Made Simplification and Grammatical Changes (Stories 7-12; Batch 2/2)

Simplified sentences, corrected punctuation, rephrased sentences, to improve readability, and to aid in the translation process.
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morgandavis 2023-07-25 00:53:30 -04:00
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commit 89df166e2c
1 changed files with 7 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ The Genesis 4 narrative records the spread of sin from the Garden of Eden to hum
**Key Idea:** The Cain and Abel narrative teaches us that those who devalue God will eventually devalue human life as well.
### Core Objectives
In the following session you will...
In the following session, you will...
- **establish** foundational beliefs about the nature of sin and how it spreads
- **compose** a translation of Genesis 4:1-26 that is clear, accurate, natural, and church approved
@ -21,18 +21,18 @@ In the following session you will...
- **develop** basic ministry skills with believers and unbelievers as you check your translation
### Narrative Summary
After their sin and banishment from the Garden, Adam and Eve had two sons. They named their sons Cain and Abel. Cain was a farmer. Abel was a keeper of sheep. Cain was the oldest son and Abel was his younger brother.
After their sin and banishment from the Garden, Adam and Eve had two sons. They named their sons Cain and Abel. Cain was a farmer. Abel was a keeper of sheep. Cain was the oldest son, and Abel was his younger brother.
One day, the brothers offered sacrifices to the Lord. This was likely to show their gratitude for all the Lord did, and to honor him for who he was. Cain offered a portion of his harvest. Abel offered the firstborn of his flock and their fat portions. God accepted the offering of Abel. Yet he rejected the offering of Cain.
One day, the brothers offered sacrifices to the Lord. This was likely to show their gratitude for all the Lord did and to honor him for who he was. Cain offered a portion of his harvest. Abel offered the firstborn of his flock and their fat portions. God accepted the offering of Abel. Yet he rejected the offering of Cain.
God's response made Cain jealous and angry. God told Cain that if he did better next time, his offering would be accepted. Then he warned Cain about the sin festering in his heart. If Cain failed to control his growing jealousy and rage, these sinful emotions would soon consume him. Cain ignored God's gracious warning and brutally murdered his brother Abel. Then he failed to repent when God confronted him. God banished Cain from his presence just like his parents.
God's response made Cain jealous and angry. God told Cain that his offering would be accepted if he did better next time. Then he warned Cain about the sin festering in his heart. If Cain failed to control his growing jealousy and rage, these sinful emotions would soon consume him. Cain ignored God's gracious warning and brutally murdered his brother Abel. Then he failed to repent when God confronted him. God banished Cain from his presence just like his parents.
Cain eventually settled down and founded Nod. This city was the beginning of human civilization. Cain's descendants created new technologies and culture. However, these same descendants passed along Cain's sin, and it grew worse with each successive generation. A distant descendent, Lamech, would later boast of committing murder. He recounted his deed to his *two* wives. Lamech claimed his act of murder was much greater than that of Cain's. Cain's sins affected future human society.
But God remembered his promise to mankind. After Abel's death, God blessed Adam and Eve, and they gave birth to a third son named Seth. Seth's descendants reverently called upon the name of the Lord. The hope of a future savior had been renewed. In the midst of wicked society, God preserved a righteous line: those who feared him, showed him gratitude, and passed this right view of God down through the subsequent generations.
But God remembered his promise to mankind. After Abel's death, God blessed Adam and Eve, and they gave birth to a third son named Seth. Seth's descendants reverently called upon the name of the Lord. The hope of a future savior had been renewed. In the midst of wicked society, God preserved a righteous line: those who feared him showed him gratitude and passed this right view of God down through the subsequent generations.
### General Book Introduction
Genesis begins with the early years of creation. It tells about God creating heaven, earth, and the first humans. It also tells about the first time humans sinned. This caused humans to be separated from God and to eventually die. Genesis 1-11 briefly tells about other important events that occurred over many hundreds of years. The book of Genesis says that God created a very good world. However, the world became cursed because human beings began to sin. But Genesis shows that God continues to have complete control over the world. Genesis also describes the start of Gods plan to bless the whole world again. This is shown when God makes a covenant with Abraham. With this covenant, God chose Abraham and his descendants to be his people. God promised to bless the world through Abrahams descendants.
Genesis begins with the early years of creation. It tells about God creating heaven, earth, and the first humans. It also tells about the first time humans sinned. This caused humans to be separated from God and eventually die. Genesis 1-11 briefly tells about other important events that occurred for hundreds of years. The book of Genesis says that God created a very good world. However, the world became cursed because human beings began to sin. But Genesis shows that God continues to have complete control over the world. Genesis also describes the start of Gods plan to bless the whole world again. This is shown when God makes a covenant with Abraham. With this covenant, God chose Abraham and his descendants to be his people. God promised to bless the world through Abrahams descendants.
### Passage Outline
Ungrateful Worship: Understanding the Root Causes of Sin and Murder (4:1-7)
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ A Godless Society: Grasping the Consequences of Unchecked Sin on Human Society (
A Godly Remnant: Thanking God for His Plan to Restore Human Society (4:25-26)
### Important Themes
**Proper and Improper Worship:** This passage teaches us about proper and improper worship. The way we worship God often reveals what place he holds in our lives. Cain's half-hearted offering revealed his low view of God, while Abel's firstborn offering showed God was first in his life. As the creator of all things, God deserves our very best. We owe him our gratitude and worship from a pure heart. When humans honor God half-heartedly, and do not value him as they should, it sinfully skews their perspective on all other things.
**Proper and Improper Worship:** This passage teaches us about proper and improper worship. The way we worship God often reveals what place he holds in our lives. Cain's half-hearted offering revealed his low view of God, while Abel's firstborn offering showed God was first in his life. As the creator of all things, God deserves our very best. We owe him our gratitude and worship from a pure heart. When humans honor God half-heartedly and do not value him as they should, it sinfully skews their perspective on all other things.
**Sinful Emotions:** This passage teaches us that sinful ideas, feelings, and emotions lead to sinful actions if left unchecked. God warned Cain to control his sinful emotions. But Cain failed to heed God's warning. Left unchecked, Cain's jealousy transformed to rage, and his rage soon blossomed into murder. God cares about what people think, not just what they do. Humans must honor him with their thoughts, feelings, and actions.