Incremental commit of EJ 4.09

Incremental commit of EJ 4.09
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ILindsley 2023-04-21 10:15:42 -04:00
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1 changed files with 111 additions and 69 deletions

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@ -8,24 +8,59 @@ scripture: Acts 4:32-6:7
## Session Overview
### Passage Preview
Acts 4:32-6:7 provides a vivid portrayal of the early Church's spirit of unity and mutual care. The early believers demonstrated their deep love and concern for one another by generously sharing their possessions. They ensured that no member was in need (4:32-36). Led by the Holy Spirit, they lived in awe and reverence of the Lord. They also corrected behaviors that conflicted with community ideals (5:1-10). Despite facing persecution and hardship (5:12-41), they remained steadfast in their faith, and their commitment to one another. They appointed men to provide care and support for those in need. God wants his people to be like a loving family whose members care for one another. Such love reflects the love God showed toward us.
**Key Idea**:
**Key Idea**: The church community enjoys a common life of mutual care that maintains a focus on global mission.
### Core Objectives
In the following session you will...
- **establish**
- **establish** foundational beliefs about community and persecution
- **compose** a translation of Acts 4:32-6:7 that is clear, accurate, natural, and church approved
- **mature**
- **mature** in Christian life of faith through the practice of care
- **develop** basic ministry skills with believers and unbelievers as you check your translation
### Narrative Summary
The believers were united and shared everything they had. The apostles spoke with power about Jesus' resurrection and God's grace was strongly with them. Everyone's needs were met because those who owned land or houses sold them and gave the money to the apostles to distribute to those in need. One person named Joseph, also known as Barnabas, sold his field and gave the money to the apostles.
A man named Ananias sold some land, and he kept some of the money for himself, while giving the rest to the apostles. Peter asked Ananias why he would lie to God and keep some of the money. Ananias fell down and died after hearing this. Later, Ananias wife came and said they sold the land for the same amount. Peter asked her why she would also lie and test God. She fell down and died too. Everyone was afraid after hearing what had happened.
The apostles did amazing things that amazed people. Everyone who believed in Jesus met in Solomons Colonnade. Even though people respected them, no one else wanted to join them. But more and more people became believers and were added to their group. People brought sick people out on the streets, hoping that at least Peters shadow would fall on them and heal them. Many people from nearby towns brought their sick and those troubled by bad spirits, and all of them were healed.
The high priest and his associates, who were Sadducees, were jealous and angry. They arrested the apostles and put them in jail. But during the night, an angel of the Lord came and opened the jail doors and told them to go to the temple and tell people about the new life.
When the sun came up, the apostles went to the temple and started teaching people as they were instructed by the angel. Later, the high priest and his group came to the temple and called the Sanhedrin, which is the group of leaders of Israel. They sent people to the jail to get the apostles, but they weren't there. The officers came back and said the doors were locked and the guards were standing outside, but the apostles were gone. The captain and the chief priests were confused and didn't know what to do next.
Then someone told the captain that the apostles were teaching in the temple courts. So, the captain went with his officers and brought the apostles, but they didn't use force because they were afraid the people would hurt them. The apostles were then questioned by the high priest and the Sanhedrin for disobeying their orders not to teach in the name of Jesus. Peter and the other apostles said that they must obey God rather than humans. They explained that God raised Jesus from the dead, whom the high priest and his associates killed by hanging him on a cross. They said that God exalted Jesus to his right hand as Prince and Savior to bring Israel to repentance and forgive their sins. They claimed that they were witnesses of these things, as was the Holy Spirit.
When the high priest and the Sadducees heard what the apostles said, they were really angry and wanted to kill them. But a man named Gamaliel, who was a respected teacher of the law, stood up and asked for the apostles to be taken outside for a moment. He told the leaders to think carefully before doing anything to them, reminding them of two men in the past who had claimed to be important and had gathered followers, but their movements failed when they died. Gamaliel advised the leaders to leave the apostles alone, because if they were just ordinary people with their own ideas, their movement would fail, but if they were sent by God, then fighting against them would mean fighting against God. His words convinced the leaders to let the apostles go.
They were convinced by what Gamaliel said. So, they called the apostles and punished them by whipping them. Then, they warned them not to mention Jesus' name and let them go. The apostles left the Sanhedrin feeling happy that they were able to endure shame because of their faith. They continued preaching about Jesus as the Messiah every day, both in the temple and in people's homes.
During this time, when the number disciples was growing, some of the people complained that the Greek-speaking Jews were being treated unfairly compared to the Hebrew-speaking ones. The Twelve gathered everyone together and suggested that they choose seven men who were full of wisdom and the Holy Spirit to take care of the distribution of food to the needy, so that the Twelve could focus on preaching and praying. This idea was well received, and seven men were chosen, including Stephen, Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas. The apostles prayed for them and laid their hands on them, and as a result, the word of God spread, and more people became followers of Jesus.
### General Book Introduction
This book does not give the name of the author. However, it is addressed to Theophilus, the same person to whom the Gospel of Luke is addressed. Also, in parts of the book, the author uses the word “we.” This indicates that the author traveled with Paul. Most scholars think that Luke was this person traveling with Paul. Therefore, since early Christian times, most Christians have thought Luke is the author of the Book of Acts as well as the Gospel of Luke. Luke was a medical doctor. His way of writing shows that he was an educated man. He was probably a Gentile. He saw many of the events described in the Book of Acts. Luke wrote the book of Acts for people to understand how the church is empowered by the Holy Spirit to participate in God's mission in the world.
### Passage Outline
1. The unity of the early Church (4:32-33)
2. The generosity of the early Church (4:34-37)
3. The reverence of the early Church (5:1-11)
4. The ministry and persecution of the early Church (5:12-42)
5. The need for and ministry of the deacons in the early Church (6:1-6)
### Important Themes
**Unity in the Church:** Acts 4 emphasizes the unity and fellowship of the early church. The believers shared their possessions and resources with one another, creating a sense of community and mutual support. This theme of unity and fellowship is an important aspect of the early church's identity and serves as a model for building strong Christian communities today.
**Holiness and Obedience:** The story of Ananias and Sapphira emphasizes the importance of honesty and integrity in the church. Their deception and disobedience were seen as a direct affront to the Holy Spirit, resulting in their immediate death. The apostles' response to the situation underscores the idea that the church is a holy community that must live according to God's standards of righteousness and justice.
**The Power of the Holy Spirit:** Acts 5 highlights the miraculous signs and wonders performed by the apostles, which were evidence of the Holy Spirit's presence and power among them. The apostles' boldness in proclaiming the Gospel and performing healings and miracles was a testament to their faith in God and their reliance on the Holy Spirit.
**Persecution and Opposition:** Acts 5 also shows the growing opposition and persecution that the early church faced from the religious leaders of the day. The apostles' imprisonment and trial before the Sanhedrin demonstrate the hostility and resistance that the early church encountered as they sought to spread the Gospel.
**Courage and Faithfulness:** Despite the threats and persecution, the apostles remained courageous and faithful in their mission to preach the Gospel and establish the church. Their steadfastness and commitment to their faith in the face of opposition serve as a model for all believers who may face persecution or trials for their faith.
**Community and Care:** The appointment of the deacons in Acts 6 highlights the importance of caring for the needs of the church community. The apostles recognized that they could not handle all of the administrative tasks and needed to focus on prayer and preaching, so they appointed a group of men to serve and care for the physical needs of the church. This act of communal care and support is a central theme in the early church and highlights the importance of building a strong and supportive Christian community.
### Passage Translation
@ -111,23 +146,23 @@ In the following session you will...
12 Many signs and wonders were taking place among the people[^] through the hands of the apostles.[^] They were all together in Solomon's Porch.[^] 13 But no one else had the courage to join them;[^] however, they were held in high esteem by the people.[^] 14 Still more believers were being added to the Lord,[^] multitudes of men and women,[^] 15 so that they even carried the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and couches,[^] so that as Peter came by, his shadow might fall on some of them.[^] 16 There also came together a great number of people from the towns around Jerusalem,[^] bringing the sick and those afflicted with unclean spirits,[^] and they were all healed.[^]
[^ ]: **5:12** **Many signs and wonders were taking place among the people** (**L**: *many signs and wonders were happening among the people* | **S**: *God did many amazing miracles that showed the truth of what the Representatives were preaching among the people*) Translate **Many signs and wonders were taking place among the people** to mean
[^ ]: **5:12** **Many signs and wonders were taking place among the people** (**L**: *many signs and wonders were happening among the people* | **S**: *God did many amazing miracles that showed the truth of what the Representatives were preaching among the people*) During this early period of the Church, the apostles were performing many miracles. The phrase **signs and wonders** refers to the miracles the apostles were doing. These miracles authenticated the apostles and helped to confirm their message. God will ensure that the gospel message is received. Yet, he allows his followers to participate in this work. They only need to be willing and obey. Translate **Many signs and wonders were taking place among the people** to mean the apostles were doing many miracles for the people to see.
[^ ]: **5:12** **through the hands of the apostles** (**L**: *through the hands of the apostles* | **S**: *God was enabling the Representatives to do these miracles*) Translate **through the hands of the apostles** to mean
[^ ]: **5:12** **through the hands of the apostles** (**L**: *through the hands of the apostles* | **S**: *God was enabling the Representatives to do these miracles*) The apostles themselves performed the miracles, through the power of Christ. The phrase **through the hands** uses the word **hands** to represent the apostles' actions. The apostles did the same type of miracles that Jesus did, through the power of Christ and the Holy Spirit. Translate **through the hands of the apostles** to mean the apostles performed many miracles themselves.
[^ ]: **5:12** **They were all together in Solomon's Porch** (**L**: *and they were all unanimously at the Porch of Solomon* | **S**: *All the believers were meeting together regularly in the temple courtyard at the place called Solomons Porch.*) Translate **They were all together in Solomon's Porch** to mean
[^ ]: **5:12** **They were all together in Solomon's Porch** (**L**: *and they were all unanimously at the Porch of Solomon* | **S**: *All the believers were meeting together regularly in the temple courtyard at the place called Solomons Porch.*) The believers met regularly at a place called Solomon's Porch. **Solomon's Porch** was a covered walkway that consisted of rows of pillars that supported a roof. It was named after King Solomon. The early Church met regularly at this location. God wants his people to fellowship on a regular basis. This strengthens the Church's relationship with God and with each other. Translate **They were all together in Solomon's Porch** to mean the believers met regularly at the covered walkway called Solomon's Porch.
[^ ]: **5:13** **no one else had the courage to join them** (**L**: *none of the others dared to join them* | **S**: *All of the other people who had not believed in Jesus were afraid to meet with the believers*) Translate **no one else had the courage to join them** to mean
[^ ]: **5:13** **no one else had the courage to join them** (**L**: *none of the others dared to join them* | **S**: *All of the other people who had not believed in Jesus were afraid to meet with the believers*) People were afraid to join the early Church. The phrase **had the courage** means were courageous enough to do something. The people were afraid to join the new group of Christians likely because the Jewish leaders had commanded the apostles not to speak or teach about Jesus. Following Jesus always comes at a cost. Jesus wants his followers to value him above all things. Translate **no one else had the courage to join them** to mean the people were afraid to join the new Christians, because the apostles were still preaching about Jesus, even though the Jewish leaders had commanded them not to do so.
[^ ]: **5:13** **they were held in high esteem by the people** (**L**: *the people extolled them* | **S**: *those people continued to speak very highly of them*) Translate **they were held in high esteem by the people** to mean
[^ ]: **5:13** **they were held in high esteem by the people** (**L**: *the people extolled them* | **S**: *those people continued to speak very highly of them*) The new Christians were respected by outsiders. The phrase **held in high esteem** means greatly respected. Although people lacked the courage to join the new group of believers, they still respected them greatly. Translate **they were held in high esteem by the people** to mean outsiders greatly respected the group of believers.
[^ ]: **5:14** **Still more believers were being added to the Lord** (**L**: *more believers were being added to the Lord* | **S**: *many more people started believing in the Lord Jesus, and they joined the group of believers*) Translate **Still more believers were being added to the Lord** to mean
[^ ]: **5:14** **Still more believers were being added to the Lord** (**L**: *more believers were being added to the Lord* | **S**: *many more people started believing in the Lord Jesus, and they joined the group of believers*) During this early period of the Church, following Pentecost, people were consistently becoming believers. 3000 people joined the believers after Peter's sermon in Acts 2. Their numbers continued to grow after that point, despite persecution from the Jewish leaders. The Holy Spirit makes sure that the gospel successfully spreads. Yet he still expects believers to join him in that mission. Translate **Still more believers were being added to the Lord** to mean many more people were believing in Jesus and joining the Church.
[^ ]: **5:14** **multitudes of men and women** (**L**: *multitudes of both men and of women* | **S**: *many men and women*) Translate **multitudes of men and women** to mean
[^ ]: **5:14** **multitudes of men and women** (**L**: *multitudes of both men and of women* | **S**: *many men and women*) A large number of people were joining the Church, both men and women. The word **multitude** means a great number. Translate **multitudes of men and women** to mean a large number of men and women.
[^ ]: **5:15** **so that they even carried the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and couches** (**L**: *so that they even carried the sick into the streets and laid them on cots and mats* | **S**: *Because the people were seeing such amazing miracles, they started bringing those who had various diseases right into the streets and placing them on stretchers and mattresses there*) Translate **so that they even carried the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and couches** to mean
[^ ]: **5:15** **so that they even carried the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and couches** (**L**: *so that they even carried the sick into the streets and laid them on cots and mats* | **S**: *Because the people were seeing such amazing miracles, they started bringing those who had various diseases right into the streets and placing them on stretchers and mattresses there*) Because of the miracles the apostles were performing, people began carrying sick people into the streets to be healed. Luke says **so that** to introduce a result, but it is not the direct result of what he said just before, that many men and women became part of the church. It is the result of what he said in 5:12, that the apostles were doing “many signs and wonders.” Translate **so that they even carried the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and couches** to mean because of the amazing miracles being done by the apostles, people carried sick people into the streets and laid them on beds to be healed.
[^ ]: **5:15** **so that as Peter came by, his shadow might fall on some of them** (**L**: *so that as Peter came by, at least his shadow might overshadow any one of them* | **S**: *They were hoping that when Peter walked by his shadow might touch some of them, because if even that happened, God would heal them*) Translate **so that as Peter came by, his shadow might fall on some of them** to mean
[^ ]: **5:15** **so that as Peter came by, his shadow might fall on some of them** (**L**: *so that as Peter came by, at least his shadow might overshadow any one of them* | **S**: *They were hoping that when Peter walked by his shadow might touch some of them, because if even that happened, God would heal them*) The people laid sick people in the street on coaches, with the hope that they would be healed after Peter's shadow was cast on them. In this context, the phrase **his shadow might fall on some of them** means Peter's shadow might be cast on them. The power of the Spirit was working so mightily through the apostles that people were often healed after coming into contact with their shadow. God does amazing things so that people will learn who he is. Sometimes he does these things through his people. Translate **so that as Peter came by, his shadow might fall on some of them** to mean people laid sick people in the streets so that Peter's shadow would be cast on them when he walked by and they would be healed.
[^ ]: **5:16** **There also came together a great number of people from the towns around Jerusalem** (**L**: *a multitude also came together from the towns around Jerusalem* | **S**: *Large crowds of people were also coming from the towns near Jerusalem*) Translate **There also came together a great number of people from the towns around Jerusalem** to mean
@ -135,105 +170,91 @@ In the following session you will...
[^ ]: **5:16** **they were all healed** (**L**: *who were all healed* | **S**: *God healed all of them*) Translate **they were all healed** to mean
17 But the high priest rose up, and all those who were with him[^] (which is the sect of the Sadducees);[^] and they were filled with jealousy[^] 18 and laid hands on the apostles, and put them in the public jail.[^] 19 Yet during the night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and led them out,[^] and said, 20 "Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life."[^] 21 When they heard this, they entered into the temple about daybreak and taught.[^] But the high priest came, and those who were with him, and called the council together,[^] all the elders of the people of Israel,[^] and sent to the jail to have the apostles brought.[^] 22 But the officers that went did not find them in the prison,[^] and they returned and reported, 23 "We found the jail securely shut and the guards standing at the door,[^] but when we had opened it, we found no one inside."[^] 24 Now when the captain of the temple and the chief priests heard these words, they were much perplexed concerning them as to what would come of it.[^] 25 Then someone came and told them, "The men whom you put in the jail are standing in the temple and teaching the people."[^] 26 So the captain went with the officers, and brought them back, but without violence,[^] for they feared that the people might stone them.[^] 27 When they had brought them, they set them before the council. The high priest interrogated them,[^] 28 saying, "We strictly charged you not to teach in this name,[^] and yet, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching,[^ ] and desire to bring this man's blood upon us."[^] 29 But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than men.[^] 30 The God of our fathers raised up Jesus,[^] whom you killed by hanging him on a tree.[^] 31 God exalted him to his right hand to be a prince and a savior,[^] to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.[^] 32 We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit,[^] whom God has given to those who obey him."[^]
17 But the high priest rose up, and all those who were with him[^] (which is the sect of the Sadducees);[^] and they were filled with jealousy[^] 18 and laid hands on the apostles, and put them in the public jail.[^] 19 Yet during the night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and led them out, and said, 20 "Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life."[^] 21 When they heard this, they entered into the temple about daybreak and taught.[^] But the high priest came, and those who were with him, and called the council together,[^] all the elders of the people of Israel,[^] and sent to the jail to have the apostles brought.[^] 22 But the officers that went did not find them in the prison, and they returned and reported, 23 "We found the jail securely shut and the guards standing at the door,[^] but when we had opened it, we found no one inside."[^] 24 Now when the captain of the temple and the chief priests heard these words, they were much perplexed concerning them as to what would come of it.[^] 25 Then someone came and told them, "The men whom you put in the jail are standing in the temple and teaching the people."[^] 26 So the captain went with the officers, and brought them back, but without violence,[^] for they feared that the people might stone them.[^] 27 When they had brought them, they set them before the council. The high priest interrogated them,[^] 28 saying, "We strictly charged you not to teach in this name,[^] and yet, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching,[^ ] and desire to bring this man's blood upon us."[^] 29 But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than men.[^] 30 The God of our fathers raised up Jesus,[^] whom you killed by hanging him on a tree.[^] 31 God exalted him to his right hand to be a prince and a savior,[^] to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.[^] 32 We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit,[^] whom God has given to those who obey him."[^]
[^ ]: **5:17** **the high priest rose up, and all those who were with him** (**L**: *rising up, the high priest and all those with him* | **S**: *the high priest and other priests*) Translate **the high priest rose up, and all those who were with him** to mean
[^ ]: **5:17** **the high priest rose up, and all those who were with him** (**L**: *rising up, the high priest and all those with him* | **S**: *the high priest and other priests*) The high priest decided to take actions after hearing about the activities of the believers. Here the expression **rose up** means that the high priest decided to take action, not that he stood up from a seated position. The phrase **all those with him** means specifically all the other priests who joined the high priest in taking action against the apostles. The high priest and the other priests wanted the spread of the gospel to end. They attempted to put a stop to this message. Many people strongly resist the gospel message. Yet, it continues to prevail because God ensures that it succeeds. Translate **the high priest rose up, and all those who were with him** to mean the high priest, and the other priests with him, decided to take action.
[^ ]: **5:17** **which is the sect of the Sadducees** (**L**: *which is the sect of the Sadducees** | **S**: *These other priests were members of the Sadducee group*) Translate **which is the sect of the Sadducees** to mean
[^ ]: **5:17** **which is the sect of the Sadducees** (**L**: *which is the sect of the Sadducees** | **S**: *These other priests were members of the Sadducee group*) The other priests with the high priest were from the Jewish group known as the Sadducees. The word **sect** refers to a group of people who hold a particular set of religious or philosophical beliefs that often differ from the mainstream beliefs of a larger group. The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection of the dead. Translate **which is the sect of the Sadducees** to mean the other priests were members of the Sadducee religious group.
[^ ]: **5:17** **they were filled with jealousy** (**L**: *were filled with jealousy* | **S**: *they were very resentful that such large crowds were coming to the Representatives*) Translate **they were filled with jealousy** to mean
[^ ]: **5:17** **they were filled with jealousy** (**L**: *were filled with jealousy* | **S**: *they were very resentful that such large crowds were coming to the Representatives*) The high priest and the Sadducees were filled with jealousy. Luke is speaking as if the high priest and his allies were containers that jealousy **filled**. The high priest and the Sadducees were jealous because the apostles and members of the early Church were popular with the people. Translate **they were filled with jealousy** to mean the high priest and the Sadducees were jealous because such large crowds were coming to the apostles.
[^ ]: **5:18** **laid hands on the apostles, and put them in the public jail** (**L**: *they laid hands on the apostles and put them in the public prison* | **S**: *they commanded the temple guards to arrest them and to put them in the public jail*) Translate **laid hands on the apostles, and put them in the public jail** to mean
[^ ]: **5:18** **laid hands on the apostles, and put them in the public jail** (**L**: *they laid hands on the apostles and put them in the public prison* | **S**: *they commanded the temple guards to arrest them and to put them in the public jail*) The high priest and the Sadducees arrested the apostles. The expression **laid hands on** means to arrest someone by association with the way that arresting officers might physically take hold of a person with their **hands**. The Jewish leaders arrested the apostles to stop them from sharing the gospel and performing miracles. The gospel will always be met with great oppositions from some. God wants his followers to be faithful in the face of persecution. Translate **laid hands on the apostles, and put them in the public jail** to mean the high priest and the Sadducees arrested the apostles and put them in the public jail.
[^ ]: **5:19** **an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and led them out** (**L**: *an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the prison, bringing them out* | **S**: *an angel from the Lord God opened the jail doors and led all the Representatives outside*) Translate **an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and led them out** to mean
[^ ]: **5:20** **Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life** (**L**: *standing in the temple, speak to the people all the words of this life* | **S**: *Go to the temple courtyard, stand there, and tell the people about the eternal life that Jesus can give them*) The angel of the Lord freed the apostles. He then commanded the apostles to continue sharing the gospel, despite the fact that they had just been persecuted for doing so. In the phrase **words of this life,** the angel is using the term **words** to mean the message that the apostles were to share by using words. The words of the gospel bring life to those who believe them. Translate **Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life** to mean go to the temple and share the words that explain how the people can obtain eternal life.
[^ ]: **5:20** **Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life** (**L**: *standing in the temple, speak to the people all the words of this life* | **S**: *Go to the temple courtyard, stand there, and tell the people about the eternal life that Jesus can give them*) Translate **Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life** to mean
[^ ]: **5:21** **they entered into the temple about daybreak and taught** (**L**: *they entered into the temple about daybreak and were teaching* | **S**: *they went to the temple courtyard and began to teach the people once more about Jesus*) The apostles entered the temple when it was beginning to be light outside. The word **daybreak** refers to the time at which daylight first appears in the morning, typically just before or at sunrise. The apostles entered the temple at this time, and began sharing the good news about Jesus. Translate **they entered into the temple about daybreak and taught** to mean the apostles entered the temple around the time when daylight appears and began teaching about Jesus.
[^ ]: **5:21** **called the council together** (**L**: *called together the Sanhedrin* | **S**: *gathered together in the Jewish council chamber and summoned the other council members*) The high priest and the Sadducees called together the Sanhedrin. In this context, the term **council** refers to the Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin was a council of Jewish leaders in ancient Israel that played a significant role in religious and political matters. This council was composed of 71 members, including the High Priest, other priests, and lay elders. Translate **called the council together** to mean the high priest and the other priests called a meeting of the Sanhedrin.
[^ ]: **5:21** **all the elders of the people of Israel** (**L**: *even all the elders of the sons of Israel* | **S**: *Together they were all the leaders of Israel*) The high priest and the Sadducees called together the elders of Israel. In this context, the elders of Israel refers to the Sanhedrin. See note above.
[^ ]: **5:21** **they entered into the temple about daybreak and taught** (**L**: *they entered into the temple about daybreak and were teaching* | **S**: *they went to the temple courtyard and began to teach the people once more about Jesus*) Translate **they entered into the temple about daybreak and taught** to mean
[^ ]: **5:21** **sent to the jail to have the apostles brought** (**L**: *sent to the prison to bring the apostles* | **S**: *Once the whole council was present, they sent guards to the jail to get the Representatives*) The Sanhedrin sent officers to the jail. They were commanded to bring the apostles back with them. The phrase **sent to the jail** means sent officers to the jail. The members of the Sanhedrin wanted to question the apostles about their miracles and their message. Many believers face intense persecution for their faith, and for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. God wants believers to stand firm and trust in him, even when facing jail or death. Translate **sent to the jail to have the apostles brought** to mean the Sanhedrin sent officers to the jail to bring out the apostles to face the Sanhedrin.
[^ ]: **5:21** **called the council together** (**L**: *called together the Sanhedrin* | **S**: *gathered together in the Jewish council chamber and summoned the other council members*) Translate **called the council together** to mean
[^ ]: **5:23** **We found the jail securely shut and the guards standing at the door** (**L**: *We found the prison shut in all security and the guards standing at the doors* | **S**: *We saw that the jail doors were very safely locked and that the guards were keeping watch in front of the doors*) The officers reported that the jail doors were shut and locked and the guards were still guarding the doors. The phrase **found the jail securely shut** means the door to the prison was locked just as it should be. Such an occurrence would suggest that a miracle had occurred. Sometimes God miraculously delivers his followers from persecution or death. Sometimes God allows his followers to die for the gospel. Translate **We found the jail securely shut and the guards standing at the door** to mean the officers saw that the jail was locked and the guards were standing at their posts unalarmed.
[^ ]: **5:21** **all the elders of the people of Israel** (**L**: *even all the elders of the sons of Israel* | **S**: *Together they were all the leaders of Israel*) Translate **all the elders of the people of Israel** to mean
[^ ]: **5:23** **when we had opened it, we found no one inside** (**L**: *having opened, we found no one inside* | **S**: *when we opened the doors and went in to get those men, none of them were inside the jail*) he officers reported that the jail was empty. The apostles were not inside. The phrase **found no one inside** means the jail cell was empty. Yet the guards had no idea that an escape had occurred. Translate **when we had opened it, we found no one inside** to mean when the officers commanded the guards to open the prison cell, the apostles were not inside.
[^ ]: **5:21** **sent to the jail to have the apostles brought** (**L**: *sent to the prison to bring the apostles* | **S**: *Once the whole council was present, they sent guards to the jail to get the Representatives*) Translate **sent to the jail to have the apostles brought** to mean
[^ ]: **5:24** **they were much perplexed concerning them as to what would come of it** (**L**: *they were perplexed concerning them, as to what this might become* | **S**: *they were greatly confused and they wondered what the consequences would be*) The members of the Sanhedrin were confused by the officials' report. They did not understand how the apostles escaped, nor how the escape would affect the current situation. The word **perplexed** means to be confused, puzzled, or uncertain about something. The Sanhedrin was uncertain as to what would happen next. Their attempts to stop the gospel had been blocked. Those who ignore the power of God often struggle to explain his miracles. God's miracles and wonders defy natural explanations. Translate **they were much perplexed concerning them as to what would come of it** to mean the members of the Sanhedrin were extremely confused. They did not know how this situation would come to an end.
[^ ]: **5:22** **the officers that went did not find them in the prison** (**L**: *the officers did not find them in the prison* | **S**: *they discovered that they were not there*) Translate **the officers that went did not find them in the prison** to mean
<!-- here 4/19. 12 done. -->
[^ ]: **5:23** **We found the jail securely shut and the guards standing at the door** (**L**: *We found the prison shut in all security and the guards standing at the doors* | **S**: *We saw that the jail doors were very safely locked and that the guards were keeping watch in front of the doors*) Translate **We found the jail securely shut and the guards standing at the door** to mean
[^ ]: **5:25** **The men whom you put in the jail are standing in the temple and teaching the people** (**L**: *the men whom you put in the prison are standing in the temple and teaching the people* | **S**: *The men you put in jail have somehow gotten into the temple courtyard. And they are telling the people there about Jesus!*) The officials reported that the apostles had somehow escaped from jail, and were now sharing the gospel in the temple courtyard. In this context, the phrase **teaching the people** means teaching the people about Jesus. Despite the thread of persecution, imprisonment, and death, the apostles continued to share the good news about Jesus Christ. Jesus wants his followers to share the truth with others, even if it means risking their lives. Translate **The men whom you put in the jail are standing in the temple and teaching the people** to mean the men whom you imprisoned have somehow escaped and are standing in the temple and teaching the people about Jesus.
[^ ]: **5:23** **when we had opened it, we found no one inside** (**L**: *having opened, we found no one inside* | **S**: *when we opened the doors and went in to get those men, none of them were inside the jail*) Translate **when we had opened it, we found no one inside** to mean
[^ ]: **5:26** **brought them back, but without violence** (**L**: *brought them back, not with violence* | **S**: *They brought the Representatives back to the council room, but they did not treat them roughly*) The members of the Sanhedrin apprehended the apostles, without hurting them, and brought them back to the council room. The phrase **without violence** means the council brought the apostles back without harming them. They transported them non-violently back to the council room. Translate **brought them back, but without violence** to mean the members of the Sanhedrin brought the apostles back to the council room without using force.
[^ ]: **5:24** **they were much perplexed concerning them as to what would come of it** (**L**: *they were perplexed concerning them, as to what this might become* | **S**: *they were greatly confused and they wondered what the consequences would be*) Translate **they were much perplexed concerning them as to what would come of it** to mean
[^ ]: **5:26** **they feared that the people might stone them** (**L**: *they feared the people, lest they stone them* | **S**: *They were afraid that if they did that, the people would try to kill them by throwing stones at them*) The Sanhedrin was afraid that the people would stone them if they hurt the apostles. The term **stone** refers to the process of stoning. This process typically involved a group of people throwing stones at the convicted individual until they died. Many people loved the apostles, or at least the miracles that they did. At this moment, harming them could have caused a riot. Translate **they feared that the people might stone them** to mean the members of the Sanhedrin were afraid that the people might kill them with stones if they harmed the apostles.
[^ ]: **5:25** **The men whom you put in the jail are standing in the temple and teaching the people** (**L**: *the men whom you put in the prison are standing in the temple and teaching the people* | **S**: *The men you put in jail have somehow gotten into the temple courtyard. And they are telling the people there about Jesus!*) Translate **The men whom you put in the jail are standing in the temple and teaching the people** to mean
[^ ]: **5:27** **The high priest interrogated them** (**L**: *the high priest interrogated them* | **S**: *the high priest questioned them intensely*) The high priest questioned the apostles. The word **interrogate** means ask someone a lot of questions in order to get information that typically important. Sometimes violence is used, but not always. The high priest asked the apostles questions about their ministry activities, especially since they previously warned the apostles to stop teaching the people about Jesus. Translate **The high priest interrogated them** to mean the high priest asked the apostles lots of questions about their activities.
[^ ]: **5:26** **brought them back, but without violence** (**L**: *brought them back, not with violence* | **S**: *They brought the Representatives back to the council room, but they did not treat them roughly*) Translate **brought them back, but without violence** to mean
[^ ]: **5:28** **We strictly charged you not to teach in this name** (**L**: *We commanded you with a command not to teach in this name* | **S**: *We ordered you very clearly not to teach people about that man Jesus*) The Sanhedrin reminded the apostles that they had been warned to stop teaching people about Jesus. In this context, the phrase **in this name** refers to Jesus. The Sanhedrin did not like with the apostles were saying about Jesus. They especially did not like being told that they helped murder their Messiah. People often do not like hearing the truth about Jesus. They rather live life according to lies as long as they can live how they want. Translate **We strictly charged you not to teach in this name** to mean the Sanhedrin strongly warned the apostles to stop teaching the people about Jesus.
[^ ]: **5:26** **they feared that the people might stone them** (**L**: *they feared the people, lest they stone them* | **S**: *They were afraid that if they did that, the people would try to kill them by throwing stones at them*) Translate **they feared that the people might stone them** to mean
[^ ]: **5:28** **you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching** (**L**: *you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching* | **S**: *you have disobeyed us, and you have taught people all over Jerusalem about him*) The Sanhedrin told the apostles that the gospel message had spread all over Jerusalem. The phrase **have filled Jerusalem** means that the apostles had caused the gospel message to spread throughout Jerusalem. Many people living in Jerusalem had heard the gospel either directly from the apostles are from others. Some of the people who heard believed the message. Nothing can stop the spread of the gospel. Even Satan himself cannot prevent its spread through the world. Translate **you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching** to mean you have taught many people in Jerusalem about Jesus, and this message has spread throughout the city.
[^ ]: **5:27** **The high priest interrogated them** (**L**: *the high priest interrogated them* | **S**: *the high priest questioned them intensely*) Translate **The high priest interrogated them** to mean
[^ ]: **5:28** **desire to bring this man's blood upon us** (**L**: *you desire to bring upon us the blood of this man* | **S**: *you are trying to make it seem that we are the ones who are guilty of that mans death*) The Sanhedrin told the apostles that they wanted to blame them for Jesus' death. The phrase **bring this man's blood upon us** means implicate the Sanhedrin in Jesus death. The high priest is speaking as if the apostles wanted to put the blood of Jesus on him and his fellow Jewish leaders, because the Jewish leaders and the Romans had Jesus crucified on a cross. Ultimately, all mankind is responsible for Jesus' death. He died so that sinners could be reconciled to God. Translate **desire to bring this man's blood upon us** to mean the apostles desired to make the Jewish leaders responsible for Jesus' death.
[^ ]: **5:28** **We strictly charged you not to teach in this name** (**L**: *We commanded you with a command not to teach in this name* | **S**: *We ordered you very clearly not to teach people about that man Jesus*) Translate **We strictly charged you not to teach in this name** to mean
[^ ]: **5:29** **We must obey God rather than men** (**L**: *It is necessary to obey God rather than men* | **S**: *We have to obey what God commands us to do, not what you people tell us to do*) The apostles told the Sanhedrin that they must obey God's commands, since those commands overruled the laws of men. God's laws are more important than the laws of sinful man. If there is a conflict, believers must obey the laws of God. Translate **We must obey God rather than men** to mean the apostles must obey the laws of God rather than the laws of men, when those laws are in conflict with each other.
[^ ]: **5:28** **you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching** (**L**: *you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching* | **S**: *you have disobeyed us, and you have taught people all over Jerusalem about him*) Translate **you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching** to mean
[^ ]: **5:30** **The God of our fathers raised up Jesus** (**L**: *The God of our fathers raised up Jesus* | **S**: *God, whom our ancestors worshiped, caused Jesus to live again after he died*) The apostles said God raised Jesus from the dead. In this context, the phrase **God of our fathers** means God whom our ancestors worshiped. The phrase **raised up** means resurrected. The apostles claimed that the God of Israel, whom the Sanhedrin claimed to serve, was the same God who raised Jesus from the dead. Translate **The God of our fathers raised up Jesus** to mean the God whom our ancestors served raised Jesus from the dead.
[^ ]: **5:28** **desire to bring this man's blood upon us** (**L**: *you desire to bring upon us the blood of this man* | **S**: *you are trying to make it seem that we are the ones who are guilty of that mans death*) Translate **desire to bring this man's blood upon us** to mean
[^ ]: **5:30** **whom you killed by hanging him on a tree** (**L**: *whom you killed, having hung him on a tree* | **S**: *You are the ones who killed Jesus by nailing him to a cross!*) The apostles accused the Jewish leaders of killing Jesus on a cross. It was the Romans who literally killed Jesus, but Peter says that the Sanhedrin members killed him, because their demands led to his death. In this context, the word **hanging** refers to the act of crucifixion, and the word **tree** can mean either an actual tree, or something made of wood. Peter is using the word to refer to the cross, which was made out of wood. Jesus was nailed to the wooden cross and hung there until he died. Translate **whom you killed by hanging him on a tree** to mean the members of the Sanhedrin killed Jesus by nailing him to a wooden cross.
[^ ]: **5:29** **We must obey God rather than men** (**L**: *It is necessary to obey God rather than men* | **S**: *We have to obey what God commands us to do, not what you people tell us to do*) Translate **We must obey God rather than men** to mean
[^ ]: **5:31** **God exalted him to his right hand to be a prince and a savior** (**L**: *God has exalted this one to his right as Prince and Savior* | **S**: *God has honored Jesus more than he has honored anyone else. He has made him the one to save us and rule over us.*) The apostles said that God exalted Jesus after resurrecting him. In this context, the phrase **right hand** means right side. God placed Jesus at his **right** side as a symbolic way of giving him great honor. Although Jesus died a humiliating death, God exalted like a prince, and the savior of all mankind. The act intended to bring Jesus great shame and dishonor, resulting in him receiving the highest honor --- more honor and glory then anyone has ever received. Translate **God exalted him to his right hand to be a prince and a savior** to mean God honored Jesus because of his sacrificed and established him as a ruler and savior of the world.
[^ ]: **5:30** **The God of our fathers raised up Jesus** (**L**: *The God of our fathers raised up Jesus* | **S**: *God, whom our ancestors worshiped, caused Jesus to live again after he died*) Translate **The God of our fathers raised up Jesus** to mean
[^ ]: **5:31** **to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins** (**L**: *to give repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel* | **S**: *He has enabled us Israelites to stop sinning and he has forgiven us for the sins we committed*) Jesus died on the cross to make it possible for God to forgive the sins of Israel. In this context, the phrase **give repentance** means enable the people of Israel to repent. The phrase **forgiveness of sins** refers to the act of God forgiving the sins of his people. Because of the atoning death of Christ, people can have their sins wiped clean. Jesus paid the price for the sins of mankind. Translate **to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins** to mean Jesus' death made it possible for Israel to repent and be forgiven by God.
[^ ]: **5:30** **whom you killed by hanging him on a tree** (**L**: *whom you killed, having hung him on a tree* | **S**: *You are the ones who killed Jesus by nailing him to a cross!*) Translate **whom you killed by hanging him on a tree** to mean
[^ ]: **5:32** **We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit** (**L**: *we are witnesses of these things, and the Holy Spirit* | **S**: *We tell people about these things that we saw happen to Jesus. The Holy Spirit is also confirming that these things are true.*) The apostles told the Sanhedrin that they were eyewitnesses of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. They also said the Holy Spirit was affirming that these events actually occurred. The term **witness** refers to someone who can confirm the truth of certain events. Both the apostles and the Holy Spirit confirmed the truth about Jesus identity, and his resurrection, both through words and through miracles. Translate **We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit** to mean the apostles and the Holy Spirt were witnesses to the truth about Jesus Christ.
[^ ]: **5:31** **God exalted him to his right hand to be a prince and a savior** (**L**: *God has exalted this one to his right as Prince and Savior* | **S**: *God has honored Jesus more than he has honored anyone else. He has made him the one to save us and rule over us.*) Translate **God exalted him to his right hand to be a prince and a savior** to mean
[^ ]: **5:32** **whom God has given to those who obey him** (**L**: *whom God has given to those obeying him* | **S**: *whom God has sent to us who obey him*) The apostles told the Sanhedrin that God had given the Holy Spirit to all those who obey Jesus. Translate **whom God has given to those who obey him** to mean God gave the Holy Spirit to those who obey God.
[^ ]: **5:31** **to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins** (**L**: *to give repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel* | **S**: *He has enabled us Israelites to stop sinning and he has forgiven us for the sins we committed*) Translate **to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins** to mean
33 When the council members heard this, they were furious and wanted to kill the apostles.[^] 34 But a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, who was honored by all the people,[^] stood up and commanded the apostles to be taken outside for a little while. 35 Then he said to them, "Men of Israel, pay close attention to what you propose to do with these people.[^] 36 For some time ago, Theudas rose up claiming to be somebody,[^] and a number of men, about four hundred, joined him. He was killed, and all who had been obeying him were scattered and came to nothing.[^] 37 After this man, Judas of Galilee rose up in the days of the census[^] and drew away some people after him.[^] He also perished, and all who had been obeying him were scattered.[^] 38 Now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone,[^] for if this plan or work is of men, it will be overthrown.[^] 39 But if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them;[^] you may even find that you are fighting against God."[^] So they were persuaded. 40 Then they called the apostles in and beat them and commanded them not to speak in the name of Jesus,[^] and let them go. 41 They left the council rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the Name.[^] 42 Thereafter every day, in the temple and from house to house,[^] they were continuously teaching and proclaiming Jesus as the Christ.[^]
[^ ]: **5:32** **We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit** (**L**: *we are witnesses of these things, and the Holy Spirit* | **S**: *We tell people about these things that we saw happen to Jesus. The Holy Spirit is also confirming that these things are true.*) Translate **We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit** to mean
[^ ]: **5:33** **they were furious and wanted to kill the apostles** (**L**: *they were furious and wanted to kill them* | **S**: *they became so angry {with the Representatives} that they wanted to kill them*) The Sanhedrin became very angry after hearing the apostles words. They wanted to kill the apostles. Sometimes sharing the truth about Jesus may cost a believer their life. Jesus expects his disciples to lay down their lives for him. Translate **they were furious and wanted to kill the apostles** to mean the members of the Sanhedrin council were very angry and wanted to kill the apostles because of what they said.
[^ ]: **5:32** **whom God has given to those who obey him** (**L**: *whom God has given to those obeying him* | **S**: *whom God has sent to us who obey him*) Translate **whom God has given to those who obey him** to mean
[^ ]: **5:34** **who was honored by all the people** (**L**: *honored by all the people* | **S**: *the Jewish people respected him highly*) Gamaliel was highly respected by the Israelites and the members of the Sanhedrin. The phrase **was honored by** means greatly respected. Because they respected him greatly, the Sanhedrin listened whenever Gamaliel spoke. Translate **who was honored by all the people** to mean the people respected Gamaliel greatly.
33 When the council members heard this, they were furious and wanted to kill the apostles.[^] 34 But a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law,[^] who was honored by all the people,[^] stood up and commanded the apostles to be taken outside for a little while.[^] 35 Then he said to them, "Men of Israel, pay close attention to what you propose to do with these people.[^] 36 For some time ago, Theudas rose up claiming to be somebody,[^] and a number of men, about four hundred, joined him.[^] He was killed, and all who had been obeying him were scattered and came to nothing.[^] 37 After this man, Judas of Galilee rose up in the days of the census[^] and drew away some people after him.[^] He also perished, and all who had been obeying him were scattered.[^] 38 Now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone,[^] for if this plan or work is of men, it will be overthrown.[^] 39 But if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them;[^] you may even find that you are fighting against God."[^] So they were persuaded.[^] 40 Then they called the apostles in and beat them and commanded them not to speak in the name of Jesus,[^] and let them go. 41 They left the council rejoicing[^] that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the Name.[^] 42 Thereafter every day, in the temple and from house to house,[^] they were continuously teaching and proclaiming Jesus as the Christ.[^]
[^ ]: **5:35** **pay close attention to what you propose to do with these people** (**L**: *pay attention to yourselves, what you are about to do to these men* | **S**: *you must think carefully about what you are going to do to these men*) Gamaliel warned the members of the Sanhedrin to think carefully before deciding to harm the apostles. In this context, the phrase **pay close attention** means think carefully. Gamaliel knew that killing the apostles could possibly make things even worse for the council than leaving them alive. Translate **pay close attention to what you propose to do with these people** to mean the Sanhedrin should think carefully before deciding what to do to the apostles.
[^ ]: **5:33** **they were furious and wanted to kill the apostles** (**L**: ** | **S**: **) Translate **they were furious and wanted to kill the apostles** to mean
[^ ]: **5:36** **some time ago, Theudas rose up claiming to be somebody** (**L**: *Theudas rose up, saying himself to be somebody* | **S**: *He claimed that he was a great man*) Gamaliel told the Sanhedrin about a man who became influential among the people, and who claimed to be great. For the meaning of **rose up** in this context see note on 15:17. Translate **some time ago, Theudas rose up claiming to be somebody** to mean a while ago, a man named Theudas gained some influence and claimed to be a great man.
[^ ]: **5:34** **a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law** (**L**: ** | **S**: **) Translate **a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law** to mean
[^ ]: **5:36** **He was killed, and all who had been obeying him were scattered and came to nothing** (**L**: *who was killed, and all, as many as were persuaded by him, were dispersed, and they came to nothing* | **S**: *But the Romans captured and executed him, and all those who had joined him went back to where they came from. So this revolt did not succeed.*) Gamaliel told the Sanhedrin that Theudas and his followers were killed, and that their revolution and ideas did not last. In this context, the phrase **were scattered** means Theudas' followers did not stay together after Theudas died. Because of his death, his movement did not last. Translate **He was killed, and all who had been obeying him were scattered and came to nothing** to mean Theudas was killed, and his followers went back to their lives. The revolution he tried to start did not last.
[^ ]: **5:34** **who was honored by all the people** (**L**: ** | **S**: **) Translate **who was honored by all the people** to mean
[^ ]: **5:37** **Judas of Galilee rose up in the days of the census** (**L**: *Judas the Galilean rose up in the days of the census* | **S**: *during the time when the Romans were recording the names of people in order to tax them, a man named Judas from the region of Galilee rebelled*) Gamaliel gave the Sanhedrin a second example of a revolt or revolution that did not succeed. He talked to them about Judas of Galilee, who attempted to lead a revolt during the time of a past census. A **census** is a process of gathering and collecting information about the population in a particular geographic area. This often involves counting the population. Gamaliel is using the term **days** to refer to a specific time in the past when a census was held, when Judas of Galilee **rose up**, or revolted, against the Romans. Translate **Judas of Galilee rose up in the days of the census** to mean a man named Judas from Galilee revolted against the Romans, during the time when the Romans were recording the names of people in order to tax them.
[^ ]: **5:34** **stood up and commanded the apostles to be taken outside for a little while** (**L**: ** | **S**: **) Translate **stood up and commanded the apostles to be taken outside for a little while** to mean
[^ ]: **5:37** **drew away some people after him** (**L**: *drew away people after him* | **S**: *He convinced some people to rebel with him*) Judas of Galilee convinced some people to join his revolt. Here, **drew away** is an idiom that means Judas persuaded people to rebel with him against the Roman government. Gamaliel is making a comparison between Theudas, Judas of Galilee, and the apostles. Like those rebellious men, the Sanhedrin believed the apostles were leading people astray. Enemies of God often tell lies about believers and the gospel. But the truth about God will be known by all in the end. Translate **drew away some people after him** to mean Judas of Galilee persuaded some people to rebel with him against the Roman government.
[^ ]: **5:35** **pay close attention to what you propose to do with these people** (**L**: ** | **S**: **) Translate **pay close attention to what you propose to do with these people** to mean
[^ ]: **5:37** **He also perished, and all who had been obeying him were scattered** (**L**: *That one also perished, and all, as many as were persuaded by him, were scattered.* | **S**: *But he too died, and all those who had joined him went off in different directions.*) The word **perish** means died. See note on 5:36. Translate **He also perished, and all who had been obeying him were scattered** to mean like Theudas, Judas of Galilee was also killed and his followers went back to their lives. The revolution he tried to start did not last.
[^ ]: **5:36** **some time ago, Theudas rose up claiming to be somebody** (**L**: ** | **S**: **) Translate **some time ago, Theudas rose up claiming to be somebody** to mean
[^ ]: **5:38** **I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone** (**L**: *Keep away from these men and release them* | **S**: *Do not kill these men! Set them free*) Gamaliel instructed the Sanhedrin not to kill the apostles and to set them free. In this context, the phrase **keep away from these men** means the members of the Sanhedrin should not harm the apostles. The phrase **let them alone** means release them. Gamaliel wisely understood that if the apostles claims were true, nothing could stop their movement. If they were lies, then it would die out like other movements that were motivated by the desires of men. The gospel of Jesus Christ is not a man-made idea. It is the truth from God himself. Translate **I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone** to mean Gamaliel strong urged the Sanhedrin not to kill the apostles and to let them go.
[^ ]: **5:36** **a number of men, about four hundred, joined him** (**L**: ** | **S**: **) Translate **a number of men, about four hundred, joined him** to mean
[^ ]: **5:38** **if this plan or work is of men, it will be overthrown** (**L**: *if this counsel or this work is from men, it will be destroyed* | **S**: *if the things that are happening now are just something that humans have planned, someone will stop them*) Gamaliel told the Sanhedrin that if the source of the gospel movement was human it would eventually fail. In this context, the words **plan** and **work** refer to the newly formed Church's work of spreading the gospel. The term **overthrown** means to be defeated, put to an end, or fail. Human philosophies, ideas, and movements come and go. But the work of the Lord endures forever. Translate **if this plan or work is of men, it will be overthrown** to mean if the spread of the gospel were of human origin only, it would eventually come to an end.
[^ ]: **5:36** **He was killed, and all who had been obeying him were scattered and came to nothing** (**L**: ** | **S**: **) Translate **He was killed, and all who had been obeying him were scattered and came to nothing** to mean
[^ ]: **5:39** **if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them** (**L**: *if it is from God, you will not be able to destroy them* | **S**: *if God has commanded them to do these things, you will not be able to stop them.*) Gamaliel told the Sanhedrin that if the source of the gospel movement was God, then nothing could stop it. For the term **overthrow** see the previous note. Translate **if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them** to mean if the source of the Church and the gospel was God, then the believers and the gospel could not be stopped.
[^ ]: **5:37** **Judas of Galilee rose up in the days of the census** (**L**: ** | **S**: **) Translate **Judas of Galilee rose up in the days of the census** to mean
[^ ]: **5:39** **you may even find that you are fighting against God.** (**L**: *lest you may even be found God-opposers* | **S**: *You may even discover that you are working against God!*) Gamaliel told the Sanhedrin that if the source of the gospel movement was God, and the Sanhedrin opposed it, they would be fighting against God himself. This message would have terrified the Sanhedrin, who believed they were servants of God. God gives sinners opportunities to change their wicked ways. They must choose to repent and stop rebelling against God. Translate **you may even find that you are fighting against God** to mean the Sanhedrin might have discovered that they were fighting against God himself and not just men.
[^ ]: **5:37** **drew away some people after him** (**L**: ** | **S**: **) Translate **drew away some people after him** to mean
[^ ]: **5:40** **commanded them not to speak in the name of Jesus** (**L**: *commanded them not to speak in the name of Jesus* | **S**: *commanded them not to speak to people about Jesus any more*) After beating the apostles, the Sanhedrin commanded them to stop telling people about Jesus. In this context, the phrase **speak in the name of Jesus** means tell people about the good news about Jesus. The apostles already told the Sanhedrin that they could not obey this command. They felt obligated to Jesus, their king, to share the gospel at all costs. Jesus wants his followers to count the cost, follow him, and place him above all things. Translate **commanded them not to speak in the name of Jesus** to mean the Sanhedrin commanded the disciples to stop teaching people about Jesus.
[^ ]: **5:37** **He also perished, and all who had been obeying him were scattered** (**L**: ** | **S**: **) Translate **He also perished, and all who had been obeying him were scattered** to mean
[^ ]: **5:38** **I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone** (**L**: ** | **S**: **) Translate **I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone** to mean
[^ ]: **5:38** **if this plan or work is of men, it will be overthrown** (**L**: ** | **S**: **) Translate **if this plan or work is of men, it will be overthrown** to mean
[^ ]: **5:39** **if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them** (**L**: ** | **S**: **) Translate **if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them** to mean
[^ ]: **5:39** **you may even find that you are fighting against God.** (**L**: ** | **S**: **) Translate **you may even find that you are fighting against God.** to mean
[^ ]: **5:39** **they were persuaded** (**L**: ** | **S**: **) Translate **they were persuaded** to mean
[^ ]: **5:40** **commanded them not to speak in the name of Jesus** (**L**: ** | **S**: **) Translate **commanded them not to speak in the name of Jesus** to mean
[^ ]: **5:41** **They left the council rejoicing** (**L**: ** | **S**: **) Translate **They left the council rejoicing** to mean
[^ ]: **5:41** **they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the Name** (**L**: ** | **S**: **) Translate **they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the Name** to mean
[^ ]: **5:41** **They left the council rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the Name** (**L**: *they indeed were going out from the face of the Sanhedrin rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer dishonor for the Name* | **S**: *they even rejoiced that God had honored them by allowing people to treat them badly because they were testifying to Jesus*) Translate **They left the council rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the Name** to mean
[^ ]: **5:42** **every day, in the temple and from house to house** (**L**: ** | **S**: **) Translate **every day, in the temple and from house to house** to mean
@ -485,6 +506,9 @@ The number of disciples was greatly increasing, including a great number of the
### Translation Questions
Use the following translation questions to understand specific details of the passage. Discuss how you might translate these specific elements of the text.
<!-- add translation questions here -->
### Grammar and Translation Training: Extended Biblical Imagery
*Use the following exercise to learn about a specific grammar issue and its importance to understand the meaning of a text. This exercise will also help you develop skills to translate this issue accurately and naturally in your own language. If you need additional help on this translation topic, please reference [translationAcademy](*
@ -524,9 +548,21 @@ Retell this story in your own words (i.e., orally, dramatization, or written/cra
### Discourse Questions
Use the following discourse questions to understand the meaning of the text. Pay attention to how the biblical passage itself addresses each question or theme.
1. How was the common life of the early church described? Acts 4:3237
2. What took place with Ananias and Sapphira that served as a warning for the church community? Acts 5:111
3. What was the relationship between the early Christians and the surrounding society? Acts 5:1216
4. What brought about the apostles imprisonment, and how did they eventually get released? Acts 5:1742
5. As the church grew in numbers, what needs arose, and how did the church meet the needs of the community of faith? Acts 6:17
### Theological Questions
Answer the following theology questions as a community. Discuss what truths this biblical passage teaches.
1. **Sacrificial Generosity:** How should Christians share life with one another as a community of faith? How does the common life of the early church give us insight into our responsibility to one another.
2. **Obstacles to Community:** What obstacles exist to the common life of Christian community? How did the early church confront these obstacles in the story of Ananias and Sapphira?
3. **Relationship with Society:** How should the church community relate to surrounding society? How did the early church interact with society?
4. **Expected Opposition:** In what ways should the church expect to face opposition? How does the arrest of the apostles give us insight into the way the church should face opposition?
5. **Community Care:** How can the church provide community care of its members while maintaining a focus on the expanding mission? How does the early Christian approach to the care of the Hellenist widows help us understand this approach to community and mission?
## Personal Reflection: Following the Teaching of the Story
@ -535,6 +571,12 @@ Answer the following theology questions as a community. Discuss what truths this
### Journal Reflection
Prayerfully think about the following personal reflection questions. Write/Record your answers and/or discuss them as a group.
1. How have you experienced mutual care and support from the Christian community?
2. What challenges do you face in enjoying shared life in Christian community?
3. What specific parts of this story most challenge your own involvement in the church community?
4. How would you evaluate your own contribution to the common/shared life of your church community? What is going well and what needs to be improved?
5. What possessions do you have that God is inviting you to use for the care of others?