Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response front:intro mw28 0 # Ephesians Study Questions

The Apostle Paul helped establish the church in Ephesus, and taught there for 18 months. Paul writes this letter to remind them of the relationship they have with God because they believe in Jesus, and to encourage them to live in a godly way that is worthy of their spiritual connection to God.

Paul explains that those who believe in Christ are so closely related to Jesus that he refers to them many times as “in Christ.” Although we may not clearly see it here, it is a reality in heaven. In fact, the manner in which believers of all races are joined to Christ is a “mystery” that we could not understand until God revealed it to us through the message of the Gospel.

The first three chapters describe our relationship to God, and the last three chapters tell us how we should live because we have the relationship.

You can discover Paul’s teaching concerning each of these things by carefully reading this letter. Ask yourself questions about what you read, and pray to God that he will open your eyes to see clearly. 1:1 vyg9 basic,observe ἀπόστολος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ 1 What title does Paul use for himself? Why is that important to the Ephesians? 1:1 q9ep basic,interpret διὰ θελήματος Θεοῦ 1 Paul says he became an apostle **through the will of God**. What do you think he meant to say with that phrase? 1:1 a000 advanced,interpret ἁγίοις 1 Why does Paul call the believers in Ephesus **saints**? 1:1 ryj5 advanced,interpret πιστοῖς 1 What does a believer need to do to be **faithful**? 1:1 a001 advanced,interpret ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ 1 This is the first time Paul says the Ephesian believers are **in Christ Jesus**? What does that description tell you about their relationship to Christ? 1:2 a002 basic,interpret χάρις ὑμῖν καὶ εἰρήνη ἀπὸ Θεοῦ 1 Why might Paul have desired for God to give the Ephesian believers **grace** and **peace**? 1:2 a003 advanced,interpret ἀπὸ Θεοῦ Πατρὸς ἡμῶν καὶ Κυρίου Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 This grace and peace is to come equally from God the Father and from Jesus. What might that teach us about who Jesus is? 1:2 n435 advanced,interpret Θεοῦ Πατρὸς ἡμῶν 1 Paul specifically writes that **God** is **our Father** rather than simply **the Father**. What does the added word **our** tell us about our relationship to God? 1:2 a424 advanced,interpret Κυρίου Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 What does it mean for Jesus to be **Lord**? 1:3-6 a004 basic,observe 0 In verses 3-6, what are the things that Paul says God the Father has done for us? 1:3 dup3 basic,observe εὐλογητὸς ὁ Θεὸς 1 Why is God worthy to be **blessed**? 1:3 a005 advanced,interpret Πατὴρ τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν, Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 Paul already stated that God is our Father, and now he specifies that he is the **Father** of **our Lord Jesus Christ**. What does that tell us about the relationship of the Father to Jesus? 1:3 yc16 advanced,apply ὁ εὐλογήσας ἡμᾶς 1 Paul says God has already blessed the Ephesian believers in the past. Why is it encouraging that God blesses us in advance? 1:3 a006 basic,observe ἐν πάσῃ εὐλογίᾳ πνευματικῇ 1 How many **blessings** has God given to us? 1:3 a007 basic,observe εὐλογίᾳ πνευματικῇ 1 What kind of **blessings** has God given to us? What might be examples of these? 1:3 vb7g basic,observe ἐν τοῖς ἐπουρανίοις ἐν Χριστῷ 1 Where are these blessings from God currently stored for us? 1:3 sg4h advanced,interpret ἐν Χριστῷ 1 Paul again uses the phrase **in Christ**. What does it mean here? 1:4 a009 advanced,interpret καθὼς 1 The phrase **just as** means connects God blessing us in verse 3 to his choosing us in this verse. Why do you think these are connected? 1:4 tj6r basic,observe ἐξελέξατο ἡμᾶς 1 Do the believer decide to have a relationship with God, or does God decide that? 1:4 d3kr advanced,interpret ἐν αὐτῷ 1 What does it mean that God chose us **in him**—that is, “in Christ”? 1:4 fnq5 basic,observe πρὸ καταβολῆς κόσμου 1 When did God choose us? Why is that important to us? 1:4 a075 basic,observe ἁγίους καὶ ἀμώμους 1 What does God expect us be as a result of his choosing us? What would that look like? 1:4 dzj1 basic,observe κατενώπιον αὐτοῦ 1 Who is the one who will see and determine that we are holy and blameless? 1:4-5 a010 basic,observe ἐν ἀγάπῃ 1 What was God’s attitude towards us when he predestined us to be adopted? 1:5 n9wt advanced,interpret προορίσας ἡμᾶς 1 To **predestine** means to determine beforehand that something will happen. What does this teach us about our salvation? 1:5 a011 advanced,apply εἰς υἱοθεσίαν & εἰς αὐτόν 1 The thing that God predestined us for is our **adoption** to God. What does it mean to you to know that God has adopted you as his child? 1:5 f7uj advanced,interpret διὰ Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 Here **through** expresses the means by which we were adopted. How did Jesus become the means of our adoption? What did he do to bring this about? 1:5 a012 advanced,apply κατὰ τὴν εὐδοκίαν τοῦ θελήματος αὐτοῦ 1 Paul states that our adoption as God’s children depended only upon **the good pleasure of his will**. Why might that be encouraging to us on a daily basis? 1:6 y1fu basic,observe εἰς ἔπαινον δόξης τῆς χάριτος αὐτοῦ 1 What benefit does Paul say God gets from adopting us as his children? 1:6 a013 basic,observe δόξης τῆς χάριτος αὐτοῦ 1 Why does God’s **grace** bring **glory** to him? 1:6 a014 basic,observe ἧς ἐχαρίτωσεν ἡμᾶς 1 In what manner and to what degree has God given us his grace? 1:6 ld4k advanced,interpret ἐν τῷ ἠγαπημένῳ 1 Why is Jesus described as **the Beloved One**? What does that teach us about him? 1:7-8 a015 basic,observe 0 In verses 7-8, what are the things that Paul says Christ has done for us? 1:7 vb4m basic,observe ἐν ᾧ ἔχομεν τὴν ἀπολύτρωσιν 1 Here **in whom** refers to Jesus. What did Jesus provide for us? 1:7 e1q1 advanced,interpret ἀπολύτρωσιν 1 To have **redemption** means we were released from bondage or obligation. To what were we bound or obligated before God saved us? 1:7 l1cq basic,observe διὰ τοῦ αἵματος αὐτοῦ 1 What was the means by which Jesus provided our redemption? 1:7 ug58 advanced,interpret αἵματος αὐτοῦ 1 Here **blood** represents death. What does that tell us about the means of our redemption? 1:7 enu1 basic,observe τὴν ἄφεσιν τῶν παραπτωμάτων 1 What is the source of our **forgiveness of trespasses**? 1:7 a017 advanced,interpret παραπτωμάτων 1 Our **trespasses** are occasions when we broke a law. What law or laws did we break that made it necessary for God to redeem us? 1:7 a018 κατὰ τὸ 1 This phrase connects our redemption and forgiveness with Jesus’ grace, meaning they are to the same degree. How might that encourage you concerning your status before God? 1:7 a019 advanced,interpret πλοῦτος τῆς χάριτος αὐτοῦ 1 Why did Paul speak about the **riches** of Jesus’ grace, rather than simply his grace? What does this word add to your understanding of our redemption and forgiveness? 1:8 a020 advanced,interpret ἧς 1 Here **which** refers back to Jesus’ grace in verse 7. What does this verse add to you understanding of his grace? 1:8 a021 basic,observe ἐπερίσσευσεν 1 In what way does Jesus cause his grace **to abound**? 1:8 a022 basic,interpret εἰς ἡμᾶς 1 Why is it encouraging that we are the ones to benefit from Jesus grace? Why do we need it? 1:8 gpg3 basic,interpret πάσῃ σοφίᾳ καὶ φρονήσει 1 What is the importance of the word **all** that Paul adds here? 1:8 a024 advanced,interpret σοφίᾳ καὶ φρονήσει 1 What is the difference between **wisdom** and **understanding**? Why are are they both important? 1:9 a025 basic,observe γνωρίσας ἡμῖν 1 What has God **made known to us**? 1:9 a026 advanced,interpret τὸ μυστήριον τοῦ θελήματος αὐτοῦ 1 This is the first time Paul uses the term **mystery** in this letter. What part of **his will** was a mystery that we did not understand until God made it known to us? 1:9 a027 basic,interpret κατὰ τὴν εὐδοκίαν αὐτοῦ 1 Why do you think that it gave God **good pleasure** to make his will known to us? 1:9 cue7 advanced,interpret ἣν προέθετο ἐν αὐτῷ 1 Paul says the mystery was **planned in him**, that is, planned in Christ. In what way was Christ vital to the mystery? 1:9-10 x2nk advanced,interpret εἰς οἰκονομίαν τοῦ πληρώματος τῶν καιρῶν 1 When Paul says, **with a view to**” he means that God was looking ahead toward the **administration of the fullness of time** when he planned to make the mystery known. How did looking ahead affect what God did here? 1:10 a028 advanced,interpret τοῦ πληρώματος τῶν καιρῶν 1 What is the **fullness of time**? Why is it “full”? 1:10 a029 advanced,interpret ἀνακεφαλαιώσασθαι τὰ πάντα ἐν τῷ Χριστῷ 1 How will God **bring all things together in Christ**? 1:10 a030 basic,interpret τὰ ἐπὶ τοῖς οὐρανοῖς, καὶ τὰ ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς 1 What, if anything, will not be brought together in Christ? 1:10 p19g advanced,interpret ἐν τῷ Χριστῷ & ἐν αὐτῷ 1 How are the phrases **in Christ** and **in him** related? 1:11 vis2 basic,observe ἐν ᾧ 1 To whom does the phrase **in whom** refer back to at the end of verse 10? 1:11 zt12 basic,interpret ἐκληρώθημεν 1 Here **we were allotted as a possession** is passive voice, meaning it happened to us without us doing it. Who was it that made us a possession? 1:11 a032 basic,interpret προορισθέντες 1 The phrase **We were predestined** means someone else decided what we would become. Who decided this? Why? 1:11 a033 basic,observe κατὰ πρόθεσιν τοῦ 1 On what basis did God predestine us to be his possession? 1:11 a034 basic,observe τοῦ τὰ πάντα ἐνεργοῦντος 1 What things are under God’s control? 1:11 z6cf basic,observe κατὰ τὴν βουλὴν τοῦ θελήματος αὐτοῦ 1 On what basis does God work out everything that happens? 1:12 a035 basic,observe εἰς τὸ εἶναι ἡμᾶς, εἰς ἔπαινον δόξης αὐτοῦ 1 For what purpose did God predestine us? 1:12 a037 basic,observe τοὺς προηλπικότας ἐν τῷ Χριστῷ 1 How does Paul describe our relationship to Christ? 1:12 il8w basic,interpret προηλπικότας 1 In what way do we have **confident hope** in Christ? 1:13 cup2 basic,interpret ἐν ᾧ & ἐν ᾧ & πιστεύσαντες 1 Who is the **him** in whom we believed? 1:13 a038 advanced,interpret τὸν λόγον τῆς ἀληθείας, τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τῆς σωτηρίας ὑμῶν 1 Why does Paul describe the **gospel of your salvation** as the **word of truth**? 1:13 liz1 advanced,interpret τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τῆς σωτηρίας ὑμῶν 1 In what way does the gospel save us? 1:13 a039 basic,interpret ὑμεῖς ἀκούσαντες & πιστεύσαντες 1 Why is it not enough to hear the gospel, but is also necessary to believe in Jesus? 1:13 tl5m basic,observe ἐσφραγίσθητε τῷ Πνεύματι τῆς ἐπαγγελίας, τῷ Ἁγίῳ 1 What happened to the Ephesians when they believed in Jesus? 1:14 a040 basic,observe ὅ ἐστιν ἀρραβὼν τῆς κληρονομίας ἡμῶν 1 Here **who** refers back to the Holy Spirit. What the Holy Spirit do for us according to this verse? 1:14 a041 basic,interpret ἀρραβὼν 1 In what way can the sealing of the Holy Spirit be like a **down payment**? 1:14 a042 basic,interpret τῆς κληρονομίας ἡμῶν 1 What do you think is **our inheritance**? 1:14 a043 basic,apply ἀρραβὼν & ἀπολύτρωσιν 1 The terms **down payment** and **redemption** are both financial. What image do they give you concerning our salvation? 1:14 a045 basic,interpret ἀρραβὼν & τῆς περιποιήσεως 1 What is the difference between a **down payment** and a **full possession**? 1:14 i8tl advanced,interpret τῆς περιποιήσεως 1 What might be the **full possession** to which Paul is referring? 1:14 a046 basic,observe εἰς ἔπαινον τῆς δόξης αὐτοῦ 1 What is the end result of the work of the Holy Spirit in the believer? 1:15 f3um basic,observe διὰ τοῦτο 1 What is the Paul referring to when he says, “**Because of this**” 1:15 a048 basic,observe ὑμᾶς πίστιν ἐν τῷ Κυρίῳ Ἰησοῦ, καὶ τὴν ἀγάπην τὴν εἰς πάντας τοὺς ἁγίους 1 What are the two things that Paul had heard about the Ephesians? 1:15 q73y basic,observe ὑμᾶς πίστιν ἐν τῷ Κυρίῳ Ἰησοῦ 1 In whom was the faith of the Ephesians placed? 1:15 a049 basic,observe τὴν ἀγάπην τὴν εἰς πάντας τοὺς ἁγίους 1 Who did the Ephesians love? 1:15 a050 basic,interpret τοὺς ἁγίους 1 Here **the saints** refers to all those who also believe in Jesus. Why is this an important title? 1:16 a051 basic,observe οὐ παύομαι εὐχαριστῶν ὑπὲρ ὑμῶν, μνείαν ποιούμενος ἐπὶ τῶν προσευχῶν μου 1 This verse continues Paul’s statement, “**Because of this**” in verse 15. To what does that phrase refer back? 1:16 tmv2 basic,observe οὐ παύομαι εὐχαριστῶν ὑπὲρ ὑμῶν, μνείαν ποιούμενος ἐπὶ τῶν προσευχῶν μου 1 What are the two things that Paul does as a result of the salvation of the Ephesians? 1:16 a052 basic,interpret οὐ παύομαι εὐχαριστῶν ὑπὲρ ὑμῶν 1 What are possible reasons someone might stop giving thanks for someone else? 1:16 tmv1 basic,interpret μνείαν ποιούμενος ἐπὶ τῶν προσευχῶν μου 1 What kinds of things to you think Paul prayed to God about concerning the Ephesians? 1:17 dd58 basic,observe ἵνα 1 The phrase **so that** introduces the result that Paul desires from his prayers. What was that result? 1:17 a053 basic,observe ὁ Θεὸς τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν, Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ, ὁ Πατὴρ τῆς δόξης 1 Who is the one that Paul expects to give this result to the Ephesians? 1:17 w83j basic,observe δώῃ ὑμῖν πνεῦμα σοφίας καὶ ἀποκαλύψεως 1 What exactly does Paul want God to give to the Ephesians? 1:17 kg3q basic,interpret πνεῦμα σοφίας καὶ ἀποκαλύψεως 1 How would a **spirit of wisdom and revelation** be helpful to believers? 1:17 a054 advanced,interpret ἐν ἐπιγνώσει αὐτοῦ 1 Here **knowledge** refers to what we know from experience. What would it be like to know God from experience? 1:18 a055 advanced,interpret πεφωτισμένους τοὺς ὀφθαλμοὺς τῆς καρδίας 1 Why does Paul use the image of the heart having eyes, and them being opened? Why does he refer to the heart and not the mind? 1:18-19 a056 basic,observe τίς ἐστιν & τίς & τί 1 In verses 18-19, Paul lists three things that believers will know when God enlightens them. Each is introduced with the phrase “what is” or “what are”. What are these three things? 1:18 a057 basic,observe ἐλπὶς τῆς κλήσεως αὐτοῦ 1 What is **the hope of our calling**? 1:18 a058 advanced,interpret ὁ πλοῦτος τῆς δόξης τῆς κληρονομίας αὐτοῦ, ἐν τοῖς ἁγίοις 1 Why doe Paul use the words **riches** and **glory** to describe God’s inheritance in the saints? 1:18 mxf3 advanced,interpret τῆς κληρονομίας αὐτοῦ, ἐν τοῖς ἁγίοις 1 Why does Paul describe believers as God’s **inheritance**? 1:18 mz13 basic,apply τοῖς ἁγίοις 1 Paul again uses the phrase **the saints** to refer to believers. Is “saint” a term you use to describe yourself? Why or why not? 1:19 d7pk basic,interpret τὸ ὑπερβάλλον μέγεθος τῆς δυνάμεως αὐτοῦ εἰς ἡμᾶς, τοὺς πιστεύοντας 1 Why does Paul use the term **incomparable** to describe the greatness of God’s power toward believers? 1:19 ip5w advanced,interpret δυνάμεως αὐτοῦ 1 Why is God’s **power** necessary to bring about our salvation? 1:19 g30d basic,apply εἰς ἡμᾶς, τοὺς πιστεύοντας 1 Paul speaks generally about **us who believe** rather than only about the Ephesian believers. Are you included in this statement? Why or why not? 1:19 crk3 advanced,interpret δυνάμεως & κράτους & ἰσχύος 1 Paul uses three different words to emphasize the power of God that works in believers—**power**, **force** and **strength**. How does that affect your understanding of the way God works in the believer? 1:19-20 hiul basic,observe κατὰ 1 In verse 19, **according to** links God’s strength working in the believer to what God did in verse 20. What did the strength of God accomplish in verse 20? 1:20 mc45 basic,observe ἐγείρας αὐτὸν ἐκ νεκρῶν, καὶ καθίσας ἐν δεξιᾷ αὐτοῦ, ἐν τοῖς ἐπουρανίοις 1 What two act of power did God do for Christ? 1:20 chq4 basic,interpret ἐγείρας αὐτὸν ἐκ νεκρῶν 1 How much power does it take to raise someone from the dead? 1:20 a059 basic,observe καθίσας ἐν δεξιᾷ αὐτοῦ, ἐν τοῖς ἐπουρανίοις 1 Where is Christ currently seated? 1:20 uctm advanced,interpret ἐν δεξιᾷ αὐτοῦ 1 What is the significance of being seated **at his right hand**? 1:20 jdsg advanced,interpret ἐν τοῖς ἐπουρανίοις 1 What are the **heavenly places**? 1:20 elz8 advanced,interpret ἐν τοῖς ἐπουρανίοις 1 What did verse 4 already say happened in the **heavenly places**? 1:21 t916 basic,observe ὑπεράνω πάσης ἀρχῆς, καὶ ἐξουσίας, καὶ δυνάμεως, καὶ κυριότητος, καὶ παντὸς ὀνόματος ὀνομαζομένου 1 What are some of the things that Paul says Christ is **far above**? 1:21 xz69 advanced,interpret πάσης ἀρχῆς, καὶ ἐξουσίας, καὶ δυνάμεως, καὶ κυριότητος 1 To what does **rule and authority and power and dominion** refer? 1:21 zuf7 advanced,interpret ὀνόματος ὀνομαζομένου 1 Here **name that is named** refers to people and their reputations or status. What does Paul mean when he says Christ is **far above** them all? 1:21 qb8j basic,interpret οὐ μόνον ἐν τῷ αἰῶνι τούτῳ, ἀλλὰ καὶ ἐν τῷ μέλλοντι 1 Has there ever been, or will there ever be, anyone who is not far below Christ? 1:21 a061 advanced,interpret τῷ μέλλοντι 1 To what does **the age to come** refer? 1:22 a062 basic,interpret πάντα ὑπέταξεν ὑπὸ τοὺς πόδας αὐτοῦ, καὶ αὐτὸν ἔδωκεν κεφαλὴν ὑπὲρ πάντα 1 What does Paul mean by using body images of things **under his feet** and **him as head**? 1:22 yi3a basic,interpret πάντα ὑπέταξεν ὑπὸ τοὺς πόδας αὐτοῦ 1 What is there that is not under the authority of Christ? 1:22 a063 basic,interpret αὐτὸν ἔδωκεν 1 Who gave Christ to the church to be the head of all things? 1:22 mrx7 advanced,interpret κεφαλὴν ὑπὲρ πάντα τῇ ἐκκλησίᾳ 1 What is the significance to the church that Christ is the **head of all things**? 1:23 g3n9 advanced,interpret ἥτις ἐστὶν τὸ σῶμα αὐτοῦ 1 Paul continue using body images that he began in verse 22. What does it mean that the church is **his body**? 1:23 lz7y advanced,interpret τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ τὰ πάντα ἐν πᾶσιν πληρουμένου 1 Why does Paul say both that the church is the **fullness** of Christ, and that Christ **fills all in all**? How can both things be true? 1:23 a064 advanced,interpret τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ τὰ πάντα ἐν πᾶσιν πληρουμένου 1 In what way does the church become the **fullness** of Christ? 1:23 a065 advanced,interpret τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ τὰ πάντα ἐν πᾶσιν πληρουμένου 1 In what way does Christ **fill all in all**? 2:1 a066 advanced,interpret ὑμᾶς ὄντας νεκροὺς 1 Why did Paul use the image of a **dead** person to describe the Ephesians before God saved them? 2:1 s1ff basic,interpret ὑμᾶς ὄντας νεκροὺς 1 What is a **dead** person able to do, and not able to do? 2:1 a067 advanced,interpret τοῖς παραπτώμασιν καὶ ταῖς ἁμαρτίαις ὑμῶν 1 In what way are **trespasses** and **sins** able to make a person like a dead person? 2:1 a068 basic,interpret τοῖς παραπτώμασιν 1 Against whom do we **trespass** before we are saved? 2:1 a069 basic,interpret ταῖς ἁμαρτίαις 1 Against whom do we have **sins** before we are saved? 2:2 zd1f basic,observe ἐν αἷς 1 To what does **in which** refer back to in the previous verse? 2:2 a070 basic,interpret ποτε περιεπατήσατε 1 What does it mean to “walk” in trespasses and sins? 2:2 se6m basic,observe κατὰ & κατὰ 1 Paul repeats **according to** twice to list two significant things that influence us to walk in sins and trespasses. What are these two things? 2:2 a071 advanced,interpret κατὰ τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ κόσμου τούτου 1 What things are there in **the age of this world** might cause a person to sin? 2:2 a072 basic,interpret τὸν ἄρχοντα τῆς ἐξουσίας τοῦ ἀέρος 1 Who do you think is the **ruler of the authorities of the air**? 2:2 mg47 basic,interpret τῆς ἐξουσίας τοῦ ἀέρος 1 Who do you think are the **authorities of the air**? 2:2 ryv6 advanced,interpret τὸν ἄρχοντα & τοῦ πνεύματος τοῦ νῦν ἐνεργοῦντος ἐν τοῖς υἱοῖς τῆς ἀπειθείας 1 Paul further describes **the ruler** as **the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience**. Does this help you decide who this ruler is? How? 2:2 tx6n advanced,interpret νῦν ἐνεργοῦντος ἐν τοῖς υἱοῖς τῆς ἀπειθείας 1 In what way is this spirit ruler **now working**? What does he want to accomplish? 2:2 a073 advanced,interpret τοῖς υἱοῖς τῆς ἀπειθείας 1 Who is Paul calling **the sons of disobedience**? 2:2 r84c advanced,interpret τοῖς υἱοῖς τῆς ἀπειθείας 1 Who do these **sons** disobey? 2:3 a074 basic,observe ἐν οἷς 1 Here **in which** once again refers back to verse 1. What did Paul discuss there? 2:2-3 w4ph basic,observe ποτε περιεπατήσατε & καὶ ἡμεῖς πάντες ἀνεστράφημέν ποτε 1 In verse 2, Paul says the Ephesians used to walk in their sins and trespasses. In verse 3, who does Paul say used to live in them? 2:3 fk4x basic,observe ἐν ταῖς ἐπιθυμίαις τῆς σαρκὸς ἡμῶν 1 What does Paul say is the nature of the **desires of our flesh**? 2:3 x8fr basic,interpret σαρκὸς ἡμῶν 1 Paul often contrasts **flesh** and “spirit.” To what does **flesh** refer here? 2:3 i4sa basic,observe ποιοῦντες τὰ θελήματα τῆς σαρκὸς καὶ τῶν διανοιῶν 1 What are the two sources of these desires that we fulfill? 2:3 a076 basic,observe ἤμεθα τέκνα φύσει ὀργῆς 1 What does Paul say causes people to be **children of wrath**? 2:3 a425 advanced,interpret τέκνα & ὀργῆς 1 To be **children** implies a close relationship. How would unbelievers have a close relationship to **wrath**? 2:3 i4sb advanced,interpret ὡς καὶ οἱ λοιποί 1 Who are **the rest** of the people who, in addition to **we**, are also children of wrath? 2:4 a077 basic,interpret δὲ 1 The word **But** introduces a contrast. How is this verse in contrast to the previous ones? 2:4 qjc3 basic,apply ὁ δὲ Θεὸς πλούσιος ὢν ἐν ἐλέει 1 What does it mean to you when you read that **God is rich in mercy**? 2:4 a078 basic,observe διὰ τὴν πολλὴν ἀγάπην αὐτοῦ 1 What is the reason that God was merciful to us? 2:4 jec5 basic,observe τὴν πολλὴν ἀγάπην αὐτοῦ, ἣν ἠγάπησεν ἡμᾶς 1 What did God’s great love cause him to do to us? 2:5 a079 basic,observe ὄντας ἡμᾶς νεκροὺς τοῖς παραπτώμασιν, συνεζωοποίησεν ἐν Χριστῷ 1 What was our condition when God **made us alive together with Christ**? 2:1,5 t4y4 basic,observe ὄντας νεκροὺς τοῖς παραπτώμασιν καὶ ταῖς ἁμαρτίαις ὑμῶν & ὄντας ἡμᾶς νεκροὺς τοῖς παραπτώμασιν 1 How is verse5 related to verse 1? 2:5 a080 basic,observe ὄντας ἡμᾶς νεκροὺς τοῖς παραπτώμασιν 1 What were we able to do to save ourselves? 2:5 re3t basic,observe χάριτί ἐστε σεσῳσμένοι 1 How, and by what, were we saved? 2:6 xtk4 basic,observe συνήγειρεν καὶ συνεκάθισεν ἐν τοῖς ἐπουρανίοις ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ 1 God did not merely save us. What did he do for us in addition to that? 2:6 a081 advanced,interpret συνήγειρεν 1 In what way has God **raised us up**? 2:6 a082 advanced,interpret συνεκάθισεν ἐν τοῖς ἐπουρανίοις 1 What does it mean to be **seated & in the heavenly places**? 2:6 v7hi basic,interpret συνήγειρεν καὶ συνεκάθισεν & ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ 1 What did Christ do so that we could be **raised up with him** and **seated with him**? 2:7 a251 basic,observe ἵνα 1 **so that** introduces the purpose for which God saved us. Why did he do that? 2:7 a083 basic,observe ἐνδείξηται ἐν τοῖς αἰῶσιν 1 When will God’s purpose for saving us be completed? 2:7 nr9f basic,interpret τοῖς ἐπερχομένοις τὸ ὑπερβάλλον πλοῦτος τῆς χάριτος αὐτοῦ 1 To whom might God want **to show the immeasurably great riches of his grace**? 2:7 a084 advanced,interpret τὸ ὑπερβάλλον πλοῦτος τῆς χάριτος αὐτοῦ 1 Why do you think Paul describes God’s grace as **immeasurably great riches**? 2:7 a085 basic,observe ἐν χρηστότητι ἐφ’ ἡμᾶς ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ 1 In what way did God demonstrate how great his grace is? 2:8 dz1l basic,observe γὰρ 1 The word **For** introduces the reason that God is able to show his grace in the previous verses. What is that reason? 2:8 yft2 basic,interpret τῇ γὰρ χάριτί ἐστε σεσῳσμένοι διὰ πίστεως 1 Paul says we are saved **by grace** and **through faith**. What do those phrases teach you about the the role of **grace** and **faith** in our salvation? 2:8 stq9 basic,observe τοῦτο οὐκ ἐξ ὑμῶν, Θεοῦ τὸ δῶρον 1 In this statement, Paul contrasts two thing—one that does result in our salvation and one that does not. What are these two things? 2:8 a086 basic,interpret οὐκ ἐξ ὑμῶν 1 What kind of things would be **of ourselves** and therefore would be unable to save us? 2:8 bpj7 advanced,interpret Θεοῦ τὸ δῶρον 1 In what sense is grace **the gift of God**? 2:9 u9hc basic,observe οὐκ ἐξ ἔργων 1 What does Paul specifically say does **not** result is us being saved? 2:9 m8kd basic,observe ἵνα 1 The phrase **so that** introduces the reason why God did not want our works to save us. What is that reason? 2:9 a087 advanced,interpret μή τις καυχήσηται 1 If our works would save us, why would that give us a reason to boast? 2:10 a088 basic,observe γάρ 1 The word **For** introduces the reason that we are not able to boast. What is that reason? 2:10 wnk2 advanced,interpret αὐτοῦ & ἐσμεν ποίημα 1 What is the difference between being God’s **workmanship** and being his “workmen”? Why is this important? 2:10 hzm8 basic,observe κτισθέντες ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ ἐπὶ ἔργοις ἀγαθοῖς, οἷς προητοίμασεν ὁ Θεὸς, ἵνα ἐν αὐτοῖς περιπατήσωμεν 1 For what purpose did God create us? 2:10 a090 basic,interpret ἔργοις ἀγαθοῖς, οἷς προητοίμασεν ὁ Θεὸς 1 What does it mean that God **prepared beforehand** the **good works** that he wanted us to do? 2:10 a091 basic,observe ἵνα 1 **so that** introduces the reason why God created us and prepared good works beforehand for us. What is that reason? 2:10 a092 advanced,interpret ἐν αὐτοῖς περιπατήσωμεν 1 Why does Paul use the image of walking in good works? 2:11 wb5t basic,observe διὸ 1 The word **therefore** indicates that what follows is because of the previous section. About what was Paul speaking in that section? 2:11 a093 basic,observe μνημονεύετε ὅτι ποτὲ 1 Why did Paul want the Ephesians to remember their past? 2:11 f1ve basic,interpret τὰ ἔθνη ἐν σαρκί 1 In what way were the Ephesians **Gentiles in the flesh**? 2:11 dm23 basic,interpret οἱ λεγόμενοι ἀκροβυστία ὑπὸ τῆς λεγομένης περιτομῆς ἐν σαρκὶ 1 Who are the people **who are called “circumcised” in the flesh**? 2:11 tmb4 advanced,interpret χειροποιήτου 1 Is there a circumcision that is not **performed by human hands**? 2:12 w8jy basic,observe χωρὶς Χριστοῦ 1 In what way were the Ephesians **apart from Christ** in their former lives? 2:12 jnp7 advanced,interpret ἀπηλλοτριωμένοι τῆς πολιτείας τοῦ Ἰσραὴλ 1 Why were the Ephesians **excluded from the community of Israel**? 2:12 a097 advanced,interpret ξένοι τῶν διαθηκῶν τῆς ἐπαγγελίας 1 What were the **covenants of the promise** from which the Ephesians were formerly excluded? 2:12 el2f basic,interpret ἐλπίδα μὴ ἔχοντες 1 Why is someone who does not believe in Christ have **no hope**? 2:12 a098 basic,interpret ἄθεοι ἐν τῷ κόσμῳ 1 Why is someone who does not believe in Christ **without God in the world**? 2:13 a099 basic,observe νυνὶ δὲ 1 The phrase **but now** indicates a significant change from the past. What change happened to the Ephesians? 2:13 a100 basic,interpret ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ 1 In what way is **Christ Jesus** responsible for the change in the condition of the Ephesians? 2:13 fg59 advanced,interpret ὑμεῖς οἵ ποτε ὄντες μακρὰν, ἐγενήθητε ἐγγὺς 1 How does the image of being **far away** or **brought near** to God help to describe our relationship to him? 2:13 jj1n advanced,interpret ἐν τῷ αἵματι τοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 Paul says we were brought near to God **by the blood of Christ**. What does his **blood** here represent? 2:14 k5hr basic,observe αὐτὸς & ἐστιν ἡ εἰρήνη ἡμῶν 1 Who is our peace? 2:14 c919 basic,observe ὁ ποιήσας τὰ ἀμφότερα ἓν 1 Who were the **two** that he made **one **? 2:14 d9tb advanced,interpret καὶ τὸ μεσότοιχον τοῦ φραγμοῦ λύσας 1 What was the **middle wall of partition** and why did it need to be destroyed? 2:14 a102 advanced,interpret τὴν ἔχθραν 1 Why does Paul describe the middle wall of partition as **the hostility**? 2:14 a103 advanced,interpret ἐν τῇ σαρκὶ αὐτοῦ 1 In what way did Christ destroy the hostility through **his flesh**? 2:15 a104 advanced,interpret τὸν νόμον τῶν ἐντολῶν ἐν δόγμασιν καταργήσας 1 What does it mean that Christ **abolished the law**? 2:15 ei5j basic,interpret τὸν νόμον τῶν ἐντολῶν ἐν δόγμασιν 1 Here, **law** refers to the law of Moses. How significant were **commandments** and **regulations** to that law? 2:15 hal2 basic,observe ἵνα 1 The phrase **so that** introduces the first reason Christ abolished the law. What was that reason? 2:15 brjc basic,interpret τοὺς δύο κτίσῃ ἐν αὑτῷ εἰς ἕνα καινὸν ἄνθρωπον 1 As in the previous verse, who were the **two** groups that Christ made into **one new** group by his death? 2:15 a105 basic,observe εἰς ἕνα καινὸν ἄνθρωπον 1 Who is Paul referring to as **one new man**? 2:15 qp16 basic,interpret ποιῶν εἰρήνην 1 Why were these two groups not formerly at **peace**, and why are they at **peace** now? 2:16 a106 basic,observe καὶ 1 Here, **and so that** introduces the second reason Christ abolished the law. What was that reason? 2:16 a107 basic,interpret ἀποκαταλλάξῃ 1 What does it mean to **reconcile** people who were formerly hostile to each other? 2:16 a108 basic,observe τῷ Θεῷ 1 To whom did Christ reconcile the new man? 2:16 a109 basic,observe διὰ τοῦ σταυροῦ 1 What instrument did God used to remove the hostility? 2:16 h28q basic,observe ἀποκτείνας τὴν ἔχθραν ἐν αὐτῷ 1 What image does Paul use to describe the complete removal of the hostility? Why do you think he chose that image? 2:17 a110 basic,observe καὶ ἐλθὼν, εὐηγγελίσατο εἰρήνην 1 What message did Christ bring to us after he destroyed the hostility between God and man? 2:17 f9hz basic,observe εἰρήνην ὑμῖν τοῖς μακρὰν, καὶ εἰρήνην τοῖς ἐγγύς 1 To what two groups did Christ offer peace? 2:18 ktw9 basic,observe δι’ αὐτοῦ ἔχομεν τὴν προσαγωγὴν, οἱ ἀμφότεροι 1 Who is the one who gives us access to the Father? 2:18 a111 basic,interpret ἐν ἑνὶ Πνεύματι 1 Who is the **one Spirit** in whom we come to the Father? 2:19 a112 basic,observe ἄρα οὖν 1 The phrase **so then** introduces the result of Christ making us one new man with access to God. What is this the result of this? 2:19 ijl8 basic,observe οὐκέτι ἐστὲ ξένοι καὶ πάροικοι 1 What was the former status of the Gentiles? 2:19 a113 advanced,interpret ἀλλὰ 1 The word **instead** indicates a strong contrast between what they were and what they are now. What are the major differences between their former and current status? 2:19 u2d1 basic,apply ἐστὲ συνπολῖται τῶν ἁγίων 1 Paul uses the image of being **citizens** of a country. What does that image mean to you? 2:19 a114 basic,interpret οἰκεῖοι τοῦ Θεοῦ 1 What does it mean to be **members of the household of God**? Is this something to be desired? 2:20-22 a115 basic,observe ἐποικοδομηθέντες ἐπὶ τῷ θεμελίῳ τῶν ἀποστόλων καὶ προφητῶν 1 Paul now describes believers as a building. According to verses 20-22, what is that building? 2:20 a116 advanced,interpret τῷ θεμελίῳ τῶν ἀποστόλων καὶ προφητῶν 1 In what sense might the **apostles and prophets** be considered as a **foundation**? 2:20 a117 basic,interpret ὄντος ἀκρογωνιαίου αὐτοῦ Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ 1 Paul says Christ is the **cornerstone** of our building. What is the purpose of a cornerstone in a building? 2:20 uwd7 advanced,interpret ὄντος ἀκρογωνιαίου αὐτοῦ Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ 1 In what sense is Christ the **cornerstone** of our faith? 2:21 nd34 advanced,interpret πᾶσα οἰκοδομὴ συναρμολογουμένη 1 Paul says believers are **being fit together** as a building. What does that teach us about the relationship of believers to one another? 2:21 a118 advanced,interpret αὔξει εἰς ναὸν ἅγιον ἐν Κυρίῳ 1 In what way can believers become a **holy temple** for God? What do they and temples have in common? 2:22 wz2i basic,observe ἐν ᾧ 1 Here **in whom** refers back to Jesus as the Lord in the previous verse. What is the role of Jesus in building believers into this temple? 2:22 a119 basic,interpret καὶ ὑμεῖς συνοικοδομεῖσθε 1 In the past, only Jews were allowed in God’s temple. But now, **you also** refers to the Gentile believers in Ephesus, who have become part of the holy temple along with the Jews. How do you think this made the Ephesians feel? 2:22 a120 advanced,interpret εἰς κατοικητήριον τοῦ Θεοῦ ἐν Πνεύματι 1 As in the Old Testament, this new temple is the place where God dwells. However, it is built from people instead of from stones. What does it mean that God dwells within believers? 3:1 a121 basic,observe τούτου χάριν 1 The phrase **For this reason** refers back to the final section of chapter 2. What did Paul discuss there? 3:1 p5zi basic,observe ὁ δέσμιος τοῦ Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ ὑπὲρ ὑμῶν τῶν ἐθνῶν 1 How does Paul describe himself in this verse? 1:1 ylv7 3:1 a6yh basic,interpret ὁ δέσμιος τοῦ Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ 1 At this time, Paul was a prisoner in Rome. Why do you think he said he was a **prisoner of Christ Jesus**? 3:1,14 a122 basic,interpret τούτου χάριν & τούτου χάριν 1 In verse 1, Paul starts to explain what he does in response to God bring salvation to the Gentiles, but pauses to talk about his ministry. He resumes his thought in. Verse 14. Why do you think he pauses to discuss his ministry? 3:2 a123 basic,interpret εἴ γε ἠκούσατε & εἰς ὑμᾶς 1 Why was it important for the Ephesians to know that Paul was in prison for their sake? 3:2 a124 advanced,interpret τὴν οἰκονομίαν 1 Why did Paul consider his ministry to be a **stewardship**? What does a steward do? 3:2 a125 advanced,interpret τὴν οἰκονομίαν τῆς χάριτος τοῦ Θεοῦ 1 Why does Paul refer to his ministry as stewarding **the grace of God**? 3:2 f34k basic,observe τῆς δοθείσης μοι εἰς ὑμᾶς 1 Why did God give his grace to Paul? 3:3 swb2 basic,observe ἀποκάλυψιν ἐγνωρίσθη μοι 1 How did Paul learn of the grace of God? 3:3-4 a126 basic,observe τὴν σύνεσίν μου ἐν τῷ μυστηρίῳ τοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 What will the Ephesians be able to understand when they read about God's revelation to Paul? 3:3,4,9 lc4g advanced,interpret τὸ μυστήριον & τῷ μυστηρίῳ & τοῦ μυστηρίου 1 Paul refers to the revelation from God three times as **the mystery**. Why do you think he used that term to describe it? 3:4,6 a127 advanced,interpretation τῷ μυστηρίῳ τοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 How does the **mystery** relate to **Christ**? 3:5 a128 basic,observe ὃ ἑτέραις γενεαῖς οὐκ ἐγνωρίσθη τοῖς υἱοῖς τῶν ἀνθρώπων 1 Why did people not understand the mystery before? 3:5 vql5 basic,observe ὡς νῦν ἀπεκαλύφθη & ἐν Πνεύματι 1 How did the New Testament apostles and prophets come to understand the mystery? 3:5 a129 basic,interpret τοῖς ἁγίοις ἀποστόλοις αὐτοῦ καὶ προφήταις 1 Why do you think the Holy Spirit revealed the mystery to the **holy apostles and prophets**? 3:6 a131 basic,interpret συνκληρονόμα & σύνσωμα & συνμέτοχα 1 The term **fellow** is repeated three times and indicates that the Gentiles joined together with someone else in these things. Who did the Gentiles join? 3:6 a130 basic,interpret σύνσωμα 1 Of what **body** did the **Gentiles** become **fellow members**? 3:6 a132 basic,observe τοῦ εὐαγγελίου 1 What was caused the Gentiles to be joined together with Christ? 3:7 a133 basic,observe ὗ ἐγενήθην διάκονος κατὰ τὴν δωρεὰν τῆς χάριτος τοῦ Θεοῦ τῆς δοθείσης μοι 1 What did God give to Paul in order to make him his servant? 3:7 sa78 basic,observe τὴν ἐνέργειαν τῆς δυνάμεως αὐτοῦ 1 How did Paul know for sure that God is the one who give him this ministry? 3:8 g6vj basic,observe ἐλαχιστοτέρῳ πάντων ἁγίων 1 How did Paul describe his spiritual status before God? 3:8 f2t1 basic,interpret ἐλαχιστοτέρῳ πάντων ἁγίων 1 Paul was perhaps the greatest apostle. Why would he describe himself as the **least**? 3:8 a135 basic,observe τοῖς ἔθνεσιν εὐαγγελίσασθαι, τὸ ἀνεξιχνίαστον πλοῦτος τοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 What specific task did God assign to Paul to do? 3:8 a136 basic,interpret τὸ ἀνεξιχνίαστον πλοῦτος τοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 Why do you think Paul meant when he said the **riches of Christ** were **unsearchable**? 3:9 i6un basic,observe φωτίσαι πάντας 1 To whom was Paul to preach his message? 3:6,9 s38b advanced,interpret τοῦ μυστηρίου, τοῦ ἀποκεκρυμμένου ἀπὸ τῶν αἰώνων ἐν τῷ Θεῷ 1 Paul has already stated in verse 6 that the mystery was the joining of the Gentiles to Christ. In what way was this **hidden from the ages** until the coming of Christ? 3:9 a137 advanced,interpret ἐν τῷ Θεῷ, τῷ τὰ πάντα κτίσαντι 1 Why do you think Paul reminds the Ephesians at this point that God is **the one having created all things**? 3:10 f5kn basic,observe διὰ τῆς ἐκκλησίας 1 Through what means is it now possible to know the **wisdom of God**? 3:10 e38a basic,interpret ἡ πολυποίκιλος σοφία τοῦ Θεοῦ 1 What does Paul mean when he says the **wisdom of God** is **multifaceted**? 3:10 a138 basic,observe ταῖς ἀρχαῖς καὶ ταῖς ἐξουσίαις ἐν τοῖς ἐπουρανίοις 1 Who did God want to know about his wisdom? 3:10 f6kd basic,interpret ταῖς ἀρχαῖς καὶ ταῖς ἐξουσίαις ἐν τοῖς ἐπουρανίοις 1 Who are the **rulers and to the authorities in the heavenly places**? 3:10-11 a197 basic,observe κατὰ πρόθεσιν τῶν αἰώνων 1 For how long will the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places know about the wisdom of God? 3:11 a140 basic,observe ἣν ἐποίησεν ἐν τῷ Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ, τῷ Κυρίῳ ἡμῶν 1 How did God accomplish his eternal purpose? 3:6,11 ei37 advanced,interpret the eternal purpose 1 God's **eternal purpose** refers back to the Gentiles becoming joined to Christ in verse 6. Why does Paul want us to know that this was always God's plan? 3:12 s8j3 basic,observe ἐν ᾧ 1 To whom does **in whom** refer back? 3:12 a141 basic,observe τὴν παρρησίαν καὶ προσαγωγὴν ἐν πεποιθήσει 1 What two things does Paul say we have through Christ? 3:12 a142 basic,observe τῆς πίστεως αὐτοῦ 1 By what means do we receive this boldness and confidence? 3:13 ykq4 basic,observe αἰτοῦμαι μὴ ἐνκακεῖν ἐν ταῖς θλίψεσίν μου ὑπὲρ ὑμῶν 1 What is the reason that Paul included this discussion of his ministry in verses 1-13? 3:13 vuf4 advanced,interpret αἰτοῦμαι μὴ ἐνκακεῖν ἐν ταῖς θλίψεσίν μου ὑπὲρ ὑμῶν 1 How might Paul's imprisonment have discouraged the Ephesians, and why would his discussion in verses 1-13 have been helpful for them? 3:13 dd5a advanced,interpret ἥτις ἐστὶν δόξα ὑμῶν 1 In what way might Paul's sufferings lead to **glory** for the Ephesians? 3:1,14 a143 basic, observe τούτου χάριν -1 In verse 14, Paul returns to the topic he began in verse 1. What is he referring to by **this reason**? 3:14 a144 basic,observe κάμπτω τὰ γόνατά μου πρὸς τὸν Πατέρα 1 What image does Paul use for his prayer? Why? 3:15 a145 advanced,interpret ἐξ οὗ πᾶσα πατριὰ 1 Why do you think Paul refers to each **family**instead of to each person? 3:15 n2ls advanced,interpret ἐξ οὗ πᾶσα πατριὰ ἐν οὐρανοῖς καὶ ἐπὶ γῆς ὀνομάζεται 1 In biblical times, people were **named** to indicate what kind of person they would become, and to emphasize their relationship to the one who gave them their names. In light of that, what might Paul mean when he says that **every family in heaven and on earth is named** from God? 3:16-19 tqak basic,observe ἵνα & ἵνα & ἵνα 1 In verses 16-19, Paul uses **so that** three times to indicate the four results that he desires when he prays. What are those three results? 3:16 a146 basic,observe κατὰ τὸ πλοῦτος τῆς δόξης αὐτοῦ & κραταιωθῆναι 1 What is the measure according to which God will strengthen the believer? 3:16 l6xp basic,observe εἰς τὸν ἔσω ἄνθρωπον 1 What specifically will the Spirit strengthen? 3:16 a147 basic,apply δυνάμει κραταιωθῆναι διὰ τοῦ Πνεύματος αὐτοῦ εἰς τὸν ἔσω ἄνθρωπον 1 To what degree do you feel that the Spirit of God has made your **inner man** strong? 3:17 s4yp basic,observe κατοικῆσαι τὸν Χριστὸν διὰ τῆς πίστεως ἐν ταῖς καρδίαις ὑμῶν 1 Verse 17 describes what happens when the Spirit strengthens our Inner man. What is it that takes place in such a person? 3:16-17 a148 basic,interpret εἰς τὸν ἔσω ἄνθρωπον & ἐν ταῖς καρδίαις ὑμῶν 1 How is **in your hearts** the same as or different from **in the inner man**? 3:17 z8vw advanced,interpret ἐν ἀγάπῃ, ἐρριζωμένοι καὶ τεθεμελιωμένοι 1 Here **being rooted** is the image of a tree with strong roots, and **being grounded** is the image of a solid building foundation. What does that say about the role of **love** in the growth of a believer? 3:18-19 a149 basic,observe ἵνα ἐξισχύσητε καταλαβέσθαι σὺν πᾶσιν τοῖς ἁγίοις, τί τὸ πλάτος, καὶ μῆκος, καὶ ὕψος, καὶ βάθος & γνῶναί τε τὴν ὑπερβάλλουσαν τῆς γνώσεως ἀγάπην τοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 In verses 18-19, Paul states the second result that he desires from his prayer. What is this result? 3:18-19 zz6k advanced,interpret ἐξισχύσητε καταλαβέσθαι & ὑπερβάλλουσαν τῆς γνώσεως 1 Why do you think Paul prays that all the saints will be **fully able to comprehend** Christ's love which he says surpasses knowledge? Is it possible to understand it or not? 3:18 a150 basic,apply τὸ πλάτος, καὶ μῆκος, καὶ ὕψος, καὶ βάθος 1 Christ's love does not literally have **width and length and height and depth**. Is there another way that you can describe fully knowing the love of Christ? 3:19 hc7t basic,apply γνῶναί & τὴν ὑπερβάλλουσαν τῆς γνώσεως ἀγάπην τοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 How well do you personally feel you know the love of Christ? 3:19 a151 basic,observe ἵνα πληρωθῆτε εἰς πᾶν τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ Θεοῦ 1 This is the third thing that Paul prays for the Ephesians. What is it that he desires for them? 3:19 a152 advanced,interpret πληρωθῆτε εἰς πᾶν τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ Θεοῦ 1 What do you think is the **fullness of God** that is able to fill us? 3:19 m3ij basic,apply πληρωθῆτε εἰς πᾶν τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ Θεοῦ 1 What do you think your life would be like if you were **filled with all the fullness of God**? 3:20 a154 basic,observe τῷ 1 Who is **the one** that Paul here refers to? 3:20 a156 basic,interpret ὑπὲρ & ὑπέρἐκπερισσοῦ 1 Paul is adding together words in order to express how much more God can do that what we expect. What words or phrases might you use to express the same idea? 3:20 rld3 basic,interpret πάντα & ὧν αἰτούμεθα ἢ νοοῦμεν 1 What is the difference between God doing what we ask, and doing not only what we ask but also what we think? 3:21 a157 basic,observe αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα 1 What is it that Paul desires for God to receive? 3:21 l5cd basic,observe αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα ἐν τῇ ἐκκλησίᾳ καὶ ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ 1 According to verse 21, what are the two sources of eternal glory to God? 3:21 a158 basic,observe αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα ἐν τῇ ἐκκλησίᾳ 1 Here **the church** refers to all New Testament believers. Are you part of this church? If so, are you currently living in such a way as to bring eternal glory to God? 1:1,3:1,4:1 a153 basic,interpret ἀπόστολος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ & ὁ δέσμιος τοῦ Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ & ὁ δέσμιος ἐν Κυρίῳ 1 In 1:1 Paul said he was an **apostle**, emphasizing his authority. In 3:1 he said he was a **prisoner**, emphasizing his suffering. Why do you think he continues the **prisoner** image here? 4:1 whi3 advanced,interpret ἀξίως περιπατῆσαι τῆς κλήσεως ἧς ἐκλήθητε 1 In 3:21, Paul state that the church is to bring eternal glory to God. Since that is our purpose, how should we act in order to accomplish it? 4:2 a159 basic,interpret μετὰ πάσης ταπεινοφροσύνης καὶ πραΰτητος, μετὰ μακροθυμίας, ἀνεχόμενοι ἀλλήλων ἐν ἀγάπῃ 1 Since 3:21 says the entire church will bring glory to God, why is it important that we treat one another with **humility**, **gentleness**, and **patience** and put up **with one another in love**? 4:2 xhi3 basic,apply ἀνεχόμενοι ἀλλήλων ἐν ἀγάπῃ 1 What are some of the things that make it difficult for us to put up with fellow believers? 4:3 ej5m basic,observe τηρεῖν τὴν ἑνότητα τοῦ Πνεύματος 1 Is the **unity of the Spirit** something we must create, or is it simply something God has already created? 4:3 y7gf basic,interpret ἐν τῷ συνδέσμῳ τῆς εἰρήνης 1 In what ways can **peace** bind believers together when they have problems with one another? 4:2-3 a161 basic,apply 0 What are some of the issues that make it difficult for you to have a humble, loving, peaceful attitude toward other believers? 4:4 pv1x basic,observe ἓν σῶμα 1 What **body** is Paul referring to of which there is only **one**? 4:4 ps7c basic,interpret μιᾷ ἐλπίδι τῆς κλήσεως ὑμῶν 1 Here **your** is plural, indicating that the **one hope** is that which is shared by all believers. What is this our shared hope? 4:5 wh97 advanced,interpret μία πίστις, ἓν βάπτισμα 1 Paul states with authority that there is only **one faith** and **one baptism**. And yet, believers are often divided over details of their faith or the form of baptism. They must not be talking about the faith and baptism to which Paul is referring. Why do you think this situation exists? 4:6 vtc6 advanced,apply εἷς Θεὸς καὶ Πατὴρ πάντων, ὁ ἐπὶ πάντων, καὶ διὰ πάντων, καὶ ἐν πᾶσιν 1 Paul clearly states that there is only one God. How does that affect the way we interact with people who believer in other gods? 4:7 a162 basic,observe ἑνὶ & ἑκάστῳ ἡμῶν ἐδόθη ἡ χάρις 1 Which believers have received **grace** from God? 4:7 uvyc basic,interpret ἑνὶ & ἑκάστῳ ἡμῶν 1 Before verse 7, Paul has been speaking about the church as one body. Now, he begins to speak of the diversity within the church. How does **each one of us** indicate this change? 4:7 a163 basic,observe κατὰ τὸ μέτρον τῆς δωρεᾶς τοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 According to what measure did God give us his grace? 4:8 a164 advanced,interpret διὸ λέγει, ἀναβὰς εἰς ὕψος, ᾐχμαλώτευσεν αἰχμαλωσίαν, ἔδωκεν δόματα τοῖς ἀνθρώποις 1 Paul refers back to Psalm 68. How does this strengthen his argument that God had planned long ago to work through the church? 4:8 x11q basic,interpret ἀναβὰς εἰς ὕψος 1 To what event in the life of Jesus does the phrase **ascended to the heights** refer? 4:9 hq71 basic,interpret καὶ κατέβη εἰς τὰ κατώτερα μέρη τῆς γῆς 1 To what event in the life of Jesus does the phrase **he also descended into the lower regions of the earth** refer? 4:9 a165 advanced,interpret τὸ δὲ, ἀνέβη, τί ἐστιν, εἰ μὴ ὅτι καὶ κατέβη 1 Since Psalm 68 does not say “he descended,” what argument does Paul use to say that Jesus **descended into the lower regions of the earth**? 4:10 a166 basic,interpret ὁ καταβὰς αὐτός ἐστιν καὶ ὁ ἀναβὰς ὑπεράνω πάντων τῶν οὐρανῶν 1 Who is the only person who every **descended** to the earth and then **ascended far above all the heavens**? 4:10 tn4b basic,observe ἵνα πληρώσῃ τὰ πάντα 1 Here **so that** gives the purpose for which he descended and ascended. What is that purpose? 4:11 a167 basic,observe καὶ αὐτὸς ἔδωκεν τοὺς μὲν ἀποστόλους, τοὺς δὲ προφήτας, τοὺς δὲ εὐαγγελιστάς, τοὺς δὲ ποιμένας καὶ διδασκάλους 1 In verses 7-8, Paul says Christ gave gifts. According to verse 11, what gifts did he give? 4:11 a169 basic,interpret τοὺς δὲ ποιμένας καὶ διδασκάλους 1 Why do you think Paul seems to link together **pastors and teachers** a single instance of **the**? 4:12 a170 basic,observe πρὸς τὸν καταρτισμὸν τῶν ἁγίων εἰς ἔργον διακονίας 1 The word **for** introduces the reason for which Christ gave us these gifted people. What is that reason? 4:12 up5x basic,observe πρὸς τὸν καταρτισμὸν τῶν ἁγίων εἰς ἔργον διακονίας 1 Who does Paul says is supposed to do *the work of serving**? 4:11-12 udn1 advanced,apply τοὺς μὲν ἀποστόλους, τοὺς δὲ προφήτας, τοὺς δὲ εὐαγγελιστάς, τοὺς δὲ ποιμένας καὶ διδασκάλους & τῶν ἁγίων 1 How do verses 11-12 affect the common understanding of the role of gifted people in doing the work of the ministry? 4:12 kw6a basic,interpret εἰς ἔργον διακονίας, εἰς οἰκοδομὴν τοῦ σώματος τοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 What kind of **work of serving** would result in the **building up of the body of Christ**? 4:12 a171 basic,interpret τοῦ σώματος τοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 To what is Paul referring when he speaks here of the **body of Christ**? 4:13 kij2 basic,observe μέχρι καταντήσωμεν οἱ πάντες εἰς τὴν ἑνότητα τῆς πίστεως, καὶ τῆς ἐπιγνώσεως τοῦ Υἱοῦ τοῦ Θεοῦ, εἰς ἄνδρα τέλειον, εἰς μέτρον ἡλικίας τοῦ πληρώματος τοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 What are the results that Paul says will happen when the body of Christ has been fully built up? 4:13 c9mr basic,interpret τὴν ἑνότητα τῆς πίστεως 1 Do you think **the unity of the faith** refers to ignoring our different beliefs, or to genuinely coming to believe the same things? 4:13 do7t basic,observe μέχρι καταντήσωμεν οἱ πάντες 1 How many of the believers are supposed to be fully built up in Christ through the service of the saints? 4:13 a172 advanced,interpret τῆς ἐπιγνώσεως τοῦ Υἱοῦ τοῦ Θεοῦ 1 The word Paul uses for **knowledge** refers to an understanding that is gained through experience. How does that affect the meaning of **the knowledge of the Son of God**? 4:13 a173 basic,apply εἰς ἄνδρα τέλειον 1 How would you describe the characteristics of a man who is spiritually **mature**? 4:13 a174 advanced,interpret εἰς μέτρον ἡλικίας τοῦ πληρώματος τοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 What would it mean for someone to be equal to **the stature of the fullness of Christ**? 4:14 c1dr basic,observe ἵνα μηκέτι ὦμεν νήπιοι 1 Here **so that** introduces the purpose for which Christ gave gifted people to the church in verse 11. What is that purpose? 4:14 wsg9 basic,interpret μηκέτι ὦμεν νήπιοι 1 What characteristics of **children** does Paul not want the Ephesians to continue to do? 4:14 m7fy advanced,interpret κλυδωνιζόμενοι καὶ περιφερόμενοι παντὶ ἀνέμῳ τῆς διδασκαλίας 1 What kind of **teaching** would be like **waves** and **wind** that cause people to be **tossed back and forth** and **carried away**? 4:14 i8wu basic,observe ἐν τῇ κυβίᾳ τῶν ἀνθρώπων, ἐν πανουργίᾳ πρὸς τὴν μεθοδίαν τῆς πλάνης 1 What techniques do these men use to teach false doctrines? 4:15 a175 basic,observe δὲ 1 What contrast does the word **Instead** introduce into this paragraph? 4:15 kvn8 basic,apply ἀληθεύοντες & ἐν ἀγάπῃ 1 What are some of the problems that arise when people speak **truth** without **love**? 4:15 nf1x basic,apply ἀληθεύοντες & ἐν ἀγάπῃ 1 What are some of the problems that arise when people do not speak **truth** because they think it will not demonstrate **love**? 4:15 a176 advanced,interpret ἀληθεύοντες & ἐν ἀγάπῃ, αὐξήσωμεν εἰς αὐτὸν τὰ πάντα 1 How does **speaking truth in love** help believers to **grow up in all things**? 4:15 a177 basic,observe αὐξήσωμεν εἰς αὐτὸν τὰ πάντα, ὅς ἐστιν ἡ κεφαλή Χριστός 1 What is the measure by which we can know if we are spiritually fully grown? 4:15 msqt advanced,interpret ὅς ἐστιν ἡ κεφαλή Χριστός 1 What characteristics does Paul intend to call attention to when he calls **Christ** **the head**? 4:16 tgbf basic,observe πᾶν τὸ σῶμα, συναρμολογούμενον καὶ συνβιβαζόμενον διὰ πάσης ἁφῆς τῆς ἐπιχορηγίας κατ’ ἐνέργειαν ἐν μέτρῳ ἑνὸς ἑκάστου μέρους 1 Who must do their part in order for **the whole body** of Christ to be held together? 4:16 pnp5 basic,interpret πάσης ἁφῆς τῆς ἐπιχορηγίας & ἑνὸς ἑκάστου μέρους 1 What do these ligaments and individual parts represent? 4:16 s85q basic,interpret κατ’ ἐνέργειαν ἐν μέτρῳ ἑνὸς ἑκάστου μέρους 1 In verse 12, who did Paul say should do this **working** in order to build up the body of Christ? 4:16 xan1 basic,observe ἐνέργειαν ἐν μέτρῳ ἑνὸς ἑκάστου μέρους, τὴν αὔξησιν τοῦ σώματος ποιεῖται εἰς οἰκοδομὴν ἑαυτοῦ ἐν ἀγάπῃ 1 What is the expected result of every member of the body of Christ working together? 4:16 w1ma advanced,interpret εἰς οἰκοδομὴν ἑαυτοῦ ἐν ἀγάπῃ 1 Why do you think it is so important that the **building up** of the body of Christ happen **in love**? What might that look like if love is missing? 4:17 l15x basic,observe οὖν 1 To what does **Therefore** refer in the preceding verses? 4:17 zls6 basic,interpret λέγω καὶ μαρτύρομαι 1 Why do you think Paul uses two different terms to emphasize what he is asking the Ephesians to do? 4:17 a178 advanced,interpret μηκέτι & περιπατεῖν, καθὼς καὶ τὰ ἔθνη περιπατεῖ 1 In light of the fact that most of the Ephesians were Gentiles, how would they apply this command? 4:17 a179 basic,interpret ἐν ματαιότητι τοῦ νοὸς αὐτῶν 1 Here **minds** refers to their thinking. In what way might their thinking have been futile? 4:18 a180 basic,interpret ἐσκοτωμένοι τῇ διανοίᾳ ὄντες 1 What might it mean to be **darkened in their understanding**? 4:18 cmb7 basic,observe ἀπηλλοτριωμένοι τῆς ζωῆς τοῦ Θεοῦ, διὰ τὴν ἄγνοιαν τὴν οὖσαν ἐν αὐτοῖς, διὰ τὴν πώρωσιν τῆς καρδίας αὐτῶν 1 What are the two reasons **because of** which the Gentiles are **alienated from the life of God**? 4:18 geb2 basic,interpret ἀπηλλοτριωμένοι τῆς ζωῆς τοῦ Θεοῦ 1 What do you think is the difference, if any, between being **alienated from the life of God** and being alienated from God? 4:18 a181 basic.interpret τὴν ἄγνοιαν τὴν οὖσαν ἐν αὐτοῖς 1 What was the **ignorance** that was in the Gentiles? 4:19 a182 basic,interpret οἵτινες ἀπηλγηκότες 1 What trait in verse 18 probably caused the Gentiles to be **dead top all feeling**? 4:19 a183 basic,observe ἑαυτοὺς παρέδωκαν 1 Who was responsible for the ungodly condition of the Gentiles? 4:19 a184 basic,interpret τῇ ἀσελγείᾳ εἰς ἐργασίαν ἀκαθαρσίας πάσης ἐν πλεονεξίᾳ 1 What are examples of deeds that might be described as **impurity with greediness**? 4:20-21 v8vi basic,interpret ὑμεῖς & οὐχ οὕτως ἐμάθετε τὸν Χριστόν & εἴ γε αὐτὸν ἠκούσατε καὶ ἐν αὐτῷ ἐδιδάχθητε 1 How confident is Paul that the Ephesians had been correctly taught about Christ? 4:21 a185 basic,observe ἐστιν ἀλήθεια ἐν τῷ Ἰησοῦ 1 Who is the source of truth? 4:22 a186 basic,observe κατὰ τὴν προτέραν ἀναστροφὴν 1 What was the **former manner of life** of the Ephesians Gentiles according to Paul in verses 17-20? 4:22 a187 basic,interpret τὸν παλαιὸν ἄνθρωπον 1 Why do you think Paul describes their **former way of life** as **the old man**? 4:22 v6ip basic,observe κατὰ τὰς ἐπιθυμίας τῆς ἀπάτης 1 What is it that corrupts the **old man**? 4:22 a188 basic,interpret τῆς ἀπάτης 1 Why do you think Paul says these **desires** of the **old man** are **deceitful**? 4:23 wtd5 basic,observe τῷ πνεύματι τοῦ νοὸς ὑμῶν 1 In what part of a person must spiritual renewal take place? 4:22,24 a189 advanced,observe τὸν παλαιὸν ἄνθρωπον & τὸν καινὸν ἄνθρωπον 1 What are the differences between the **old man** and the **new man**? 4:24 k1kj basic,observe κτισθέντα 1 How does the **new man** come to be? 4:24 r9qz advanced,interpret δικαιοσύνῃ καὶ ὁσιότητι τῆς ἀληθείας 1 How might **truth** cause **righteousness and holiness**? 4:25 a190 basic,observe διὸ 1 What does **Therefore** refer back to in the previous verses? 4:25 kz64 basic,interpret ἀποθέμενοι τὸ ψεῦδος, λαλεῖτε ἀλήθειαν ἕκαστος μετὰ τοῦ πλησίον αὐτοῦ 1 The negative exhortation to put **aside lying** and the positive one to **speak truth** both mean the same thing. Why do you think Paul repeats this exhortation? 4:25 sv5j basic,interpret τοῦ πλησίον αὐτοῦ 1 Who is the **neighbor**, in light of the fact that they are described as **members of one another**? 4:25 a47f advanced,interpret ὅτι ἐσμὲν ἀλλήλων μέλη 1 Here **because** indicates the reason we are to speak truth to one another. Why would would it be so important for fellow members of the body to do this? 4:26 a191 advanced,apply ὀργίζεσθε, καὶ μὴ ἁμαρτάνετε 1 How can someone who is **angry** keep from doing **sin** as a result? 4:26 gc59 basic,interpret ὁ ἥλιος μὴ ἐπιδυέτω ἐπὶ παροργισμῷ ὑμῶν 1 Here **do not let the sun go down** means to resolve the anger before the end of the day. How would that action keep a person from sinning? 4:27 a192 basic,interpret δίδοτε τόπον τῷ διαβόλῳ 1 How might continuing to be angry **give an opportunity to the devil**? 4:28 gi9v basic,observe κοπιάτω, ἐργαζόμενος ταῖς χερσὶν τὸ ἀγαθόν, ἵνα 1 What is the reason that the thief must begin to work? 4:28 a193 advanced,interpret κοπιάτω, ἐργαζόμενος ταῖς χερσὶν τὸ ἀγαθόν 1 Why do you think it is not enough for the thief to stop stealing? Why must he now give to others instead of taking from them? 4:29 ys3y basic,observe ἵνα δῷ χάριν τοῖς ἀκούουσιν 1 What is the reason believers should start speaking good things? 4:29 a194 advanced,interpret πᾶς λόγος σαπρὸς ἐκ τοῦ στόματος ὑμῶν μὴ ἐκπορευέσθω, ἀλλ’ εἴ τις ἀγαθὸς πρὸς οἰκοδομὴν τῆς χρείας 1 As in the previous verse, the believer must not only stop speaking **corrupt talk**, but must now speak good things that build up others. Why do you think that much change is necessary? 4:30 q6dm advanced,interpret μὴ λυπεῖτε τὸ Πνεῦμα τὸ Ἅγιον τοῦ Θεοῦ 1 Paul does not say how we can **grieve the Holy Spirit**. How do you think we can do that? 4:30 u8qk basic,interpret ἐν ᾧ ἐσφραγίσθητε 1 Seals prevent tampering and show ownership. How might this relate to believers being **sealed** by the Holy Spirit? 4:31 jy2w basic,apply πικρία, καὶ θυμὸς, καὶ ὀργὴ, καὶ κραυγὴ, καὶ βλασφημία 1 What kind of damage have you seen **bitterness, and rage, and anger, and quarreling, and insults** cause within the body of Christ? 4:32 h8tn basic,interpret γίνεσθε & εἰς ἀλλήλους χρηστοί & χαριζόμενοι ἑαυτοῖς 1 How do kindness and forgiveness work together to protect and restore relationships? 4:32 f74s basic,observe καθὼς καὶ ὁ Θεὸς ἐν Χριστῷ ἐχαρίσατο ὑμῖν 1 What is the standard for forgiveness that is introduced by the term **just as**? 4:32 n9hi basic,interpret καὶ ὁ Θεὸς ἐν Χριστῷ ἐχαρίσατο ὑμῖν 1 For what reason was God able to forgive our sins? 5:1 in43 basic,observe γίνεσθε οὖν μιμηταὶ τοῦ Θεοῦ 1 Here **Therefore** refers back to verse 4:32 and the reason for which we should **be imitators of God**. What is that reason? 5:1 a427 basic,interpret γίνεσθε & μιμηταὶ τοῦ Θεοῦ ὡς τέκνα ἀγαπητά 1 It is normal for **children** to imitate their parents. How does this relate to believers imitating their heavenly Father? 5:1 q1ge basic,apply ὡς τέκνα ἀγαπητά 1 Would you be more likely to imitate your father if you knew you were **beloved**? 5:2 i2yk basic,observe περιπατεῖτε ἐν ἀγάπῃ, καθὼς καὶ ὁ Χριστὸς ἠγάπησεν ἡμᾶς 1 What is the standard of **love** that we should strive to attain? 5:2 a195 basic,observe ὁ Χριστὸς ἠγάπησεν ἡμᾶς, καὶ παρέδωκεν ἑαυτὸν ὑπὲρ ἡμῶν 1 How did Christ demonstrate that he **loved us**? 5:2 z6ig basic,observe εἰς ὀσμὴν εὐωδίας 1 How did God view the **offering and sacrifice** of Christ for us? 5:3-4 kc42 basic,observe πορνεία δὲ, καὶ ἀκαθαρσία πᾶσα, ἢ πλεονεξία, μηδὲ ὀνομαζέσθω ἐν ὑμῖν, καθὼς πρέπει ἁγίοις & καὶ αἰσχρότης, καὶ μωρολογία, ἢ εὐτραπελία 1 What are the six things that should not be **named among** believers? 5:3 a196 basic,interpret μηδὲ ὀνομαζέσθω ἐν ὑμῖν 1 Is the statement that these things **must not even be named among you** stronger or weaker than a command not to do these things? 5:3 hpd9 basic,apply καθὼς πρέπει ἁγίοις 1 How does knowing that they are **saints** affect believers as they seek to avoid these sinful actions? 5:4 b5rm basic,observe ἀλλὰ μᾶλλον εὐχαριστία 1 What should replace these sinful actions in believers? 5:5 br7i basic,observe τοῦτο & ἴστε, γινώσκοντες 1 Does **know this for certain** leave any possible exception for what Paul is about to say? 5:5 a198 advanced,interpret πᾶς πόρνος, ἢ ἀκάθαρτος, ἢ πλεονέκτης, ὅ ἐστιν εἰδωλολάτρης 1 Why does Paul consider a person who is **sexually immorality or unclean or greedy** to be **an idolator**? What do those things have in common? 5:5 a199 advanced,interpret οὐκ ἔχει κληρονομίαν ἐν τῇ βασιλείᾳ τοῦ Χριστοῦ καὶ Θεοῦ 1 What is the significance of not having an **inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God**? 5:6 u6nu basic,interpret κενοῖς λόγοις 1 What are examples of **empty words** and why would they **deceive** a person? 5:6 f227 basic,observe διὰ ταῦτα & ἔρχεται ἡ ὀργὴ τοῦ Θεοῦ ἐπὶ τοὺς υἱοὺς τῆς ἀπειθείας 1 What will cause the **wrath of God** to come upon those who disobey God? j68t a200 a201 a202 a203 xq4u e3c6 x6bm zi9t t2vf a205 ec6j a206 a207 abc1 q13i zp7x a208 zy7h p2zh a209 j6zf a210 a211 a212 rk1m rj43 ndi3 uyg1 j6ld g4y1 mwd9 q8q2 a213 kmqw a214 a215 cp1j yy96 a217 a218 a219 a220 s6qj a221 ljn8 a222 jwb1 a223 abc2 qt8w a224 abc3 a225 v45t a226 x62k a228 gcc1 ms6d z3l7 a229 cw18 zm6y a230 a231 x3ca f2wm h3nk yzr6 vgn8 x2f3 a2m8 a12i a232 a249 a250 v5nf t8di a234 a235 a236 t8a5 a237 a238 a239 u6x3 xp9h m9pr a241 rh2n a242 a243 a244 a245 wid4 mad5 a246 a247 g31m b7tz z5q6 x8ss a248 pv3a abc4 ew3l m74s d3tv abc5 mg5l np5g a254 a255 zla7 a256 h5f9 a257 a258 bm1f qd8g lw2d cdj1 j6p8 i9tj a259 l44n a260 abc6 t1eq jc21 a261 su5x a262 a263 a264 pq85 je6d b92n q9ss snd5 j3px khn7 a265 a266 jyj6 a267 nwg6 w195 c1bh f1nx a268 tq3z l66w iz7k jm25 a269 gg8h tdw8 r6d6 t6kc qaa5 xn39 erv7 h3cy a270 fq4w ql31 a272 p4g6 jn12 nh5s a273 f71l a274 w52j a275 a276 a277 a278 a279 a280 a281 a282 jf1d a283 a284 hf3u a285 y5y1 z2bx jbl6 gy8d a286 ju4w a287 a288 a289 j2cx a290 j3ap a291 zu28 a292 a293 a160 a294 ka83 vc5z a295 kat6 a296 a297 a298 f1x6 w622 fb5a w2by w64b a299 a300 yv19 b1g9 nuc1 ca33 a303 yz7m a304 a305 b38z t5qm a306 zh7j a307 x9r1 a308 t5uw txb5 a309 a310 x9b3 ps3m a311 a312 a313 a314 xu3j a315 a316 zyp5 a317 a318 d8dr a331 a319 a320 gw3v l938 a321 vv4z a322 ps4s uc2a a323 a324 a325 a326 nr4v a327 a330 gtv5 k2uh v27a ysl9 a332 a333 a334 xm1t dy8b grr9 pqd4 a335 a426 zz5u a336 vu7g vi8w k7nc a337 a338 i5dw a339 a340 a341 a342 a343 cc5y a344 a345 a346 a347 a348 a349 ry54 k3c9 a350 a351 bcf6 v7sw hc22 w1lb pg1e a352 a353 xj1l a354 a355 s7en a356 nwb9 a357 vym8 a358 c2e7 sri8 ux3n aud2 a359 k99k a360 a361 a362 m9wx oxni a364 l9bs a365 a366 y2ev a367 a368 fu1a lyc7 a369 x2ed f9ye pc45 a370 a371 a372 a373 j58p a374 wd37 qm16 z1x3 a375 a376 df1u l7uf a377 a378 a379 a380 li6a a381 a382 a383 ld7d k5g6 baw2 p78m a384 a8dz c1am e24h iq7w a385 f7pz g2hi a386 j4kr a387 a388 ym1k a389 a390 di9u a391 a392 kwsc r7av a393 a394 pu5j a395 a396 a397 uh2d mr1d q1il a398 a399 yml6 abx6 i2rr a401 a402 fpr4 a403 a404 xk6g a405 a406 a407 ae1u a408 a409 uaj6 b3nl a410 ie3x juz1 a411 rzg5 f33y a412 a413 p56f kz4s a414 a415 a416 i4bw a417 wz89 zh1d a418 uql8 a419 j819 a420 a421 a422 cyp1 z31c p6lz fca9 a423 cv8y lk82 jj94 kyp6 x424 z5r5 f8br cg5t e7vb s4qy rde8 kwvo n5r4 is74 jm17 w9re fwk6 lcyx p1yz mgid pxe5 i27a b3bj wh9t jayc ajq1 vsyk yqsj cg5s lvaj wu1y x48w wu4l ueie jg8y qq3l et2j pzr0 h8sg xscq m0zh d74m nei0 k88n e7b0 v5ia fnb2 psha ren5 s2cl x747 tqk9 l251 zv6s ju6w o3j2 uok4 vak4 k8rw p9h4 hy9r abc7 zbq0 v5si kfep n09p pt4h w1ya uksj kgef pfg3 pfg4 tnsm ax1j qff6 u6iw j09v orw2 tn6b jymv k8pz f7fw q7y6 iwfx mwc9 g67f ams1 gaww n981 tik7 w1is kxgk bfoo vpir s5vk nycs yr7m pb4p p42j frd4 p37v pia8 cvhm mbg8 a5f3 ce2b m37e jxk8 aam5 wl32 zasp w2sm fe56 slg3 la8a tuq2 kh8g tlh9 s2oe whe7 g2wq e2y6 qwbi z312 ug6c rh3k n2vl nib6 q66s cz9w cd5z pnb1 w3iu el3b c9nw att9 m3dm o4cg b9gd ckxj fj9s x493 i4ko l4zv y3yh r2e8 hrsh f6sn nhb9 t2vc qyc2 mpc7 kyde zzt4 z5g2 k1ku xef7 iq30 q2r4 wtq4 t1hw vow8 hk1g qfxh