diff --git a/mat/28/Intro.md b/mat/28/Intro.md index b826dee..ee4c054 100644 --- a/mat/28/Intro.md +++ b/mat/28/Intro.md @@ -2,19 +2,16 @@ #### Conceitos especiais neste capítulo -##### The tomb +##### "Façam discípulos" -The tomb in which Jesus was buried ([Matthew 28:1](../../mat/28/01.md)) was the kind of tomb in which wealthy Jewish families buried their dead. It was an actual room cut into a rock. It had a flat place on one side where they could place the body after they had put oil and spices on it and wrapped it in cloth. Then they would roll a large rock in front of the tomb so no one could see inside or enter. +Os dois últimos versículos (Mateus 28: 19-20) são comumente conhecidos como "A Grande Comissão", porque eles contêm um mandamento muito importante dado a todos os cristãos. Os cristãos devem fazer "fazer discípulos" "indo até as pessoas, compartilhando o evangelho com eles e treinando-os para viver como cristãos". -##### "Make disciples" -The last two verses ([Matthew 28:19-20](./19.md)) are commonly known as "The Great Commission" because they contain a very important command given to all Christians. Christians are to "make disciples" by going to people, sharing the gospel with them and training them to live as Christians. +#### Outras possíveis dificuldades de tradução neste capítulo -#### Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter +##### Um anjo do Senhor -##### An angel of the Lord - -Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all wrote about angels in white clothing with the women at Jesus's tomb. Two of the authors called them men, but that is only because the angels looked human. Two of the authors wrote about two angels, but the other two authors wrote about only one of them. It is best to translate each of these passages as it appears in the ULB without trying to make the passages all say exactly the same thing. (See: [Matthew 28:1-2](../../mat/28/01.md) and [Mark 16:5](../../mrk/16/05.md) and [Luke 24:4](../../luk/24/04.md) and [John 20:12](../../jhn/20/12.md)) +Mateus, Marcos, Lucas e João escreveram sobre anjos com roupas brancas que apareceram às mulheres no túmulo de Jesus. Dois dos autores os chamavam de homens, mas isso é apenas porque os anjos estavam em forma humana. Dois dos autores escreveram sobre dois anjos, mas os outros dois autores escreveram sobre apenas um deles. É melhor traduzir cada uma dessas passagens como aparece na ULB sem tentar fazer as passagens dizerem exatamente a mesma coisa. (Veja: Mateus 28: 1-2, Marcos 16: 5 e Lucas 24: 4 e João 20:12) ## Links: