diff --git a/05-DEU/04.usfm b/05-DEU/04.usfm
index a235ae0e..44ee9866 100644
--- a/05-DEU/04.usfm
+++ b/05-DEU/04.usfm
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 \v 23 Be sure that you do not forget the covenant that Yahweh our God made with you, and do not make a carved figure in the likeness of anything he has forbidden you.
 \v 24 You must not do that because Yahweh your God wants everyone to worship him alone. He will destroy anyone who worships idols.
 \v 25 When you have been in the land of Canaan for a long time and you have children and grandchildren, do not sin by making a carved figure that represents anything, because Yahweh says that is evil, and if you do that, you will cause him to become angry with you and punish you.
 \v 26 Today I am requesting everyone who is in heaven and everyone who is on the earth to watch what you are doing. If you disobey what I am telling you, you will soon all die in the land that you will be crossing the Jordan River to occupy. You will not live very long there; Yahweh will completely get rid of many of you.