1:6 bfoi How should Gaius send the brothers on? He should sent them on worthily of God.
1:7 uxbr Why did the brothers need help from the believers to send them out on their journey? They needed help because they were not accepting anything from the Gentiles.
1:8 y0oj Why does John say believers should welcome such people? John says believers should welcome them to become fellow-workers with the truth.
1:9 uz5o What does Diotrephes love? Diotrephes loves to be first among the people of his church.
1:10 osvj What will John do when he comes to Gaius and the congregation? When John comes, he will call attention to the works that Diotrephes is doing.
1:10 hnrs What does Diotrephes do with the brothers who are sent out? Diotrephes does not receive these brothers.
1:10 mzkb What does Diotrephes do with those who are willing to receive these brothers? Diotrephes stops them from receiving the brothers and puts them out of the church.