Translation Training Module EJ 4:08

Translation Training Module EJ 4:08
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@ -463,35 +463,114 @@ Retell this story in your own words (i.e., orally, dramatization, or written/cra
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### Grammar and Translation Training: Extended Biblical Imagery
*Use the following exercise to learn about a specific grammar issue and its importance in understanding the meaning of a text. This exercise will also help you develop skills to translate this issue accurately and naturally in your own language. If you need additional help on this translation topic, please reference [translationAcademy](*
### Grammar and Translation Training: Possession
*Use the following exercise to learn about a specific grammar issue and its importance in understanding the meaning of a text. This exercise will also help you develop skills to translate this issue accurately and naturally in your own language. If you need additional help on this translation topic, please reference [translationAcademy](*
#### Explanation of Translation Issue
*Read (or listen) to the explanation of the translation issue. As a community, discuss your understanding of this translation issue and its importance for translating the text.*
In English, the grammatical form that commonly indicates possession is also used to indicate a variety of relationships between people and objects or people and other people. In English, that grammatical relationship is shown by using the word “**of**,” by using **an apostrophe and the letter “s”**, or by using a **possessive pronoun**. The following examples are different ways to indicate that my grandfather owns a house.
#### Examples in Biblical Passages
- the house **of** my grandfather
- my grandfather **s** house
- **his** house
Possession is used in Hebrew, Greek, and English for a variety of situations. Here are a few common situations that it is used for.
- Ownership — Someone owns something.
- The clothes of me - my clothes — The clothes that I own
- Social Relationship — Someone has some kind of social relationship with another.
- The mother of John — John's mother - the woman who gave birth to John, or the woman who cared for John
- A teacher of Israel - Israel's teacher — a person who teaches Israel
- Association — A particular thing is associated with a particular person, place, or thing.
- The sickness of David - Davids sickness — the sickness that David is experiencing
- the fear of the Lord — the fear that is appropriate for a human being to have when relating to the Lord
- Contents — Something has something in it.
- a bag of clothes — a bag that has clothes in it, or a bag that is full of clothes
- Part and whole: One thing is part of another.
- my head — the head that is part of my body
- the roof of a house — the roof that is part of a house
In some languages there is a special form of possession, termed **inalienable possession.** This form of possession is used for things that cannot be removed from you, as opposed to things you could lose. In the examples above, _my head_ and _my mother_ are examples of inalienable possession (at least in some languages), while _my clothes_ or _my teacher_ would be alienably possessed. What may be considered alienable vs. inalienable may differ by language. In languages that mark the difference, the expression of inalienable possession and alienable possession will be different.
#### Examples in Biblical Passages
*Read (or listen) to the passages below. Use the explanation above to complete the following activity.*
Review the explanation of possession above. Use the list of possession functions above, identify the uses of possession in each passage below. To make things easier, the word indicating possession haas been placed in bold. Finally, discuss how these uses of possession contribute to the meaning of each passage.
**Passage 1**: Luke 15:13
> 13 Not many days later, the younger son gathered together all he owned and went to a country far away, and there he wasted all **his** wealth by living recklessly.
**Passage 2**: Matthew 9:14
> 14 Then the disciples **of** John came to him and said, "Why do we and the Pharisees often fast, but your disciples do not fast?"
**Passage 3**: 2 Timothy 2:8
> 8 Remember Jesus Christ, from David's seed, who was raised from the dead. This is according to **my** gospel message
**Passage 4**: Revelation 9:7
> 7 The locusts looked like horses prepared for war. On their heads were something like crowns **of** gold, and their faces were like human faces.
**Passage 5**: Ephesians 4:7
> 7 To each one **of** us grace has been given according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
#### Discovery of Your Own Language
*Now that you understand the basics of this language issue, discuss if your language works in this specific way. Then, talk about different ways you can communicate in this way using your language. Provide some examples below.*
*Now that you understand the basics of this language issue, discuss if your language works in this specific way. Then, talk about different ways.
1. Does your language uses possession to indicate a variety of relationships between people and objects or people and other people. *Discuss if people in your language can use metonymy in a natural way.*
2. How can you use your language to communicate in a similar way? *Discuss how speakers in your language can use words, phrases, or some other means, to indicate the various possession relationships and functions.
#### Connecting Language and Theology
*The study of language helps us understand theology. As a community, complete the following exercise to understand how this particular language concept teaches us more about the Christian faith.*
The concepts related to possession are a part of reality. Concepts such as ownership, social relationship, association, and part/whole are fundamental to human nature and society, and therefore play a large role in theology. Recognizing these relationships, often indicated by words or structures of possession, is often foundational to the theology of the passage. Translators should become comfortable with recognizing, interpreting, and translating the various types of possession found in Scripture.
Read the following passage. Identify the instances of possession and their function. Discuss how understanding these ideas helps us better understand the importance of sharing a common faith in Christ. Christian community expresses itself in the care members show for one another.
#### Ephesians 4:1-16
1 I, therefore, as the prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk worthily of the calling by which you were called. 2 I urge you to live with great humility and gentleness and patience, putting up with one another in love. 3 Do your best to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one certain hope of your calling. 5 And there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 and one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. 7 To each one of us grace has been given according to the measure of the gift of Christ. 8 It is as scripture says:
"When he ascended to the heights,
he led the captives into captivity,
and he gave gifts to the people."
9 What is the meaning of "He ascended," except that he also descended into the lower regions of the earth? 10 He who descended is the same person who also ascended far above all the heavens, that he might fill all things. 11 Christ gave some to be apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers. 12 He gave these offices to equip the saints for the work of service, for the building up of the body of Christ. 13 He continues to build up his body until we all reach the unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God, and that we become mature and so reach the measure of the fullness of Christ. 14 Christ builds us up so that we should no longer be children who are tossed back and forth by the waves, and carried away by every wind of teaching and by the trickery of people in their deceitful schemes. 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, that is, Christ. 16 Christ builds the whole body, and it is joined and held together by every supporting ligament, and when each part works together, that makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.
#### Translation Suggestions
*The following list provides some translation suggestions. Read (or listen) to these suggestions and discuss how your community will address this translation issue in your own language.*
*The following list provides some translation suggestions. Read (or listen) to these suggestions and discuss how your community will address this translation issue in your own language.*
Translators need to understand the relationship between two ideas represented by the two nouns when one is in the grammatical relationship of possessing the other. Some languages do not use grammatical possession for all of the situations that the Bible might use it for.
*Strategies for learning what the relationship is between the two nouns:*
1. Read the surrounding verses to see if they help you to understand the relationship between the two nouns.
2. Read the verse in the UST. Sometimes it shows the relationship clearly.
3. See what the notes say about it.
*Translation Strategies*
If possession would be a natural way to show a particular relationship between two nouns, consider using it. If it would be strange or hard to understand, consider these.
1. Use an adjective to show that one noun describes the other.
2. Use a verb to show how the two are related.
3. If one of the nouns refers to an event, translate it as a verb.
#### Exploring Translation Further
*If you need further help understanding this language topic, refer to the article in [translationAcademy]( Use this resource to strengthen your grasp of this translation issue.*
*If you need further help understanding this language topic, refer to the article in [translationAcademy]( Use this resource to strengthen your grasp of this translation issue.*
#### Summary of Learning
*At this point, you have explored an important feature of language and how this will help you translate more accurately and naturally. Summarize this language concept in your own words. Then compare what you wrote to the explanation above.*
*At this point, you have explored an important feature of language and how this will help you translate more accurately and naturally. Summarize this language concept in your own words. Then, compare what you wrote to the explanation above.*
Possessions are...
These are some ways that we will translate possessions in our own language...
#### Application to the Biblical Text
*Now that you understand this language concept better, apply what you learned to the biblical text.*
Discuss the use of possessions in Matthew 17:22-18:35. Explore their contribution to the passage's meaning. Apply the principles in this training to clearly, accurately, and naturally translate the possessions in this narrative.
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## Theological Dialogue: Discussing the Meaning of the Story