## 2 Kings 05 Translation Questions ## Q? What had Yahweh given to Aram by Naaman? A. Yahweh had given victory to Aram. [5:1] Q? Whom did the little girl say would heal her master? A. The girl said the prophet who was in Samaria would heal her master. [5:3] Q? To whom did Naaman take the letter which was from the king of Aram? A. Naaman took the letter to the king of Israel. [5:6] Q? What did the king of Israel think was the reason Naaman came to him for a cure? A. The king of Israel thought Naaman was seeking to start an argument with him. [5:7] Q? What was Naaman told to do to be clean? A. Naaman was told to go and dip himself into the Jordan seven times to be clean. [5:10] Q? How did Naaman think Elisha would heal him? A. Naaman thought Elisha would come out to him and stand and call on the name of Yahweh his God, and wave his hand over the place and heal the leprosy. [5:11] Q? Like what was Naaman's flesh restored? A. Naaman's flesh was restored again like the flesh of a little child. [5:14] Q? After Naaman was healed, what did he know? A. After Naaman was healed, he knew that there was no God in all the earth except in Israel. [5:15] Q? For what did Naaman ask Yahweh to pardon him? A. Naaman asked Yahweh to pardon him when he bowed himself in the house of Rimmon. [5:18] Q? According to Gehazi, who came from the hill country of Ephraim? A. According to Gehazi, two young men of the sons of the prophets came from the hill country of Ephraim. [5:22] Q? What did Gehazi hide in the house? A. He hid the bags of silver in the house. [5:24] Q? What happened because Gehazi lied? A. Because Gehazi lied, he became a leper. [5:26-27] __[Back to 2 Kings Chapter List](./)__