1:5 crq2 What did Paul say was the goal of his commandment and teaching? The goal of his commandment was love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith.
1:9 tqor For whom is the law made? The law is for lawless, rebellious, ungodly people, and sinners.
1:13 cfvj What sins did Paul formerly commit? Paul was a blasphemer, persecutor, and a violent man.
1:14 q6g0 What overflowed to Paul, resulting in Paul becoming an apostle of Jesus Christ? The grace of our Lord overflowed to Paul.
1:14 q6g0 What overflowed to Paul, resulting in Paul becoming an apostle of Jesus Christ? The grace of our Lord overflowed with faith and love to Paul.
1:15 iw1l Who did Christ Jesus come into the world to save? Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
1:16 o828 Why does Paul say God gave him mercy? God gave Paul mercy so that Jesus could demonstrate his patience in Paul as an example.
1:18 milu What did Paul tell Timothy to do in accordance with the prophecies made about Timothy? Paul tells Timothy to fight the good fight.
1:19 m2of What happened to some who rejected their faith and their good conscience? These people have shipwrecked their faith.
1:19 m2of What happened to some who rejected their faith and their good conscience? These people have shipwrecked regarding the faith.
1:20 yc47 What did Paul do for those men who had rejected faith and a good conscience and had shipwrecked their faith? Paul gave them over to Satan so that they may be taught not to blaspheme.
2:1 wr9k For whom does Paul request that prayers be made? Paul requests prayers be made for all people.
2:2 acep What kind of life does Paul desire Christians be allowed to live? Paul desires that Christians be allowed to live a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.
2:4 kuft What does God desire for all people? God desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
2:5 bpzk What is Christ Jesus’ position between God and man? Christ Jesus is the one mediator between God and man.
2:5 bpzk What is the position of Christ Jesus between God and man? Christ Jesus is the one mediator between God and man.
2:6 eq8p What did Christ Jesus do for all? Christ Jesus gave himself as a ransom for all.
2:7 zati Who does the apostle Paul teach? Paul is a teacher of the nations.
2:7 zati Who does the apostle Paul teach? Paul is a teacher of the Gentiles.
2:8 otgq What does Paul want men to do? Paul wants men to pray and lift up holy hands.
2:9 o7jf What does Paul want women to do? Paul wants women to dress modestly and with self-control.
2:12 uv0v What does Paul not permit a woman to do? Paul does not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man.
2:13 rygx What is the first reason that Paul gives for not permitting a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man? Paul’s first reason is that Adam was formed first.
2:14 v47f What is the second reason that Paul gives for not permitting a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man? Paul’s second reason is that Adam was not deceived.
2:15 wsul In what does Paul want women to remain? Paul wants women to continue in faith and love and sanctification with soundness of mind.
2:14 v47f What is the second reason that Paul gives for not permitting a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man? Paul’s second reason is that Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived.
2:15 wsul In what does Paul want women to remain? Paul wants women to continue in faith and love and sanctification with self-control.
3:1 kkd2 What kind of work is the work of an overseer? The work of an overseer is good work.
3:2 qr30 What must an overseer be able to do? An overseer must be able to teach.
3:3 b69p How must an overseer handle alcohol and money? An overseer must not be a drunkard, and must not love money.
3:10 fe41 What should be done with deacons before they serve? Before they serve, deacons should be tested.
3:11 tt7f What are some characteristics of godly women? Godly women are dignified, not slanderers, sober, and trustworthy in everything.
3:15 h9jj What is the household of God? The household of God is the church of the living God.
3:16 l73n After Jesus appeared in the flesh, was justified by the Spirit, and was seen by angels, what did hedo? Jesus was proclaimed among nations, believed in the world, and taken up in glory.
3:16 l73n After Jesus appeared in the flesh, was justified by the Spirit, and was seen by angels, what happened? Jesus was proclaimed among nations, believed in the world, and taken up in glory.
4:1 xv1v According to the Spirit, what will some people do in the later times? Some people will leave the faith and attend to deceiving spirits and the teachings of demons.
4:3 ovfa What lies will these people teach? They will forbid marriage and forbid eating some foods.
4:5 lih5 How is anything we eat sanctified for our use? Anything we eat is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
4:8 pra7 Why is training in godliness more profitable than bodily training? Training in godliness is more profitable because it holds promise for this present life and the coming one.
4:11 esnx What does Paul exhort Timothy to do with all of the good things that he has received in Paul’s teaching to him? Paul exhorts Timothy to command and teach these things.
4:12 y0of In what ways is Timothy to be an example to others? Timothy is to be an example in word, conduct, love, faith, and purity.
4:14 idhz How did Timothy receive the spiritual gift that he had? The gift was given to Timothy through prophecy with the imposition of the hands of the elders.
4:14 idhz How did Timothy receive the spiritual gift that he had? The gift was given to Timothy through prophecy, with the imposition of the hands of the elders.
4:16 xnxk If Timothy continues faithfully in his life and teaching, who will be saved? Timothy will save both himself and his listeners.
5:1 d0jx How did Paul tell Timothy to treat an older man in the church? Paul told Timothy to exhort him as if he were a father.
5:4 mqds What should children and grandchildren of a widow do for her? Children and grandchildren should repay their parents and take care of her.
6:1 c373 How did Paul say slaves should regard their masters? Paul said that slaves should regard their masters as worthy of all honor.
6:4 o81w What kind of person rejects healthy words and godly teaching? The person who rejects healthy words and godly teaching is puffed up and understands nothing.
6:6 jxrb What does Paul say is great gain? Paul says that godliness with contentment is great gain.
6:7 hvug What did we bring into this world, and what can we take with us when we leave? We have brought nothing into the world, and cannot take anything out.
6:7 hvug What did we bring into this world, and what can we take with us when we leave? We have brought nothing into the world and cannot take anything out.
6:8 rdgo With what should we be content in this world? We should be satisfied that we have food and clothing.
6:9 fdi9 Into what do those who desire to become wealthy fall? Those who desire to become wealthy fall into temptation and a trap.
6:10 tce6 What is a root of all kinds of evil? The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.
6:12 g2dg What fight does Paul say Timothy must fight? Paul says Timothy must fight the good fight of the faith.
6:16 dw42 Where does God dwell? God dwells in unapproachable light.
6:17 avt4 Why should the rich hope in God and not in uncertain riches? The rich should hope in God because he provides us with everything that we enjoy.
6:19 kgm1 Those who are rich in good works do what for themselves? Those who are rich in good works store up for themselves a good foundation, and grasp genuine life.
6:19 kgm1 Those who are rich in good works do what for themselves? Those who are rich in good works store up for themselves a good foundation and grasp genuine life.
6:20 jsbo Finally, what does Paul tell Timothy to do with the things given to him? Paul tells Timothy to guard what has been entrusted to him.
What did Paul say was the goal of his commandment and teaching?
The goal of his commandment was love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith.
For whom is the law made?
The law is for lawless, rebellious, ungodly people, and sinners.
What sins did Paul formerly commit?
Paul was a blasphemer, persecutor, and a violent man.
What overflowed to Paul, resulting in Paul becoming an apostle of Jesus Christ?
The grace of our Lord overflowed to Paul.The grace of our Lord overflowed with faith and love to Paul.
Who did Christ Jesus come into the world to save?
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
Why does Paul say God gave him mercy?
God gave Paul mercy so that Jesus could demonstrate his patience in Paul as an example.
What did Paul tell Timothy to do in accordance with the prophecies made about Timothy?
Paul tells Timothy to fight the good fight.
What happened to some who rejected their faith and their good conscience?
These people have shipwrecked their faith.These people have shipwrecked regarding the faith.
What did Paul do for those men who had rejected faith and a good conscience and had shipwrecked their faith?
Paul gave them over to Satan so that they may be taught not to blaspheme.
For whom does Paul request that prayers be made?
Paul requests prayers be made for all people.
What kind of life does Paul desire Christians be allowed to live?
Paul desires that Christians be allowed to live a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.
What does God desire for all people?
God desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
What is Christ Jesus’ position between God and man?What is the position of Christ Jesus between God and man?
Christ Jesus is the one mediator between God and man.
What did Christ Jesus do for all?
Christ Jesus gave himself as a ransom for all.
Who does the apostle Paul teach?
Paul is a teacher of the nations.Paul is a teacher of the Gentiles.
What does Paul want men to do?
Paul wants men to pray and lift up holy hands.
What does Paul want women to do?
Paul wants women to dress modestly and with self-control.
What does Paul not permit a woman to do?
Paul does not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man.
What is the first reason that Paul gives for not permitting a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man?
Paul’s first reason is that Adam was formed first.
What is the second reason that Paul gives for not permitting a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man?
Paul’s second reason is that Adam was not deceived.Paul’s second reason is that Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived.
In what does Paul want women to remain?
Paul wants women to continue in faith and love and sanctification with soundness of mind.Paul wants women to continue in faith and love and sanctification with self-control.
What kind of work is the work of an overseer?
The work of an overseer is good work.
What must an overseer be able to do?
An overseer must be able to teach.
How must an overseer handle alcohol and money?
An overseer must not be a drunkard, and must not love money.
What should be done with deacons before they serve?
Before they serve, deacons should be tested.
What are some characteristics of godly women?
Godly women are dignified, not slanderers, sober, and trustworthy in everything.
What is the household of God?
The household of God is the church of the living God.
After Jesus appeared in the flesh, was justified by the Spirit, and was seen by angels, what did he do?After Jesus appeared in the flesh, was justified by the Spirit, and was seen by angels, what happened?
Jesus was proclaimed among nations, believed in the world, and taken up in glory.
According to the Spirit, what will some people do in the later times?
Some people will leave the faith and attend to deceiving spirits and the teachings of demons.
What lies will these people teach?
They will forbid marriage and forbid eating some foods.
How is anything we eat sanctified for our use?
Anything we eat is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
Why is training in godliness more profitable than bodily training?
Training in godliness is more profitable because it holds promise for this present life and the coming one.
What does Paul exhort Timothy to do with all of the good things that he has received in Paul’s teaching to him?
Paul exhorts Timothy to command and teach these things.
In what ways is Timothy to be an example to others?
Timothy is to be an example in word, conduct, love, faith, and purity.
How did Timothy receive the spiritual gift that he had?
The gift was given to Timothy through prophecy with the imposition of the hands of the elders.The gift was given to Timothy through prophecy, with the imposition of the hands of the elders.
If Timothy continues faithfully in his life and teaching, who will be saved?
Timothy will save both himself and his listeners.
How did Paul tell Timothy to treat an older man in the church?
Paul told Timothy to exhort him as if he were a father.
What should children and grandchildren of a widow do for her?
Children and grandchildren should repay their parents and take care of her.
How did Paul say slaves should regard their masters?
Paul said that slaves should regard their masters as worthy of all honor.
What kind of person rejects healthy words and godly teaching?
The person who rejects healthy words and godly teaching is puffed up and understands nothing.
What does Paul say is great gain?
Paul says that godliness with contentment is great gain.
What did we bring into this world, and what can we take with us when we leave?
We have brought nothing into the world, and cannot take anything out.We have brought nothing into the world and cannot take anything out.
With what should we be content in this world?
We should be satisfied that we have food and clothing.
Into what do those who desire to become wealthy fall?
Those who desire to become wealthy fall into temptation and a trap.
What is a root of all kinds of evil?
The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.
What fight does Paul say Timothy must fight?
Paul says Timothy must fight the good fight of the faith.
Where does God dwell?
God dwells in unapproachable light.
Why should the rich hope in God and not in uncertain riches?
The rich should hope in God because he provides us with everything that we enjoy.
Those who are rich in good works do what for themselves?
Those who are rich in good works store up for themselves a good foundation, and grasp genuine life.Those who are rich in good works store up for themselves a good foundation and grasp genuine life.
Finally, what does Paul tell Timothy to do with the things given to him?
Paul tells Timothy to guard what has been entrusted to him.
1:1 hsip Where was Moses when he spoke to Israel? Moses was beyond the Jordan in the wilderness, in the plain of the Jordan river valley.
1:3 hgow When did Moses speak to the people of Israel, telling them all that Yahweh commanded him? It was the fortieth year, the first day of the eleventh month, on the first day of the month.
1:8 ye55 To whom had Yahweh sworn to give the land? Yahweh had sworn to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to give the land to them and to their descendants after them.
1:9-10 jtah Why did Moses feel he could not carry the people alone? God had multiplied them, made them as the stars of heaven.
1:9-10 jtah Why did Moses feel he could not carry the people alone? God had multiplied them, made them to number as the stars of heaven.
1:12-13 ev2y Who would help Moses carry the loads, burdens, and disputes of the people? They would take wise understanding men of good repute, tribe by tribe, and make these men heads over them.
1:16 tdii What did Moses command the judges to do? He commanded them to hear the disputes between brothers, and the foreigner who is with him.
1:19 trn4 What did Israel travel through as they journeyed from Horeb to the hill country? They traveled through all the great and terrible wilderness.
Where was Moses when he spoke to Israel?
Moses was beyond the Jordan in the wilderness, in the plain of the Jordan river valley.
When did Moses speak to the people of Israel, telling them all that Yahweh commanded him?
It was the fortieth year, the first day of the eleventh month, on the first day of the month.
To whom had Yahweh sworn to give the land?
Yahweh had sworn to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to give the land to them and to their descendants after them.
Why did Moses feel he could not carry the people alone?
God had multiplied them, made them as the stars of heaven.God had multiplied them, made them to number as the stars of heaven.
Who would help Moses carry the loads, burdens, and disputes of the people?
They would take wise understanding men of good repute, tribe by tribe, and make these men heads over them.
What did Moses command the judges to do?
He commanded them to hear the disputes between brothers, and the foreigner who is with him.
What did Israel travel through as they journeyed from Horeb to the hill country?
They traveled through all the great and terrible wilderness.
Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
1:1 o4pb In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, which two ancestors are listed first, indicating their importance? The two ancestors listed first are David and Abraham.
1:16 vey7 At the end of the genealogy, who is the wife that is named, and why is she listed? Mary, the wife of Joseph is listed, because by her Jesus was born.
1:16 vey7 At the end of the genealogy, who is the wife that is named, and why is she listed? Mary, the wife of Joseph, is listed because by her Jesus was born.
1:18 yex8 What happened to Mary before she had come together with Joseph? Mary became pregnant by the Holy Spirit before she had come together with Joseph.
1:19 tu3d What kind of man was Joseph? Joseph was a righteous man.
1:19 xrzl What did Joseph decide to do when he learned Mary was pregnant? Joseph decided to end the engagement with Mary secretly.
1:20 wuf6 What happened to Joseph that made him decide to remain engaged to Mary? An angel told Joseph in a dream to take Mary as his wife because the baby was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
1:21 sz7n Why was Joseph told to give the baby the name Jesus? Joseph was told to name the baby Jesus because he will save his people from their sins.
1:23 hqo8 What did the Old Testament prophecy say which was fulfilled in these events? The Old Testament prophecy said that a virgin would give birth to a son, and that they would call his name Emmanuel, which means “God with us”.
1:23 hqo8 What is written in the Old Testament prophecy which was fulfilled in these events? The Old Testament prophecy was that a virgin would give birth to a son and that they would call his name Emmanuel, which means “God with us.”
1:25 keii What was Joseph careful not to do until Mary gave birth to Jesus? Joseph was careful not to sleep with Mary until she gave birth to Jesus.
2:1 yxb0 Where was Jesus born? Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea.
2:2 be08 What title did the learned men from the east give to Jesus? The learned men from the east gave Jesus the title “King of the Jews”.
2:2 be08 What title did the learned men from the east give to Jesus? The learned men from the east gave Jesus the title “King of the Jews.”
2:2 jrcn How did the learned men know the King of the Jews had been born? The learned men had seen the star of the King of the Jews in the east.
2:3 wupq How did King Herod respond to the news from the learned men? When King Herod heard the news from the learned men, he was troubled.
2:5-6 mk3s How did the chief priests and scribes know where the Christ would be born? They knew the prophecy that said the Christ would be born in Bethlehem.
2:11 g4rc How old was Jesus when the learned men came to see him? Jesus was a young child when the learned men came to see him.
2:11 y31m What gifts did the learned men give to Jesus? The learned men gave to Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
2:12 fqou By what way did the learned men return home, and why did they go this way? The learned men returned home another way because God warned them in a dream not to return to Herod.
2:13 dzal What instructions did Joseph receive in a dream? Joseph was instructed in a dream to take Jesus and Mary and flee to Egypt, because Herod was going to try to kill Jesus.
2:13 dzal What instructions did Joseph receive in a dream? Joseph was instructed in a dream to take Jesus and Mary and flee to Egypt because Herod was going to try to kill Jesus.
2:15 knfb What prophecy was fulfilled by Jesus’ later return from Egypt? The prophecy, “Out of Egypt I have called my son” was fulfilled when Jesus later returned from Egypt.
2:16 o05g What did Herod do when the learned men did not return to him? Herod killed all the male children in the region of Bethlehem who were two years old or younger.
2:19-20 ozgy What instructions did Joseph receive in a dream after Herod died? Joseph was instructed in a dream to return to the land of Israel.
2:22-23 bjy2 Where did Joseph settle to live with Mary and Jesus? Joseph settled to live with Mary and Jesus in Nazareth of Galilee.
2:23 v8a4 What prophecy was fulfilled when Joseph moved to their new location? The prophecy that the Christ would be called a Nazarene was fulfilled.
3:2 yrif What was the message that John the Baptist preached in the wilderness? John preached, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near”.
3:3 syhu What did the prophecy from Isaiah say that John the Baptist would come to do? The prophecy said that John the Baptist would make ready the way of the Lord.
3:3 syhu What did the prophecy from Isaiah say that John the Baptist would come to do? The prophecy said that John the Baptist warn people to make ready the way of the Lord.
3:6 scs9 What did the people do as they were baptized by John? As they were baptized, the people confessed their sins.
3:8 ifo4 What did John the Baptist tell the Pharisees and Sadducees to do? John the Baptist told the Pharisees and Sadducees to bear fruit worthy of repentance.
3:9 xhzh What did John the Baptist warn the Pharisees and Sadducees not to think among themselves? John warned the Pharisees and Sadducees not to think among themselves that they had Abraham as their father.
3:10 xnsa According to John, what happens to every tree that does not produce good fruit? John says that every tree that does not bear good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire.
3:11 uhbl How would the one who was coming after John baptize? The one who was coming after John would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire.
3:11 uhbl How will the one who was coming after John baptize? The one who was coming after John will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire.
3:15 ym2n What did Jesus say to John that convinced John to baptize Jesus? Jesus said that it was right for John to baptize Jesus in order to fulfill all righteousness.
3:16 sxkf What did Jesus see when he came up from the water? When he came up from the water, Jesus saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and appearing on him.
3:17 ay86 What did the voice from heaven say after Jesus was baptized? The voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased”.
3:16 sxkf What did Jesus see when he came up from the water? When he came up from the water, Jesus saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and resting on him.
3:17 ay86 What did the voice from heaven say after Jesus was baptized? The voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.”
4:1 gqn9 Who led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil? The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
4:2 zpk7 How long did Jesus fast in the wilderness? Jesus fasted forty days and forty nights in the wilderness.
4:3 y3rx What was the first temptation that the devil presented to Jesus? The devil tempted Jesus to turn a stone into bread.
4:4 tnh8 What was Jesus’ answer to the first temptation? Jesus said that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.
4:2 zpk7 How long did Jesus fast in the wilderness? Jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness.
4:3 y3rx What was the first temptation that the devil presented to Jesus? The devil tempted Jesus to turn stones into bread.
4:4 tnh8 What was Jesus’ answer to the first temptation? Jesus said that man will not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.
4:5-6 wdbz What was the second temptation that the devil presented to Jesus? The devil tempted Jesus to throw himself down from the temple.
4:7 e1zm What was Jesus’ answer to the second temptation? Jesus said that you must not test the Lord your God.
4:8-9 vmo7 What was the third temptation that the devil presented to Jesus? The devil tempted Jesus to worship him in return for all the kingdoms of the world.
5:25 hrzt What did Jesus teach we should do with our accuser before reaching court? Jesus taught that we should try to come to an agreement with our accuser before reaching court.
5:27-28 ncer Jesus taught that it was not only wrong to commit adultery, but also to do what? Jesus taught that it was not only wrong to commit adultery, but also to lust after a woman.
5:29-30 v31v What did Jesus say we must do with anything that causes us to sin? Jesus said that we must get rid of anything that causes us to sin.
5:32 ulyk For what cause did Jesus allow divorce? For the cause of fornication did Jesus allow divorce.
5:32 ulyk For what cause did Jesus allow divorce? For the cause of sexual immorality did Jesus allow divorce.
5:32 y1kc What does a husband cause his wife to become if he divorces her wrongly and she remarries? A husband causes his wife to become an adulteress if he divorces her wrongly and she remarries.
5:37 lkhu Instead of swearing oaths to various earthly things, what does Jesus say our speech should be like? Jesus says that instead of swearing oaths by all these things we should let our speech be, “Yes, yes,” or “No, no”.
5:38-39 dc0m What did Jesus teach we should do with one who is evil toward us? Jesus taught that we should not resist one who is evil toward us.
10:34-36 tpdz What kind of divisions did Jesus say he came to bring? Jesus said that he came to bring divisions even within households.
10:39 mi0f What will someone find who loses his life for Jesus’ sake? Someone who loses his life for Jesus’ sake will find his life.
10:42 emm9 What will someone receive who gives even a cup of cold water to an unimportant disciple? Someone who gives even a cup of cold water to an unimportant disciple will receive his reward.
11:1 dxwi What did Jesus finish before he departed to teach and preach in the cities? Jesus finished instructing his twelve disciples before he departed.
11:1 dxwi What did Jesus finish before he departed to teach and preach in the cities? Jesus finished instructing his 12 disciples before he departed.
11:3 s3sa What was the message John the Baptist sent to Jesus? John the Baptist sent the message, “Are you the Coming One, or is there another person we should be looking for”?
11:5 d3vy What did Jesus say was happening as evidence that he was the Coming One? Jesus said the sick were being healed, the dead were being raised, and the needy were being told the good news.
11:6 atln What did Jesus promise for those who found no occasion of stumbling in him? Jesus promised a blessing for those who found no occasion of stumbling in him.
12:37 uz3e By what did Jesus say the Pharisees would be justified and condemned? Jesus said that the Pharisees would be justified and condemned by their words.
12:39-40 glyv What sign did Jesus say he would give his generation? Jesus said he would give his generation the sign of Jonah, being in the heart of the earth three days and three nights.
12:41 w241 Who did Jesus say was greater than Jonah? Jesus said that he was greater than Jonah.
12:41 c6ii Why will the men of Nineveh condemn the people of Jesus’ generation? The men of Nineveh will condemn Jesus’ generation because they listened to God’s word through Jonah, but Jesus’ generation did not even listen to the Son of Man who is greater than Jonah.
12:41 c6ii Why will the men of Nineveh condemn the people of Jesus’ generation? The men of Nineveh will condemn Jesus’ generation because they listened to God’s word through Jonah, but Jesus’ generation did not even listen to the Son of Man, who is greater than Jonah.
12:42 nz4k Who did Jesus say was greater than Solomon? Jesus said that he was greater than Solomon.
12:43-45 urab How will Jesus’ generation be like a man who has an unclean spirit go away from him? Jesus’ generation will be like a man who has an unclean spirit go away from him, because the unclean spirit returns with seven other spirits and the final condition of the man becomes worse than the first.
12:48-50 ibo0 Who did Jesus say are his brother, sister, and mother? Jesus said that those who do the will of the Father are his brother, sister, and mother.
13:4 lc0c In Jesus’ parable of the sower, what happened to the seed that fell on the wayside? The seed that fell on the wayside was devoured by the birds.
13:5-6 tuku In Jesus’ parable of the sower, what happened to the seed that fell on rocky ground? The seed that fell on rocky ground immediately sprang up, but was scorched by the sun and withered away.
13:5-6 tuku In Jesus’ parable of the sower, what happened to the seed that fell on rocky ground? The seed that fell on rocky ground immediately sprang up quickly, but was scorched by the sun and withered away.
13:7 elzi In Jesus’ parable of the sower, what happened to the seed that fell among the thorn plants? The seed that fell among the thorn plants was choked by the thorn plants.
13:8 c99d In Jesus’ parable of the sower, what happened to the seed that fell on good soil? The seed that fell on good soil produced grain, some one hundred times as much, some sixty, and some thirty.
13:8 c99d In Jesus’ parable of the sower, what happened to the seed that fell on good soil? The seed that fell on good soil produced grain, some 100 times as much, some 60, and some 30.
13:14 bkiz Isaiah’s prophecy said that the people would hear and see, but not what? Isaiah’s prophecy said that the people would hear, but would not understand; they would see, but in no way perceive.
13:15 yyfo What was wrong with the people who heard Jesus but did not understand? The people who heard Jesus but did not understand had dull hearts, were heavy of hearing, and had closed their eyes.
13:19 fldn In the parable of the sower, what kind of person is the seed sown on the wayside? The seed sown on the wayside is the person who hears the word of the kingdom but does not understand it, then the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart.
13:19 fldn In the parable of the sower, what kind of person is the seed sown on the wayside? The seed sown on the wayside is the person who hears the word of the kingdom but does not understand it; then the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart.
13:20-21 tqa2 In the parable of the sower, what kind of person is the seed sown on the rocky ground? The seed sown on the rocky ground is the person who hears the word and receives it with joy immediately, but stumbles immediately when persecution arises.
13:22 v368 In the parable of the sower, what kind of person is the seed sown among the thorn plants? The seed sown among the thorn plants is the person who hears the word, but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word.
13:23 xlyu In the parable of the sower, what kind of person is the seed sown on the good soil? The seed sown on the good soil is the person who hears the word and understands it, and then produces fruit.
13:30 fcka What instructions did the landowner give the servants about the weeds and the wheat? The landowner told the servants to let both grow together until the harvest, and then to gather the weeds to be burned, and the wheat into the barn.
13:31-32 uw30 In Jesus’ parable of the mustard seed, what happens to the tiny mustard seed? The mustard seed becomes a tree greater than the garden plants so that the birds nest in its branches.
13:33 f6ro How did Jesus say the kingdom of heaven was like yeast? Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven was like yeast which was mixed with three measures of flour until it rose.
13:37-39 m71l In the parable of the weeds, who sows the good seed, what is the field, who is the good seed, who are the weeds, and who sowed the weeds? The sower of the good seed is the Son of Man, the field is the world, the good seed are the sons of the kingdom, the weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the sower of the weeds is the devil.
13:37-39 m71l In the parable of the weeds, who sows the good seed, what is the field, who is the good seed, who are the weeds, and who sowed the weeds? The sower of the good seed is the Son of Man; the field is the world; the good seed are the sons of the kingdom; the weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the sower of the weeds is the devil.
13:39 w09v In the parable of the weeds, who are the reapers and what does the harvest represent? The reapers are the angels, and the harvest is the end of the world.
13:42 yrex What happens at the end of the world to those who commit iniquity? At the end of the world, those who commit iniquity are thrown into the furnace of fire.
13:43 g76c What happens at the end of the world to those who are righteous? At the end of the world, the righteous shine forth like the sun.
13:57 q0bi What did Jesus say happens to a prophet in his own country? Jesus said that a prophet is without honor in his own country.
13:58 ghor What happened in Jesus’ own region because of the people’s unbelief? Because of the people’s unbelief, Jesus did not do many miracles in his own region.
14:2 ebi1 Who did Herod think Jesus was? Herod thought Jesus was John the Baptist risen from the dead.
14:4 y1zc What was Herod doing unlawfully, about which John the Baptist told him? Herod had married his brother’s wife.
14:4 y1zc What had Herod done unlawfully, about which John the Baptist told him? Herod had married his brother’s wife.
14:5 frn8 Why did Herod not immediately put John the Baptist to death? Herod did not immediately put John the Baptist to death because he feared the people, who regarded John as a prophet.
14:7 hktz What did Herod do after Herodias danced for him on his birthday? Herod promised with an oath to give Herodias whatever she should ask.
14:8 u0vg For what did Herodias ask? Herodias asked for the head of John the Baptist upon a platter.
14:9 cly0 Why did Herod give Herodias her request? Herod gave Herodias her request because of his oath and because of all the people at dinner with him.
14:7 hktz What did Herod do after the daughter of Herodias danced for him on his birthday? Herod promised with an oath to give the daughter of Herodias whatever she should ask.
14:8 u0vg For what did the daughter of Herodias ask? To please her mother, she asked for the head of John the Baptist upon a platter.
14:9 cly0 Why did Herod give the daughter of Herodias her request? Herod gave the girl her request because of his oath and because of all the people at dinner with him.
14:14 vv61 What was Jesus’ reaction when he saw the large crowd following him? Jesus had compassion on them and healed their sick.
14:16 dwt7 What did Jesus challenge his disciples to do for the crowd? Jesus challenged his disciples to give the crowd something to eat.
14:19 tk14 What did Jesus do with the five loaves and the two fish the disciples brought to him? Jesus looked up to heaven, blessed and broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples to give to the crowd.
15:9 dg7a Instead of teaching the word of God, what were the Pharisees teaching as doctrine? The Pharisees were teaching as doctrines the commands of people.
15:11 yxv2 What did Jesus say does not defile a person? Jesus said that what a person eats does not defile a person.
15:11 byim What did Jesus say does defile a person? Jesus said that what comes out of a person’s mouth defiles a person.
15:14 xiwl What did Jesus call the Pharisees, and what did he say would happen to them? Jesus called the Pharisees blind guides, and said that they would fall into a pit.
15:19 yur6 What kinds of things proceed from the heart which defile a person? From the heart proceeds evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, and insults.
15:14 xiwl What did Jesus call the Pharisees, and what did he say would happen to them? Jesus called the Pharisees blind guides and said that they would fall into a pit.
15:19 yur6 What kinds of things proceed from the heart, which defile a person? From the heart proceeds evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, and insults.
15:23 watr What did Jesus do at first when the Canaanite woman shouted out to him for mercy? Jesus answered her not a word.
15:24 xjgb What was Jesus’ explanation of why he was not helping the Canaanite woman? Jesus explained that he had been sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
15:28 zncr When the Canaanite woman humbled herself, what did Jesus say to her and do for her? Jesus said that the woman had great faith, and he granted her her wish.
15:28 zncr When the Canaanite woman humbled herself, what did Jesus say to her and do for her? Jesus said that the woman had great faith, and he granted her her request.
15:30-31 e7j2 What did Jesus do for the large crowds that came to him in Galilee? Jesus healed the mute, the crippled, the lame, and the blind.
15:34 wkwe How many loaves and fish did the disciples have to feed the crowd? The disciples had seven loaves, and a few small fish.
15:36 ewi3 What did Jesus do with the loaves and fish? Jesus took the loaves and the fish, gave thanks, broke the loaves and gave them to his disciples.
15:37 hcz5 How much food was left over after everyone ate? There were seven baskets full remaining after everyone ate.
15:38 uge9 How many people ate and were satisfied from the loaves and fish? Four thousand men, plus women and children, ate and were satisfied.
15:38 uge9 How many people ate and were satisfied from the loaves and fish? There were 4,000 men, plus women and children, who ate and were satisfied.
16:1 vx8n What did the Pharisees and Sadducees want to see from Jesus as a test? The Pharisees and Sadducees wanted to see a sign from heaven from Jesus.
16:4 bum4 What did Jesus say he would give the Pharisees and Sadducees? Jesus said he would give the Pharisees and Sadducees the sign of Jonah.
16:6 i9u9 Of what did Jesus tell his disciples to beware? Jesus told his disciples to beware the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
16:12 yvi6 About what was Jesus actually talking when he told his disciples to beware? Jesus was telling his disciples to beware the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
16:13 x5ip What question did Jesus ask his disciples when they came to Caesarea Philippi? Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is”?
16:12 yvi6 About what was Jesus actually talking when he told his disciples to beware? Jesus was telling his disciples to beware of the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
16:13 x5ip What question did Jesus ask his disciples when they came to Caesarea Philippi? Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?"
16:14 v2a7 Who did some people think that Jesus was? Some people thought that Jesus was John the Baptist, or Elijah, or Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.
16:16 qv7b What answer did Peter give to Jesus’ question? Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God”.
16:17 sl62 How did Peter know the answer to Jesus’ question? Peter knew the answer to Jesus’ question because the Father had revealed it to him.
16:24 wd7b What must anyone do who wants to follow Jesus? Anyone who wants to follow Jesus must deny himself, and take up his cross.
16:26 jnyf What did Jesus say does not profit a man? Jesus said that it does not profit a man to gain the whole world, but to forfeit his life.
16:27 cure How did Jesus say the Son of Man will come? Jesus said the Son of Man would come in the glory of his Father with his angels.
16:27 sylj How will the Son of Man pay every person when he comes? The Son of Man will pay every person according to his deeds when he comes.
16:27 sylj How will the Son of Man reward every person when he comes? The Son of Man will reward every person according to his deeds when he comes.
16:28 nghg Who did Jesus say would see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom? Jesus said that some standing there with him would see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.
17:1 q7ru Who went with Jesus up on a high mountain? Peter, James, and John went with Jesus up on a high mountain.
17:2 yg8q What happened to Jesus’ appearance on the mountain? Jesus was transfigured so that his face shone like the sun, and his garments were as brilliant as the light.
18:4 pbu6 Who did Jesus say is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? Jesus said that whoever humbles himself like a little child is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
18:6 dvkq What happens to whoever causes a little one who believes in Jesus to sin? Whoever causes a little one who believes in Jesus to sin would be better off if a millstone had been hung about his neck and he had been sunk into the sea.
18:8 s62c What did Jesus say we must do with anything that causes us to stumble? Jesus said we must throw away anything that causes us to stumble.
18:10 dwup Why did Jesus say we must not despise the little ones? We must not despise the little ones because their angels always look on the face of the Father.
18:10 dwup Why did Jesus say we must not despise the little ones? We must not despise the little ones, because their angels always look on the face of the Father.
18:12-14 uws4 How is the person who seeks the one lost sheep like the Father in heaven? It is also not the will of the Father that one of the little ones should perish.
18:15 jkzm If your brother sins against you, what is the first thing you should do? First, you should go and show him his fault between you and him alone.
18:16 tg7u If your brother does not listen, what is the second thing you should do? Second, you should take with you one or two more brothers as witnesses.
18:17 d8l4 If your brother still does not listen, what is the third thing you should do? Third, you should tell the matter to the church.
18:17 g0vs If your brother still will not listen, what should be done? Finally, if he will not listen to the church, he should be treated as a Gentile and a tax collector.
18:20 dpa4 What did Jesus promise where two or three are gathered in his name? Jesus promised to be in the midst of two or three gathered in his name.
18:21-22 lear How many times did Jesus say we should forgive our brother? Jesus said we should forgive our brother seventy times seven times.
18:24-25 y6zx What did the servant owe his master, and could he repay his master? The servant owed his master ten thousand talents, which he could not repay.
18:21-22 lear How many times did Jesus say we should forgive our brother? Jesus said we should forgive our brother 70 times 7 times.
18:24-25 y6zx What did the servant owe his master, and could he repay his master? The servant owed his master 10,000 talents, which he could not repay.
18:27 m810 Why did the master forgive the servant his debt? The master was moved with compassion and forgave the servant his debt.
18:30 wp50 What did the servant do with his fellow-servant who owed him one hundred denarii? The servant refused to be patient and threw the fellow-servant into prison.
18:33 y07y What did the master tell the servant he should have done with the fellow-servant? The master told the servant he should have had mercy on the fellow-servant.
19:20-21 lrcn When the young man said he had kept the commandments, what did Jesus tell him to do? When the young man said he had kept the commandments, Jesus told him to sell what he had and give it to the poor.
19:22 xq1c How did the young man respond to Jesus’ command to sell what he had? The young man went away sorrowful because he had great possessions.
19:26 d7c1 What did Jesus say about the possibility of a rich man entering the kingdom of heaven? Jesus said that with people it is impossible, but that with God all things are possible.
19:28 cw1n What reward did Jesus promise his disciples who had followed him? Jesus promised his disciples that in the new birth, they would sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
19:28 cw1n What reward did Jesus promise his disciples who had followed him? Jesus promised his disciples that in the new birth, they would sit upon 12 thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel.
19:30 rna9 What did Jesus say about those who are first now and those who are last now? Jesus said that those who are first now will be last, and that those who are last now will be first.
20:1-2 wh43 How much did the landowner agree to pay the workers whom he hired early in the morning? The landowner agreed to pay the workers hired early in the morning one denarius a day.
20:4 qu3w How much did the landowner say he would pay the workers whom he hired the third hour? The landowner said he would pay them whatever is right.
20:34 mxpe Why did Jesus heal the two blind men? Jesus healed the two blind men because he was moved with compassion.
21:2 bydy What did Jesus say his two disciples would find in the village opposite them? Jesus said they would find a donkey tied up, and a colt with her.
21:4-5 hb5j What had a prophet predicted about this event? A prophet predicted that the King would come on a donkey, and on a colt.
21:8 a9sc What did the crowd do to the road into Jerusalem that Jesus traveled? The crowd spread their outer garments onto, and put tree branches onto the road.
21:8 a9sc What did the crowd do to the road into Jerusalem that Jesus traveled? The most of the crowd spread their outer garments onto the road, and others spread tree branches onto the road.
21:9 jb0b What did the crowd shout as Jesus went? The crowd shouted, “Hosanna to the son of David, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, hosanna in the highest”.
21:12 g1ap What did Jesus do when he entered the temple of God in Jerusalem? Jesus cast out all who bought and sold in the temple, and turned over the tables of the money-changers and seats of those who sold pigeons.
21:13 j9me What did Jesus say the merchants had made the temple of God? Jesus said that the merchants had made the temple of God a den of robbers.
23:16-17 yilh Regarding being bound by oaths, what did Jesus say about the teachings of the scribes and Pharisees? Jesus said that the scribes and Pharisees were blind guides and blind fools.
23:23 ep2a Even though they had tithed their mint, dill, and cumin, what had the scribes and Pharisees failed to do? The scribes and Pharisees had failed to do the weightier matters of the law - justice, mercy, and faith.
23:25-26 atfn What had the scribes and Pharisees failed to clean? The scribes and Pharisees had failed to clean the inside of their cup, so the outside could be clean also.
23:28 di7v Of what were the scribes and Pharisees full on the inside? The scribes and Pharisees were full of extortion, excess, hypocrisy, and iniquity.
23:28 di7v Of what were the scribes and Pharisees full on the inside? The scribes and Pharisees were full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
23:29-31 max5 What had the fathers of the scribes and Pharisees done to God’s prophets? The fathers of the scribes and Pharisees had killed God’s prophets.
23:33 aird What judgment were the scribes and Pharisees going to face? The scribes and Pharisees were going to face the judgment of hell.
23:34 ltnn What did Jesus say the scribes and Pharisees would do to the prophets, wise men, and scribes he would send them? Jesus said they would kill and crucify some, whip some, and chase some from city to city.
23:38 qe8d How would Jerusalem’s house now be left? Jerusalem’s house would now be left abandoned.
24:2 rqog What did Jesus prophesy concerning the temple in Jerusalem? Jesus prophesied that not one stone of the temple would be left on another which would not be torn down.
24:3 pn60 After hearing the prophesy about the temple, what did the disciples ask Jesus? The disciples asked Jesus when these things would happen, and what would be the sign of his coming and the end of the world?
24:5 gjxz What kind of people did Jesus say would lead many astray? Jesus said many would come saying they are the Christ, leading many astray.
24:5 gjxz What action of people did Jesus say would lead many astray? Jesus said many would come saying they are the Christ, leading many astray.
24:6-8 v9o3 What events did Jesus say would be the beginning of birth pains? Jesus said that wars, famines, and earthquakes would be the beginning of birth pains.
24:9-10 i5dp What did Jesus say would happen among the believers at this time? Jesus said that the believers would suffer tribulation and that some would stumble and betray one another.
24:9-10 i5dp What did Jesus say would happen among the believers at this time? Jesus said that the believers would suffer tribulation and be hated by the nations for the sake of his name.
24:13 fsav Who did Jesus say would be saved? Jesus said that the one who endures to the end will be saved.
24:14 d78h What will happen with the gospel before the end comes? The gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world before the end comes.
24:15-18 bam0 What did Jesus say the believers should do when they see the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place? Jesus said the believers should flee to the mountains.
24:24 iosc How will the false Christs and false prophets lead many astray? The false Christs and false prophets will show great signs and wonders to lead many astray.
24:27 oylw What will the coming of the Son of Man look like? The coming of the Son of Man will look like lightning shining from east to west.
24:29 eqyv What will happen to the sun, moon, and stars after the tribulation of those days? The sun and moon will be darkened, and the stars will fall from the sky.
24:30 kqot What will the tribes of the earth do when they see the Son of Man coming in power and great glory? The tribes of the earth will beat their breasts.
24:30 kqot What will the tribes of the earth do when they see the Son of Man coming in power and great glory? The tribes of the earth will mourn.
24:31 y4r6 What sound will be heard as the Son of Man sends his angels to gather the elect? The great sound of a trumpet will be heard when the angels gather the elect.
24:34 vz5z What did Jesus say would not pass away until all these things have occurred? Jesus said that this generation will not pass away until all these things have occurred.
24:35 f996 What did Jesus say would pass away, and what would never pass away? Jesus said that heaven and earth will pass away, but that his words will never pass away.
24:45-46 ien5 What does a faithful and wise servant do while the master is away? A faithful and wise servant takes care of the master’s household while the master is away.
24:47 l3jp What does the master do for the faithful and wise servant when he returns? When he returns, the master sets the faithful and wise servant over everything that he owns.
24:48-49 zsw7 What does an evil servant do while the master is away? An evil servant beats his fellow servants and eats and drinks with drunkards while the master is away.
24:51 oi2q What does the master do with the evil servant when he returns? When he returns, the master cuts the evil servant in two and sends him to where there is weeping and grinding of teeth.
24:51 oi2q What does the master do with the evil servant when he returns? When he returns, the master cuts the evil servant in pieces and sends him to where there is weeping and grinding of teeth.
25:3 qwia What did the foolish virgins not do when they went to meet the bridegroom? The foolish virgins did not take any oil with them along with their lamps.
25:4 d1tc What did the wise virgins do when they went to meet the bridegroom? The wise virgins took containers of oil along with their lamps.
25:5-6 a6xq When did the bridegroom come, and was this the expected time? The bridegroom came at midnight, which was later than the expected time.
26:5 ndn4 Of what were the chief priests and elders afraid? They were afraid that if they killed Jesus during the feast, the people might riot.
26:6-9 qqpo What was the disciples’ reaction when the woman poured the expensive ointment on Jesus’ head? The disciples were angry and wanted to know why the ointment was not sold and the money given to the poor.
26:12 wx7n Why did Jesus say the woman had poured the ointment on him? Jesus said the woman had poured the ointment on him for his burial.
26:14-15 ociq What was Judas Iscariot paid to deliver Jesus into the hands of the chief priests? Judas was paid thirty pieces of silver to deliver Jesus into the hands of the chief priests.
26:14-15 ociq What was Judas Iscariot paid to deliver Jesus into the hands of the chief priests? Judas was paid 30 pieces of silver to deliver Jesus into the hands of the chief priests.
26:21 iqeb What did Jesus say at the evening meal about one of his disciples? Jesus said that one of his disciples would betray him.
26:24 v2v0 What did Jesus say about the future of the one who would betray him? Jesus said that it would be better for the man who betrays him if he had never been born.
26:25 mnj8 How did Jesus answer when Judas asked if he was the one who would betray Jesus? Jesus answered, “You have said it yourself”.
26:26 fiwp What did Jesus say when he took the bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to the disciples? Jesus said, “Take, eat. This is my body”.
26:28 scws What did Jesus say about the cup he then gave to the disciples? Jesus said that the cup was his blood of the covenant that is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
26:30-31 io6g At the Mount of Olives, what did Jesus tell his disciples they would all do that night? Jesus told his disciples that they would all fall away that night because of him.
26:33-34 zbyx When Peter said he would never fall away, what did Jesus tell him he would do that night? Jesus said that Peter would deny Jesus three times that night before the rooster crows.
26:30-31 io6g At the Mount of Olives, what did Jesus tell his disciples they would all do that night? Jesus told his disciples that they would all stumble that night because of him.
26:33-34 zbyx When Peter said he would never stumble, what did Jesus tell him he would do that night? Jesus said that Peter would deny Jesus three times that night before the rooster crows.
26:37-38 fnyq What did Jesus ask Peter and the two sons of Zebedee to do while he prayed? Jesus asked them to remain there and watch with him.
26:39 p5zy What request did Jesus make to the Father in his prayer? Jesus requested that if it were possible, to let this cup pass from him.
26:40 ezku What were the disciples doing when Jesus returned from praying? The disciples were sleeping when Jesus returned from praying.
26:42-44 mygy How many times did Jesus leave the disciples to go and pray? Jesus left the disciples three times to go and pray.
26:47-48 nb6b What sign did Judas give the crowd to identify Jesus as the one to seize? Judas kissed Jesus as the sign to the crowd that Jesus was the one to seize.
26:51 temo What did one of Jesus’ disciples do when Jesus was seized? One of Jesus’ disciples drew his sword and cut off the ear of the servant of the high priest.
26:53 u0ox What did Jesus say he could do if he wished to defend himself? Jesus said that he could call upon the Father, who would send twelve legions of angels.
26:54 wzyi What did Jesus say was being fulfilled by these events? Jesus said that the scriptures were being fulfilled by these events.
26:53 u0ox What did Jesus say he could do if he wished to defend himself? Jesus said that he could call upon the Father, who would send 12 legions of angels.
26:54 wzyi What did Jesus say was being fulfilled by these events? Jesus said that the Scriptures were being fulfilled by these events.
26:56 vdj0 What did all the disciples then do? All the disciples then left him and fled.
26:59 y7s8 For what were the chief priests and the whole Council looking in order to put Jesus to death? They were looking for false testimony against Jesus in order to put Jesus to death.
26:63 trpl What command did the high priest give Jesus by the living God? The high priest commanded Jesus tell them whether or not he was the Christ, the Son of God.
26:75 meef What did Peter remember after his third answer? Peter remembered that Jesus had said that before the rooster crows, he would deny Jesus three times.
27:2 rr77 In the morning, where did the chief priests and elders take Jesus? In the morning, they took him to Pilate the governor.
27:3-5 hgx8 What did Judas Iscariot do when he saw that Jesus was condemned? Judas repented of betraying innocent blood, returned the silver, went out, and hanged himself.
27:6-7 yffx What did the chief priests do with the thirty pieces of silver? They bought the Potter’s Field in which to bury strangers.
27:6-7 yffx What did the chief priests do with the 30 pieces of silver? They bought the Potter’s Field, in which to bury strangers.
27:9-10 ugxj Whose prophecy did these events fulfill? These events fulfilled the prophecy of Jeremiah.
27:11 uasg What question did Pilate ask Jesus, and what was Jesus’ answer? Pilate asked Jesus if he was the King of the Jews, and Jesus answered, “You say so”.
27:12-14 a2bg What did Jesus answer to all the accusations of the chief priests and elders? Jesus did not answer even one word.
27:15-16 azps What did Pilate wish to do for Jesus, following the custom of the feast of Passover? Pilate wished to have Jesus released, following the custom of the feast.
27:19 l0vn What message did Pilate’s wife send to him as he was sitting on the judgment-seat? She told Pilate to have nothing to do with that innocent man.
27:20 zoxh Why was Barabbas, and not Jesus released according to the custom of the feast? The chief priests and elders persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas to be released instead of Jesus.
27:20 zoxh Why was Barabbas, and not Jesus, released according to the custom of the feast? The chief priests and elders persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas to be released instead of Jesus.
27:22 obno What did the crowd cry out that they wanted done with Jesus? The crowd cried out that they wanted Jesus to be crucified.
27:24 obt8 When Pilate saw a riot was starting, what did he do? Pilate washed his hands, said he was innocent of this innocent man’s blood, and gave Jesus over to the crowd.
27:25 ozx5 What did the people say when Pilate handed Jesus to them? The people said, “May his blood be on us and our children”.
27:32 mrhn What was Simon of Cyrene forced to do? Simon was forced to carry Jesus’ cross.
27:33 adh8 Where did they go to crucify Jesus? They went to Golgotha, which means “The Place of a Skull”.
27:35-36 cxpy What did the soldiers do after they crucified Jesus? The soldiers cast lots to divide up Jesus’ garments and then sat and watched him.
27:37 sel1 What writing did they put above Jesus’ head? They wrote, “THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS”.
27:37 sel1 What writing did they put above Jesus’ head? They wrote, “THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS”.
27:38 b5v0 Who was crucified with Jesus? Two robbers were crucified with Jesus, one on his right and one on his left.
27:42 e4q8 What did the people, the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders challenge Jesus to do? They all challenged Jesus to save himself and come down from the cross.
27:45 rf30 What happened from the sixth to the ninth hour? Darkness came over the whole land from the sixth to the ninth hour.
28:19 lf4q What did Jesus command his disciples to do? Jesus commanded his disciples to go and make disciples, and to baptize them.
28:19 mgj3 Into what name did Jesus tell his disciples to baptize? Jesus told his disciples to baptize in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
28:20 yqc0 What did Jesus command his disciples to teach? Jesus commanded his disciples to teach the nations to obey all the things he had commanded.
28:20 eson What final promise did Jesus give his disciples? Jesus promised to be with them, even to the end of the world.
28:20 eson What final promise did Jesus give his disciples? Jesus promised to be with them, even to the end of the age.
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