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@ -149,21 +149,21 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
9:4 vaey What did the voice say to Saul? The voice said, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me”.
9:5 c3r1 When Saul asked who was speaking to him, what was the answer? The answer was, “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting”.
9:8 rx61 When Saul arose from the ground, what had happened to him? When Saul arose, he could see nothing.
9:9 mfwm Where did Saul then go and what did he do? Saul went to Damascus and did not eat or drink for three days.
9:8-9 mfwm What did Saul do for three days in Damascus? Saul did not eat or drink for three days.
9:11-12 yzg2 What did the Lord tell Ananias to do? The Lord told Ananias to go and lay hands on Saul, so that Saul would receive his sight.
9:13-14 zpb4 What concern did Ananias express to the Lord? Ananias was concerned because he knew Saul had come to Damascus to arrest everyone who called upon the Lord’s name.
9:15 eq7g What mission did the Lord say he had for Saul as his chosen instrument? The Lord said Saul would carry the Lord’s name before the Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel.
9:16 htif Did the Lord say Saul’s mission would be easy or difficult? The Lord said that Saul would suffer greatly for the cause of the Lord’s name.
9:19 hnuj After Ananias laid hands on Saul, what happened? After Ananias laid hands on Saul, Saul received his sight, was baptized, and ate.
9:18-19 hnuj After Ananias laid hands on Saul, what happened? After Ananias laid hands on Saul, Saul received his sight, was baptized, and ate.
9:20 shrd What did Saul immediately begin to do? Saul immediately began to proclaim Jesus in the synagogues, saying that Jesus is the Son of God.
9:25 pbr7 When the Jews finally planned to kill Saul, how did he escape? When the Jews planned to kill him, Saul escaped at night by being let down through the wall in a basket.
9:26 ycr3 When Saul came to Jerusalem, how did the disciples receive him? In Jerusalem, the disciples were afraid of Saul because they did not know he had truly become a believer.
9:27 vilh Who then brought Saul to the apostles and explained what had happened to Saul in Damascus? Barnabas brought Saul to the apostles and explained what had happened to Saul in Damascus.
9:29 szo6 What did Saul do in Jerusalem? Saul spoke boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus.
9:28 szo6 What did Saul do in Jerusalem? Saul spoke boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus.
9:31 xaq5 After Saul was sent away to Tarsus, what was the condition of the church in Judea, Galilee, and Samaria? The church in Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and was built up, growing in numbers.
9:33-35 dk3l What happened in Lydda that caused everyone there to turn to the Lord? In Lydda, Peter spoke to a paralyzed man who was healed by Jesus.
9:40 gvk4 What happened in Joppa that caused many people to believe in the Lord? Peter prayed for a dead woman named Tabitha, who was raised back to life.
10:2 l80p What kind of man was Cornelius? Cornelius was a devout man who feared God, was generous, and was always praying to God.
10:1-2 l80p What kind of man was Cornelius? Cornelius was a devout man who feared God, was generous, and was always praying to God.
10:4 sull What did the angel say had caused God to be reminded about Cornelius? The angel said that Cornelius’ prayers and gifts to the poor had reminded God about Cornelius.
10:5 c9lp What did the angel tell Cornelius to do? The angel told Cornelius to send men to Joppa to bring Peter back to the home of Cornelius.
10:11-12 gzjh On the next day, what did Peter see while he was praying and in a trance on the housetop? Peter saw a large sheet filled with all kinds of animals, things that crawled, and birds.
@ -190,14 +190,14 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
11:19 s9vw What did most of the believers who were scattered after Stephen’s death do? Most of the scattered believers told the message about Jesus only to Jews.
11:20-21 idod What happened when some of the scattered believers preached the Lord Jesus to Greeks? When they preached the Lord Jesus to Greeks, a great number believed.
11:22-23 nrp0 What did Barnabas from Jerusalem tell the believing Greeks in Antioch? Barnabas encouraged the Greeks to remain with the Lord with all their heart.
11:26 sz44 Who spent an entire year at the church in Antioch? Barnabas and Saul spent an entire year at the church in Antioch.
11:26 sz44 How long did Barnabas and Saul spend at the church in Antioch? Barnabas and Saul spent an entire year at the church in Antioch.
11:26 b69w What name did the disciples first receive in Antioch? The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.
11:28 bt8b What did Agabus the prophet predict would happen? Agabus predicted that a great famine would occur over all the world.
11:29-30 tupm How did the disciples respond to Agabus’ prophecy? The disciples sent help to the brothers in Judea by the hand of Barnabas and Saul.
12:2 mymt What did Herod the king do to James, the brother of John? Herod the king killed James, the brother of John, with the sword.
12:3-4 p1bo What did Herod the king do to Peter? Herod arrested and put Peter in prison, intending to bring him to the people after the Passover.
12:5 d6lh What was the assembly doing for Peter? The assembly was earnestly praying for Peter.
12:9-10 et0f How did Peter get past the first and second guard and out of the gate of the prison? Peter followed an angel past the guards, and then the gate opened by itself.
12:8-10 et0f How did Peter get past the first and second guard and out of the gate of the prison? Peter followed an angel past the guards, and then the gate opened by itself.
12:13-14 i4ic When Peter arrived at the house where the believers were praying, who answered the door and what did she do? A servant girl Rhoda answered the door and reported that Peter was standing at the door, but she did not open the door.
12:15 jmhh How did the believers first react to her report? At first they thought Rhoda was insane.
12:17 uo2p After telling the believers what had happened to him, what did Peter tell them to do? Peter told them to report these things to James and the brothers.
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
17:7 xi6i What accusation was made against Paul and Silas to the city officials? Paul and Silas were accused of acting against the decrees of Caesar, saying that there was another king, Jesus.
17:10 tci9 Where did Paul and Silas go when they arrived in Berea? Paul and Silas went into the synagogue of the Jews.
17:11 t2et What did the Bereans do when they heard Paul’s message? The Bereans received the word and examined the Scriptures to see if what Paul said was so.
17:13-15 w414 Why did Paul have to leave Berea, and where did he go? Paul had leave Berea because the Jews of Thessalonica stirred up the crowds in Berea, so Paul went to Athens.
17:13-14 w414 Why did Paul have to leave Berea? Paul had leave Berea because the Jews of Thessalonica stirred up the crowds in Berea.
17:17 f8ou Where did Paul go when he arrived in Athens? Paul went to the Jewish synagogue and the marketplace to reason from the Scriptures.
17:19-20 xnc3 Where was Paul brought to explain his teaching further? Paul was brought to the Areopagus to explain his teaching further.
17:23 gjfe Which altar in Athens did Paul find, which he wanted to explain to the people? Paul found an altar with the inscription, TO AN UNKNOWN GOD, which he wanted to explain to the people.
@ -325,11 +325,10 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
20:7 kqua On what day of the week did Paul and the believers gather to break bread? On the first day of the week Paul and the believers gathered to break bread.
20:9-10 jxkk What happened to the young man who fell out of the window while Paul was speaking? The young man fell from the third story and was picked up dead, but Paul stretched himself out on him and he came back to life.
20:16 afhc Why was Paul hurrying toward Jerusalem? Paul was hurrying toward Jerusalem to be there for the day of Pentecost.
20:18 yygx About what did Paul say he warned both Jews and Greeks since he set foot in Asia? Paul said he warned both Jews and Greeks about repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus.
20:20 o779 About what did Paul say he warned both Jews and Greeks since he set foot in Asia? Paul said he warned both Jews and Greeks about repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus.
20:18-21 o779 About what did Paul testify both Jews and Greeks from the time he set foot in Asia? Paul said he testified to both Jews and Greeks about repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus.
20:23 mlnm About what was the Holy Spirit witnessing to Paul in every city as he traveled toward Jerusalem? The Holy Spirit was witnessing to Paul that chains and sufferings awaited him.
20:24 qkv9 What ministry had Paul received from the Lord Jesus? Paul’s ministry was to bear witness to the gospel of the grace of God.
20:27 drae Why did Paul say he was innocent of the blood of any man? Paul said he was innocent of their blood because he had declared to them the whole will of God.
20:26-27 drae Why did Paul say he was innocent of the blood of any man? Paul said he was innocent of their blood because he had declared to them the whole will of God.
20:28 o9z9 What did Paul command the Ephesian elders to do carefully after his departure? Paul commanded the elders to shepherd the flock carefully.
20:30 i1ak What did Paul say would happen among the Ephesian elders after his departure? Paul said that some of the elders would say corrupt things in order to draw away disciples after themselves.
20:32 ugtl To whom did Paul entrust the Ephesian elders? Paul entrusted the Ephesian elders to God.
@ -344,7 +343,7 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
21:24 mvn9 Why did James and the elders want Paul to purify himself with the four men who had made a vow? They wanted everyone to know that Paul as a Jew also lived so as to keep the law.
21:25 wg6c What did James say the Gentiles who believed should do? James said the Gentiles should keep themselves from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from fornication.
21:28 zmvk What accusations did some Jews from Asia make against Paul in the temple? The Jews accused Paul of teaching against the law and defiling the temple by bringing Greeks into it.
21:31 oa6d After making these accusations, what did the Jews do to Paul? The Jews dragged Paul out of the temple and tried to kill him.
21:30-31 oa6d After making these accusations, what did the Jews do to Paul? The Jews dragged Paul out of the temple and tried to kill him.
21:33 jbdu What did the chief captain of the guard do when he heard that Jerusalem was in an uproar? The chief captain laid hold on Paul and had him bound with two chains, asking who he was and what he had done.
21:36 utw8 What was the crowd shouting as the soldiers carried Paul into the fortress? The crowd was shouting, “Away with him!”
21:39 yplb What request did Paul make to the chief captain? Paul requested that he be allowed to speak to the people.
@ -371,7 +370,7 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
23:12-13 i7yf What pact concerning Paul did some Jewish men make? About 40 Jewish men made a pact that they would not eat or drink until they had killed Paul.
23:14-15 exnu What was the plan the 40 Jewish men presented to the chief priests and elders? They asked the chief priests and elders to have Paul brought to the council so they could kill Paul before he arrived.
23:16 lik5 How did Paul learn about the plan of the 40 Jewish men? Paul’s sister’s son heard of the plan and told Paul.
23:23-24 xj40 How did the chief captain respond when he learned the plan of the forty Jewish men? The chief captain ordered a large guard to take Paul safely to Felix the governor at the third hour of the night.
23:23-24 xj40 How did the chief captain respond when he learned the plan of the 40 Jewish men? The chief captain ordered a large guard to take Paul safely to Felix the governor at the third hour of the night.
23:29 krfj In his letter to Felix the governor, what did the chief captain say about the accusations against Paul? The chief captain said Paul did not deserve death or imprisonment, but that the accusations were about questions concerning Jewish law.
23:35 ewf2 When did Felix the governor say he would hear Paul’s case? Felix said he would hear Paul’s case when Paul’s accusers arrived.
23:35 csoo Where was Paul kept until his trial? Paul was kept in Herod’s palace until his trial.
@ -388,7 +387,7 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
24:25 bcmp How did Felix react after he heard Paul? Felix became fearful, and he asked Paul to go away for the present time.
24:27 sx9a After two years, why did Felix leave Paul still under guard when the new governor came? Felix left Paul imprisoned because he wanted to gain favor with the Jews.
25:3 l85w What favor did the chief priest and the prominent Jews ask of Festus? They asked Festus to call Paul to Jerusalem so that they could kill Paul along the way.
25:5 rh9q What did Festus tell the chief priest and the prominent Jews to do? Festus told them to go to Caesarea, where Festus was going, and that they could accuse Paul there.
25:4-5 rh9q What did Festus tell the chief priest and the prominent Jews to do? Festus told them to go to Caesarea, where Festus was going, and that they could accuse Paul there.
25:9 haz8 While judging Paul’s case in Caesarea, what question did Festus ask Paul? Festus asked Paul if he wanted to go up to Jerusalem and be judged there.
25:9 tfii Why did Festus ask Paul this question? Festus asked Paul this question because he wanted to gain favor with the Jews.
25:10 g7y7 What was Paul’s response to Festus’ question? Paul said that he stood before the judgment seat of Caesar where he must be judged.
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