\v 1 I, Paul, am a prisoner who serves Christ Jesus. I am here with Timothy, our fellow believer. I am writing this letter to you, Philemon, our dear friend and fellow worker.
\v 2 I am also writing to Apphia, our fellow believer, and to Archippus, who is like a soldier who serves along with us. And I am writing to the group of believers that meets in your house.
\v 3 I pray that God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ will continue to act kindly toward you all. I pray that he will continue to cause you to have peace.
\v 8 So I want to ask you to do something. Because I am an apostle of Christ, I am completely confident that I have the authority to command you to do what you should do.
\v 9 But because I know that you love God's people, I request this instead of commanding you to do it. It is I, Paul, an old man and now also a prisoner because I serve Christ Jesus, who am requesting it.
\v 13 I would like to have kept him with me so that he might serve me in your place. I need him because I am in prison because of my preaching the message about Christ.
\v 14 However, because I had not yet asked you and you had not yet permitted me to keep him here with me, I decided not to keep him here. I decided that you should help me only if you really want to help me.
\v 16 You will no longer have him only as a slave. Instead, you will have him as someone who is more than a slave. You will have him as a fellow believer! He is very dear to me, but he certainly will be even dearer to you. This is because now he not only belongs to you as a slave, but he also belongs to the Lord.
\v 19 I, Paul, am now writing this in my own handwriting: I will repay you what he owes you. I could say to you that you owe me even more than Onesimus owes you because what I told you saved your own life.
\v 21 I have written this letter to you because I am sure that you will do what I am asking you to do. In fact, I know that you will do even more than what I am asking you to do.
\v 22 Also, get a guest room ready for me to stay in because I confidently expect that as a result of your prayers for me I will be released from prison and will come to you all.