## Judges 01 Translation Questions ## Q? Who would lead the people of Israel when they went up against the Canaanites to fight against them? A. Judah would lead the people of Israel against the Canaanites to fight against them. [1:1] Q? Against whom did the men of Judah fight? A. The men of Judah fought against Adoni Bezek. [1:4-5] Q? Who gathered their food from under Adoni Bezek's table? A. Seventy kings, who had their thumbs and their big toes cut off, gathered their food from under Adoni Bezek's table. [1:7] Q? What was the previous name of Hebron? A. The name of Hebron was previously Kiriath Arba. [1:10] Q? What did Caleb give to Othniel? A. Caleb gave Achsah, his daughter, to be Othniel's wife. [1:12-13] Q? Since Achsah was in Negev, what did she want her father to give her? A. Since Achsah was in Negev, she wanted him to give her springs of water. [1:15] Q? Where is the wilderness of Judah? A. The wilderness of Judah is in the Negev. [1:16] Q? Why could the people of Judah not drive out the inhabitants of the plains? A. They could not drive out the inhabitants of the plains because the inhabitants had iron chariots. [1:19] Q? Why did the Jebusites live with the people of Benjamin in Jerusalem? A. Because the people of Benjamin did not drive out the Jebusites who inhabited Jerusalem, the Jebusites lived with the people of Benjamin in Jerusalem. [1:21] Q? What happened to the man who showed the spies from the house of Joseph how to get into Bethel? A. The spies let the man and his family get away and the man went to the land of the Hittites and built a city and called it Luz. [1:25-26] Q? When Israel became strong, what did they do to the Canaanites? A. When Israel became strong, they forced the Canaanites to serve them with hard labor, but they never drove them out completely. [1:28] Q? Why did the tribe of Asher live among the Canaanites? A. The tribe of Asher lived among the Canaanites, because Asher did not drive them out. [1:32] Q? Who conquered the Amorites at Mount Heres, in Aijalon, and in Shaalbim? A. The house of Joseph conquered them. [1:34-35] __[Back to Judges Chapter List](./)__