I might save you and not punish you."

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@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
\v 15 You boast and say,
\q1 "We made a promise with death to ensure that the power of death, when it passes over us, it cannot get to us.
\q2 We tried to turn our lying words into a shelter in which we could hide.
\q2 We tried to turn our lying words into a shelter in which we could hide.
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
\v 17 I will test you people of Jerusalem to find out if you will act justly and righteously,
\q2 I will measure your character like a carpenter uses a plumb line to determine if a wall is straight and level.
\q1 And then the hail will fall! And it will destroy everything you have.
\q1 And then the hail will fall! And it will destroy everything you have.
\q2 Your shelter will be destroyed because it is built on a foundation of lies,
\q2 and the water from the storm will wash your shelter away.

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
\v 2 Who has raised up this king to come from the east?
\q1 He is the one who does what is right with every step. He hands nations over to him and he defeats them,
\q2 and he tramples their kings under his feet.
\q1 He cuts their enemies and they are destroyed so they are like the dust,
\q1 He cuts their enemies and they are destroyed so they are like the dust,
\q2 and his army shoots them with bows and arrows so that they are like the chaff when the wind blows.

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
\v 9 Terrible things will happen to those who argue with me, because I am the one who created them.
\v 9 Terrible things will happen to those who argue with me, because I am the one who created them.
\q2 They are like clay pots who are arguing with the Potter who made them;
\q2 they are just like every other clay pot that is made, and yet they argue with the One who made them and formed them out of the clay.
\q1 Can a lump of clay say to the potter who made him,

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@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
\q1 Yahweh has caused you to suffer much
\q2 and to experience disaster.
\q1 Yahweh gave you this cup to drink, but this was Yahweh's cup!
\q2 He forced you to drink every drop out of that large cup, down to the bottom of the bowl. And that drink made you stagger like you had drunk strong wine. This strong wine represents the anger of God, and you are to drink all of it!
\q2 He forced you to drink every drop out of that large cup, down to the bottom of the bowl. And that drink made you stagger like you had drunk strong wine. This strong wine represents the anger of God, and you are to drink all of it!
\v 18 Now you do not have any children
\q1 who are able to take your hand and guide you. You cannot help yourself.

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
\q1 and the other people groups in the world despise the mention of my name.
\v 6 But after that, my people will love me and honor me;
\q2 when that happens, they will know that I am the one who said that this would happen. I am the one who speaks, and I say,
\q2 when that happens, they will know that I am the one who said that this would happen. I am the one who speaks, and I say,
\q2 'Yes, this is Yahweh who is speaking to you.'

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@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
\v 10 Who can I, Jeremiah, speak to? Who would listen to me, even if I spoke to them?
\q2 The ears of the Israelite people are unable to hear what I have to tell them.
\q1 See! the message Yahweh gave me to tell them is offensive to them.
\q1 See! the message Yahweh gave me to tell them is offensive to them.
\q2 When they hear the message of Yahweh, they hate what I tell them!"

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
\v 7 What group is this that will be covering the land
\q2 like the water of the Nile River covers the land when it floods and its waves surge?
\v 8 The kingdom of Egypt rises and falls
\v 8 The kingdom of Egypt rises and falls
\q2 like the Nile that surging with a flood of water,
\q1 and Egypt will boast that they will cover the earth
\q2 and will destroy cities and the people who live in them.

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
\v 16 So tell them, "This is what Yahweh the Lord says: Although I caused them to be taken far away from Israel and scattered them among other nations, for a short time I have become a sanctuary for them in the countries to which they have been taken."
\v 16 So tell them, "This is what Yahweh the Lord says: Although I caused them to be taken far away from Israel and scattered them among other nations, for a short time I have become a sanctuary for them in the countries to which they have been taken."
\v 17 So also tell them, "This is what Yahweh the Lord says: Some day I will gather you from the nations to which you have been taken and bring you back to Israel, and you will live in your country again.

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
\v 5 In the vision I saw that there was a wall that completely surrounded the temple area. The measuring stick in the man's hand was three and one-tenth meters long. He measured the wall and it was three and one-tenth meters thick and three and one-tenth meters high.
\v 6 Then he went to the gate in the temple wall on the temple's east side. He climbed the steps and measured the gateway that faced outward; it was three and one-tenth meters deep.
\v 7 Next, there were alcoves for the temple guards, each being three and one-tenth meters long and deep. The distance of the wall between each alcove was two and three-quarters meters. The gateway that faced inward, which led to the temple portico, was also three and one-tenth meters deep.
\v 7 Next, there were alcoves for the temple guards, each being three and one-tenth meters long and deep. The distance of the wall between each alcove was two and three-quarters meters. The gateway that faced inward, which led to the temple portico, was also three and one-tenth meters deep.
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
\v 28 Then the man brought me through the south entrance into the inner courtyard, and he measured the south entrance. It measured the same as the other gates.
\v 29 He measured its alcoves, its walls, and its portico with the same measuring standards he had been using. The gate and its portico had windows all around. The gate and its portico measured twenty-seven meters long and thirteen and one-half wide.
\v 30 The porticos of the inner gates, which led to the inner courtyard, were about thirteen and one-half meters long and two and three-quarters meters wide.
\v 30 The porticos of the inner gates, which led to the inner courtyard, were about thirteen and one-half meters long and two and three-quarters meters wide.
\v 31 The portico's entrance faced the outer courtyard. Carvings of palm trees decorated the walls, and there were eight steps leading up to it.
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
\v 48 Then he brought me to the portico of the sanctuary and measured the doorposts and their walls on each side of the entrance; they were about two and three-quarters meters thick. The doorway was seven meters wide, and the sides on each side of it were one and three-fifths meters wide.
\v 48 Then he brought me to the portico of the sanctuary and measured the doorposts and their walls on each side of the entrance; they were about two and three-quarters meters thick. The doorway was seven meters wide, and the sides on each side of it were one and three-fifths meters wide.
\v 49 The portico was eleven meters wide, and its depth was six meters on each side. There were steps leading up to it, and there were columns on each side of the portico.

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
\c 41
\v 1 Then in the vision the man brought me to into the holy place in the temple and measured the doorposts on either side of the entrance; they were each three and one-tenth meters wide.
\v 2 The entrance was five and two-fifths meters wide, and the walls of each side of it were two and three-quarters meters long. He also measured the holy place. It was twenty-two meters long and eleven meters wide.
\v 2 The entrance was five and two-fifths meters wide, and the walls of each side of it were two and three-quarters meters long. He also measured the holy place. It was twenty-two meters long and eleven meters wide.
@ -20,15 +20,15 @@
\v 8 I saw that there was a terrace around the temple. The terrace was the foundation for those side rooms; it was three and one-tenth meters high.
\v 9 The outer wall of those side rooms was two and three-quarters meters thick. All around the sanctuary there was an open area between those side rooms.
\v 9 The outer wall of those side rooms was two and three-quarters meters thick. All around the sanctuary there was an open area between those side rooms.
\v 10 The open areas were near the priests' rooms that were surrounding the courtyard; there was a distance of eleven meters between the two sets of side rooms all around the sanctuary.
\v 11 There were two doors from those side rooms into another open area; one faced north and one faced south. This open area was two and three-quarters meters wide.
\v 11 There were two doors from those side rooms into another open area; one faced north and one faced south. This open area was two and three-quarters meters wide.
\v 12 There was a large building on the west side of the temple area. It was thirty-eight meters wide, and it had a wall two and three-quarters meters thick and forty-nine meters long.
\v 12 There was a large building on the west side of the temple area. It was thirty-eight meters wide, and it had a wall two and three-quarters meters thick and forty-nine meters long.
\v 13 Then the man measured the temple. It was fifty-four meters long, and the temple courtyard, where the large building was, was fifty-four meters wide. The building and its wall measured the same.
\v 14 The courtyard on the east side of the temple, across the front of the temple, was also fifty-four meters wide.

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
\v 6 Alongside this sacred area will be a section of land that is thirteen and one-half kilometers long and two and three-quarters kilometers wide. It will be for a city where anyone in Israel may live.
\v 6 Alongside this sacred area will be a section of land that is thirteen and one-half kilometers long and two and three-quarters kilometers wide. It will be for a city where anyone in Israel may live.
\v 7 The ruler of Israel will have the land that is on each side of the area formed by the temple district and the city. It will extend to the west from the western end of those areas, and to the east from the eastern end of those areas. The far eastern and far western borders of the king's land will measure the same as the parallel borders of those other tracts.

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
\v 15 Another strip of land thirteen and one-half kilometers long and about two and three-quarters kilometers wide will be allotted for other people iving in the special area to use. There they may build homes and have pasturelands, and there will be a city in the middle of this area.
\v 15 Another strip of land thirteen and one-half kilometers long and about two and three-quarters kilometers wide will be allotted for other people iving in the special area to use. There they may build homes and have pasturelands, and there will be a city in the middle of this area.
\v 16 The city will be square, two and two-fifths kilometers long on each side.
@ -86,6 +86,6 @@
\v 34 On the west side, also two-fifths of a kilometer long, will be gates named for Gad, Asher, and Naphtali.
\v 35 The distance around the city would be nine and three-quarters kilometers.
\v 35 The distance around the city would be nine and three-quarters kilometers.
\p From that time on, the name of the city will be "Yahweh is there."

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
\v 7 They will return and live under the protection that Israel has from me;
\q2 I will protect them from hardship.
\q2 I will protect them from hardship.
\q1 They will be successful like a field of grain that grows well, like grapevines that are growing well.
\q2 They will become as famous as the wine that people produce in the land of Lebanon.

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@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
\v 20 The great number of the people of Israel who were captured and taken away, they will return to the land,
\v 20 The great number of the people of Israel who were captured and taken away, they will return to the land,
\q2 and they will capture the land that was ruled by the people of Canaan, and they will take possession of the land as far north as Zarephath.
\q1 Those people of Israel who were captured and taken away from Jerusalem, and who live in Sepharad, they will take possession of the cities in the Negev, which is the southern Judean wilderness.

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
\v 8 But he will get rid of his enemies;
\q2 he will be to them like a flood that destroys everything.
\q2 He will chase his enemies
\q2 He will chase his enemies
\q2 into the darkness of the place where the dead are.

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
\q2 and they come to him so quickly that they stumble.
\q2 They run up the city wall to attack it,
\q2 and they set up a large wooden shield above the soldiers to protect them.
\v 6 The enemy soldiers will force open the city gates on the rivers;

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@ -19,13 +19,13 @@
\v 7 The people of Israel will then be like strong soldiers; they will be as happy as people who have drunk a lot of wine. Their children will see their fathers being very happy, and they also will be happy because of what I have done for them.
\v 8 I will signal for my people to return from far away, and I will gather them together in their own country. I will rescue them, and they will become very numerous as they were previously.
\v 8 I will signal for my people to return from far away, and I will gather them together in their own country. I will rescue them, and they will become very numerous as they were previously.
\v 9 I have caused them to be scattered among many people groups, but in those distant countries they will think about me again. They and their children will remain alive and return to Judah.
\v 10 I will bring them back from Egypt and from Assyria; I will bring them back to the regions of Gilead and Lebanon, but there not be enough space for them all to live there.
\v 11 I will go before them through their sufferings, as if I were walking through a sea, but I will calm those waves and end their sufferings, as if I were drying up the Nile River. I will defeat the proud soldiers of Assyria, and I will cause Egypt to no longer be powerful.
\v 11 I will go before them through their sufferings, as if I were walking through a sea, but I will calm those waves and end their sufferings, as if I were drying up the Nile River. I will defeat the proud soldiers of Assyria, and I will cause Egypt to no longer be powerful.
\v 12 I will enable my people to be strong, and they will honor me and obey me. That will surely happen because I, Yahweh, have said it."

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Listen to the lions roar; they roar because the thick forest where they live nea
\v 17 But terrible things will happen to that foolish shepherd who abandons the flock.
May his enemies strike his arm and his right eye with their swords. May he have no more strength in his arm, and may his right eye become completely blind."
May his enemies strike his arm and his right eye with their swords. May he have no more strength in his arm, and may his right eye become completely blind."

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
\v 9 God is pleased with people who help other people to live peacefully;
\q he will regard them as his own children.
\v 10 God is pleased with people who live righteously; and he is honored when their righteous lives are the reason why evil people insult and treat them badly.
\v 10 God is pleased with people who live righteously; and he is honored when their righteous lives are the reason why evil people insult and treat them badly.
\q God rules over these righteous people from heaven.

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
\v 17 And there was also James, the son of Zebedee, and John, the brother of James, to both of whom he added the new name, 'Men who are like Thunder' because of their fiery zeal;
\v 18 and Andrew, Peter's brother, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, another apostles who was also called James, this James was the son of Alphaeus. There was Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot,
\v 18 and Andrew, Peter's brother, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, another apostles who was also called James, this James was the son of Alphaeus. There was Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot,
\v 19 and Judas Iscariot, who later betrayed him.

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@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
\v 43 While he was still speaking, Judas arrived. Even though he was one of Jesus' twelve disciples, he came to enable Jesus' enemies to capture him. A crowd who carried swords and clubs was with him. The leaders of the Jewish council had sent them.
\v 43 While he was still speaking, Judas arrived. Even though he was one of Jesus' twelve disciples, he came to enable Jesus' enemies to capture him. A crowd who carried swords and clubs was with him. The leaders of the Jewish council had sent them.
\v 44 Judas, who was betraying Jesus, had previously told this crowd, "The man whom I kiss is the one whom you want. When I kiss him, seize him and lead him away."
\v 45 So, when Judas arrived, he immediately went to Jesus and said, "My teacher!" Then he kissed Jesus.
\v 46 Then the crowd seized Jesus.

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@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
\v 28 When he saw Jesus, the man cried out, lay facedown before him, and said with a loud voice, "What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, do not torment me!"
\v 28 When he saw Jesus, the man cried out, lay facedown before him, and said with a loud voice, "What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, do not torment me!"
\v 29 The man said this because Jesus had just commanded the evil spirit to come out of him. Although the man had been bound with chains on his wrists and ankles while people guarded him, many times the evil spirit would suddenly seize him by force. Then the man would break the chains and the demon would make him go out into deserted places.

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\v 35-36 Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left behind."
\v 37 His disciples said to him, "Lord, where will this happen?" He replied to them, "Wherever there is a dead body, the vultures will gather to eat it."
\v 37 His disciples said to him, "Lord, where will this happen?" He replied to them, "Wherever there is a dead body, the vultures will gather to eat it."

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\v 54 When the Jewish council members and others there heard all that Stephen said, they became very angry. They were grinding their teeth together because they were so angry at him!
\v 54 When the Jewish council members and others there heard all that Stephen said, they became very angry. They were grinding their teeth together because they were so angry at him!
\v 55 But the Holy Spirit completely controlled Stephen. He looked up into heaven and saw a dazzling light from God, and he saw Jesus standing at God's right side.
\v 56 "Look," he said, "I see heaven open, and I see the Son of Man standing at God's right side!"
\v 57 When the Jewish council members and others heard that, they shouted loudly. They put their hands over their ears so that they would not hear him, and immediately they all rushed at him.
\v 57 When the Jewish council members and others heard that, they shouted loudly. They put their hands over their ears so that they would not hear him, and immediately they all rushed at him.
\v 58 They dragged him outside the city of Jerusalem and started to throw stones at him. The people who were accusing him took off their outer garments in order to throw stones more easily, and they put their clothes on the ground next to a young man whose name was Saul, so that he could guard them.

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\c 10
\v 1 There was a man who lived in the city of Caesarea whose name was Cornelius. He was an officer who commanded one hundred men in a large group of Roman soldiers from Italy.
\v 1 There was a man who lived in the city of Caesarea whose name was Cornelius. He was an officer who commanded one hundred men in a large group of Roman soldiers from Italy.
\v 2 He always tried to do what would please God; he and his entire household were non-Jews who habitually worshiped God. He sometimes gave money to help poor Jewish people, and he prayed to God regularly.

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\v 3 Our fellow believers, we are always thanking God, and we should do this, because you are trusting in the Lord Jesus more and more, and because every one of you is loving each of the others more and more.
\v 3 Our fellow believers, we are always thanking God, and we should do this, because you are trusting in the Lord Jesus more and more, and because every one of you is loving each of the others more and more.
\v 4 As a result, we keep proudly talking about you to the other groups of believers belonging to God. We tell them how you are being patient and how you continue trusting in the Lord Jesus, even though other people frequently cause you much trouble.

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\v 11 You can depend on the words that we sometimes say:
\q "If we have died with Jesus, we will also live with him.
\q "If we have died with Jesus, we will also live with him.
\v 12 If we endure, we will also reign with him.
\q But if we deny him, he also will deny us.

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\v 21 The twelve gates of the city were something like huge pearls. Each gate was like a single pearl. The city streets appeared to be pure gold that looked like clear glass.
\v 22 There was no temple in the city. The Lord God himself, who rules over all, and the Lamb are there, so there was no need for a temple.
\v 22 There was no temple in the city. The Lord God himself, who rules over all, and the Lamb are there, so there was no need for a temple.
\v 23 The city will not need the sun or the moon to light the city because the light coming from God will light the city, and the Lamb will also be its light.