diff --git a/50-EPH/02.usfm b/50-EPH/02.usfm index db275151..0180ec7a 100644 --- a/50-EPH/02.usfm +++ b/50-EPH/02.usfm @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ \s5 \v 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away from God have been brought near to God by the blood of Christ. \v 14 For he is our peace. He made the two one. By his flesh he destroyed the wall of division that divided us, the hostility. -\v 15 That is, he abolished the law of commandments and regulations so that he might create one new people out of two peoples, thus making peace. +\v 15 That is, he abolished the law of commandments and regulations so that he might create one new man in himself, making peace. \v 16 He did this to reconcile both peoples into one body to God through the cross, putting to death the hostility between them. \s5