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synced 2025-01-28 11:18:14 +00:00
Edit 'tq_REV.tsv' using 'tc-create-app'
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@ -99,68 +99,68 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
8:1 qgou There was silence in heaven after something happened. What happened? There was silence in heaven after the Lamb opened the seventh seal.
8:2 okve What was given to the seven angels who stand before God? Seven trumpets were given to the seven angels who stand before God.
8:4 kl10 What rose up before God? The smoke of incense with the prayers of the saints rose up before God.
8:5 ja6s What happened when the angel threw down to earth the fire from the altar? When the angel threw down the fire, there was thunder, rumblings, lightning, and an earthquake.
8:7 sej1 What happened when the first trumpet was blown? When the first trumpet was blown, a third of the earth was burned up along with a third of the trees, and all grass.
8:8-9 qxob What happened when the second trumpet was blown? When the second trumpet was blown, a third of the sea became blood, a third of the creatures of the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.
8:10-11 g2ts What happened when the third trumpet was blown? When the third trumpet was blown, a third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died.
8:12 k21z What happened when the fourth trumpet was blown? When the fourth trumpet was blown, a third of the day and a third of the night had no light.
8:13 gfv1 Why did the eagle say “Woe, woe, woe” to those on the earth? The eagle said, “Woe, woe, woe” to those on the earth because of the remaining three trumpet blasts.
9:1 b2ar What kind of star did John see when the fifth trumpet was blown? When the fifth trumpet was blown, John saw a star from heaven that had fallen to earth.
9:2 lmbf What did the star do? The star opened the shaft of the deep and endless pit.
9:3-4 zb3l What were the locusts from the pit told to do? The locusts were told not to damage the earth, but only the people who did not have the seal of God.
9:6 uqq0 What would the people tortured by the locusts seek but not find? The people tortured by the locusts would seek death but would not find it.
9:9 nz2w What sound did the wings of the locusts make? The sound of the locusts’ wings was like the sound made by many chariots and horses running into battle.
9:11 m74i Who was the king over the locusts? The king over the locusts was Abaddon, or in Greek, Apollyon, the angel of the pit.
9:12 veo7 What was past after the fifth trumpet was blown? The first woe was past after the fifth trumpet was blown.
9:13 kqt8 What voice did John hear when the sixth trumpet was blown? When the sixth trumpet was blown, John heard a voice coming from the golden altar that is present before God.
9:15 lc0j What did the four angels do when they heard the voice? When they heard the voice, the four angels were released to kill a third of humanity.
9:16 uaf1 How many soldiers on horseback did John see? John saw 200,000,000 soldiers on horseback.
9:18 qz7i What plagues killed a third of the people? The plagues of fire, smoke, and sulfur from the mouths of the horses killed a third of the people.
9:20 gbe4 How did the people not killed by the plagues respond? The people not killed by the plagues did not repent of their works, nor did they stop worshiping demons.
8:5 ja6s What happened when the angel threw fire from the altar down onto the earth? When the angel threw down the fire, there there were crashes of thunder, loud sounds, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake.
8:7 sej1 What happened when the first angel sounded a trumpet? When the first tangel sounded a trumpet, a third of the earth was burned up along with a third of the trees and all the green grass.
8:8-9 qxob What happened when the second angel sounded a trumpet? When the second angel sounded a trumpet, a third of the sea became blood, a third of the creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.
8:10-11 g2ts What happened when the third angel sounded a trumpet? When the third angel sounded a trumpet, a third of the waters became wormwood and many people died.
8:12 k21z What happened when the fourth angel sounded a trumpet? When the fourth angel sounded a trumpet, it became dark for a third of the day and the night.
8:13 gfv1 Why did the eagle say “Woe, woe, woe to the ones living on the earth"? The eagle said “Woe, woe, woe, to the ones on the earth" because of the remaining three trumpet blasts.
9:1 b2ar What kind of star did John see when the fifth angel sounded a trumpet? When the fifth angel sounded a trumpet, John saw a star from heaven that had fallen to the earth.
9:2 lmbf What did the star do? The star opened the shaft of the abyss.
9:3-4 zb3l What did God tell the locusts from the pit to do? God told the locusts locusts not to damage the earth but only the people who did not have the seal of God.
9:6 uqq0 What would the people tormented by the locusts seek but not find? The people tormented by the locusts would seek death but would not find it.
9:9 nz2w What did the wings of the locusts sound like? The wings of the locusts sounded like many chariots and horses running into battle.
9:11 m74i Who was the king over the locusts? The king over the locusts was the angel of the abyss.
9:12 veo7 What did John call the locusts that came when the fifth angel sounded a trumpet? John called these locusts the "first woe."
9:13 kqt8 From where did John hear a voice when the sixth angel sounded a trumpet? When the sixth angel sounded a trumpet, John heard a voice coming from the golden altar before God.
9:15 lc0j What happened to the four angels after the voice spoke? After the voice spoke, the four angels were released to kill a third of humanity.
9:16 uaf1 How many horse soldiers did John see? John saw two myriads of myriads of horse soldiers, that is, two hundred million (200,000,000) horse soldiers.
9:18 qz7i What plagues killed a third of humanity? The plagues of fire, smoke, and sulfur from the mouths of the horses killed a third of humanity.
9:20 gbe4 How did the people not killed in the plagues respond? The people not killed in the plagues did not repent of their works, that is, they did not stop worshiping demons and idols.
10:1 xs18 What did the face and feet of the mighty angel that John saw look like? The angel had a face like the sun and feet like pillars of fire.
10:2 rp2i Where did the angel stand? The angel stood with his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land.
10:4 s7ya What was John told not to write? John was told not to write what the seven thunders said.
10:6 crb4 By whom did the mighty angel swear? The mighty angel swore by him who lives forever and ever, who created heaven, the earth, and the sea.
10:7 qhcn What did the mighty angel say would no longer be delayed? The angel said that when the seventh trumpet was blown, there would be no more delay, but the mystery of God would be accomplished.
10:8 yeld What was John told to take from the mighty angel? John was told to take an open scroll from the angel.
10:9 i4d4 What did the angel say would happen when John ate the scroll? The angel said that the scroll would be sweet in John’s mouth but bitter in his stomach.
10:4 s7ya What did the voice from heaven tell John not to write? The voice from heaven told John not to write what the seven thunders said.
10:6 crb4 By whom did the mighty angel swear? The mighty angel swore by him who lives to the ages of the ages (that is, forever), who created heaven, the earth, the sea, and the things in them.
10:7 qhcn What did the mighty angel say would be accomplished in the days of the sound of the seventh angel? The angel said that when the seventh angel sounded a trumpet, the mystery of God would be accomplished.
10:8 yeld What did the voice tell John to take from the mighty angel? The voice told John to take an open scroll from the angel.
10:9 i4d4 What did the angel say would happen when John ate the scroll? The angel said that the scroll would taste sweet in John’s mouth but that it would make his stomach bitter.
10:11 ozlx After he ate the scroll, about what was John told to prophesy? John was told to prophesy about many peoples, nations, languages, and kings.
11:1 vsxy What was John told to measure? John was told to measure the temple of God and the altar and those who worship in it.
11:2 p3qb How long would the Gentiles trample the holy city? The Gentiles would trample the holy city for 42 months.
11:5 ewf6 What were the two witnesses given authority to do to those who choose to harm them? The two witnesses were given authority to kill their enemies with fire.
11:8 fhah Where will the bodies of the two witnesses lie? Their bodies will lie in the street of the city, symbolically called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was crucified.
11:10 kzph How will the people of the earth react when the two witnesses are killed? The people of the earth will rejoice and celebrate when the two witnesses are killed.
11:11-12 mijv What will happen to the two witnesses after three and a half days? After three and a half days, the two witnesses will stand on their feet and go up to heaven.
11:14 zdn8 After the two witnesses and the earthquake are finished, what is past? After the two witnesses and the earthquake, the second woe is past.
11:15 swd2 When the seventh trumpet was blown, what was spoken in heaven? When the seventh trumpet was blown, it was spoken that the kingdom of the world had become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ.
11:17 dj39 What did the elders say that the Lord God had now begun to do? The elders said that the Lord God had now begun to reign.
11:18 paor According to the elders, what time had now come? The time had now come for the dead to be judged, for God’s servants to be rewarded, and for God to destroy those who were destroying the earth.
11:1 vsxy What was John told to measure? John was told to measure the temple of God and the altar and the ones worshiping in the temple.
11:2 p3qb For how long would the Gentiles trample the holy city? The Gentiles would trample the holy city for 42 months.
11:5 ewf6 What were the two witnesses given the authority to do to anyone who wished to harm them? The two witnesses were given the authority to kill with fire anyone who wished to harm them.
11:8 fhah Where will the bodies of the two witnesses lie? Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city.
11:10 kzph How will the people of the earth react when the two witnesses are killed? The people of the earth will rejoice and celebrate and send gifts to one another when the two witnesses are killed.
11:11-12 mijv What will happen to the two witnesses after three and a half days? After three and a half days, a breath of life will enter the two witnesses and they will stand on their feet.
11:14 zdn8 After the two witnesses go up to heaven and there is an earthquake, what has passed? After the two witnesses go up to heaven and there is an earthquake, the second woe has passed
11:15 swd2 When the seventh angel sounded a trumpet, what did loud voices in heaven say? When the seventh angel sounded a trumpet, loud voices in heaven said that the kingdom of the world had become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ.
11:17 dj39 What did the elders say that the Lord God had now done? The elders said that the Lord God had taken his great power and reigned.
11:18 paor According to the elders, what time had now come? The elders said that the time had now come for the dead to be judged and for God to reward his servants and destroy the ones destroying the earth.
11:19 ktsg What was then opened in heaven? God’s temple was then opened in heaven.
12:1-2 qzvq What great sign was seen in heaven? In heaven was seen a pregnant woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and with twelve stars on her head, crying out in birth pains.
12:3 mkku What other great sign was seen in heaven? In heaven was seen a huge red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, with seven crowns on his heads.
12:4 g1ux What did the dragon do with his tail? The dragon swept away a third of the stars in heaven and hurled them down to earth.
12:4 h75h What did the dragon desire to do? The dragon desired to devour the child of the woman.
12:5 be8g What was the male child going to do? The male child was going to rule all the nations with an iron rod.
12:5 a3l6 Where did the male child go? The male child was snatched away to God and to his throne.
12:6 h818 Where did the woman go? The woman fled into the wilderness.
12:1 qzvq What great sign was seen in heaven? The great sign seen in heaven was a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.
12:3 mkku What other great sign was seen in heaven? The other great sign seen in heaven was a large red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads.
12:4 g1ux What did the dragon's tail do? The dragon's tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven and hurled them down to earth.
12:4 h75h What did the dragon want to do when the woman gave birth? The dragon wanted to devour the woman's child when she gave birth.
12:5 be8g What was the male child going to do? The male child was going to rule all the nations with an iron scepter.
12:5 a3l6 To where was the male child snatched away? The male child was snatched away to God and to his throne.
12:6 h818 To where did the woman flee? The woman fled into the wilderness.
12:7 yp4b Who fought in heaven? Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels.
12:9 d6vw What happened to the dragon and his angels after the battle? The dragon and his angels were thrown down to the earth.
12:9 pk4a Who is the dragon? The dragon is the old serpent, the devil, or Satan.
12:11 ksa0 How did the brothers conquer the dragon? The brothers conquered the dragon by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.
12:9 d6vw What happened to the dragon and his angels as a result of the battle? The dragon and his angels were thrown down to the earth.
12:9 pk4a Who is the dragon? The dragon is the ancient serpent called Diabolos and Satan.
12:11 ksa0 How did the brothers conquer the dragon? The brothers conquered the dragon through the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.
12:12 vwc3 How much time does the dragon know he has? The dragon knows he has only a little time.
12:13-14 df35 What was done for the woman when the dragon pursued her? The woman was given wings to fly to the place prepared for her, where she would be taken care of.
12:15-17 a5y7 When the dragon could not sweep away the woman, what did the dragon do? The dragon went off to make war with those who obey God’s commandments and who hold to the testimony about Jesus.
13:1 pvui From where did the beast come that John saw? The beast came up out of the sea.
13:2 erh1 What did the dragon give to the beast? The dragon gave to the beast his power, a throne, and authority to rule.
13:3 e4w3 Why did the whole earth marvel and follow the beast? The whole earth marveled and followed the beast because he had a lethal wound that had been healed.
13:5-6 j8fy What did the beast speak with his mouth? The beast spoke proud words and insults against God, his name, the place where he lived, and those who live in heaven.
13:7 d97q What was the beast permitted to do with the holy people? The beast was permitted to make war with the holy people and to conquer them.
13:8 xybi Who will not worship the beast? Those whose name is written in the book of life will not worship the beast.
13:10 pfim To what are those who are holy called? Those who are holy are called to patient endurance and faith.
13:11 ys79 From where did the other beast that John saw come? The other beast came up out of the earth.
13:11 sgay What kind of horns and speaking did the other beast have? The other beast had horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon.
13:12 qh9x What did the other beast cause those who live on the earth to do? The other beast caused those who live on the earth to worship the first beast.
13:15 etcr What happened to those who refused to worship the beast? Those who refused to worship the beast were killed.
12:13-14 df35 What did God give the woman when the dragon pursued her? When the dragon pursued her, God gave the woman wings to fly to the place prepared for her, where she would be nourished.
12:15-17 a5y7 After the earth helped the woman, what did the dragon do? The dragon went off to make war with those who keeping God’s commandments and having the testimony about Jesus.
13:1 pvui From where did the beast come that John saw? The beast that John saw came up from the sea.
13:2 erh1 What did the dragon give to the beast? The dragon gave the beast his power, his throne, and great authority.
13:3 e4w3 Why was the whole earth astonished? The whole earth was astonished because the beast had a wound of death (a fatal wound) that had been healed.
13:5-6 j8fy What did the beast say with the mouth it was given? The beast spoke great (proud) things and blasphemies against God, his name, his tabernacle, and those living in heaven.
13:7 d97q What was the beast allowed to do against the saints? The beast was allowed to make war against the saints and to conquer them.
13:8 xybi Who will not worship the beast? Anyone whose name is written in the Book of Life will not worship the beast.
13:10 pfim What qualities does John say the saints must have? John says that the saints must have endurance and faith.
13:11 ys79 From where did the other beast come that John saw? The other beast that John saw came up out of the earth.
13:11 sgay What kind of horns and voice did the other beast have? The other beast had horns like a lamb but its voice sounded like a dragon's voice (it was speaking like a dragon).
13:12 qh9x The other beast caused those who live on the earth to do something. What was it? The other beast caused those who live on the earth to worship the first beast.
13:15 etcr What did the other beast do to whoever did not worship the image of the beast? The other beast caused whoever did not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
13:16 zjwq What did everyone receive from the other beast? Everyone received a mark on the right hand or on the forehead.
13:18 veuv What is the number of the beast? The number of the beast is 666.
14:1 j41j Who did John see standing before him? John saw the Lamb standing before him on Mount Zion.
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