dublin_core: conformsto: rc0.2 contributor: null creator: Door43 World Missions Community description: >- Open-licensed exegetical notes that provide historical, cultural, and linguistic information for translators. It provides translators and checkers with pertinent, just-in-time information to help them make the best possible translation decisions. format: text/tsv identifier: tn issued: '2024-04-30' language: direction: ltr identifier: id title: Bahasa Indonesia modified: '2024-04-30' publisher: unfoldingWord relation: - en/ult - hbo/uhb?v=2.1.17 - el-x-koine/ugnt?v=0.18 rights: CC BY-SA 4.0 source: - identifier: tn language: en version: '43' subject: TSV Translation Notes title: unfoldingWord® Translation Notes type: help version: '5' checking: checking_entity: - unfoldingWord checking_level: '2' projects: - title: 1 Timothy versification: ufw identifier: 1ti sort: 55 path: ./tn_1TI.tsv categories: - bible-nt - title: Titus versification: ufw identifier: tit sort: 57 path: ./tn_TIT.tsv categories: - bible-nt - title: 3 John versification: ufw identifier: 3jn sort: 65 path: tn_3JN.tsv categories: - bible-nt