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synced 2025-01-28 11:18:14 +00:00
Updated Rut and Tit to match ULT. (#23)
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@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ It occurred in the days when the judges ruled.
# Why did Elimelech move to Moab with his family?
He moved because there was a famine in Judah.
He moved because there was a famine in the land of Judah.
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# Why did Elimelech move to Moab with his family?
He moved because there was a famine in Judah.
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# What happened to Naomi's family in Moab?
# What happened to Elimelek in Moab?
Her husband and two sons died, leaving behind two daughters-in-law.
He died, leaving Naomi a widow.
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# What happened to Naomi's family in Moab?
Her husband and two sons died, leaving behind two daughters-in-law.
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# What happened to Naomi's family in Moab?
# What happened to Naomi's sons in Moab?
Her husband and two sons died, leaving behind two daughters-in-law.
They died, leaving behind two daughters-in-law for Naomi.
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# What did Naomi want her two daughters-in-law to do?
# Where did Naomi want her two daughters-in-law to go?
She wanted them to return to their mothers' houses and find other husbands.
She wanted them to return to their mothers' houses.
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# Want did Naomi want her two daughters-in-law to do?
# Want did Naomi want her two daughters-in-law to find?
She wanted them to return to their mothers' houses and find other husbands.
She wanted them to find other husbands.
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# Who did Naomi believe was the source of her trouble?
She believed that Yahweh was the source of her trouble.
She believed that Yahweh was against her.
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# When Ruth stayed with Naomi, what promise did Ruth make to Naomi?
She said, "Where you go, I will go; and where you stay, I will stay; your people shall be my people, and your God shall be my God; where you die, I will die."
She said, "Where you go, I will go; and where you stay, I will stay; your people shall be my people, and your God shall be my God."
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# When Ruth stayed with Naomi, what promise did Ruth make to Naomi?
# How long did Ruth say she would remain with Naomi?
She said, "Where you go, I will go; and where you stay, I will stay; your people shall be my people, and your God shall be my God; where you die, I will die."
She said she would remain with Naomi until they died.
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# What was the relationship between Naomi's dead husband and Boaz?
# What was the relationship between Boaz and Naomi's dead husband?
They were kinsmen.
Boaz was a relative of Naomi's husband.
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# What was the relationship between Naomi's dead husband and Boaz?
They were kinsmen.
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# What did Boaz want to know about Ruth?
He wanted to know to what man she belonged.
He wanted to know to whom she belonged.
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# What instructions did Boaz give Ruth concerning her gleaning?
He said, "Stay and work in my field with my women workers."
He told Ruth not to leave his field, but to stay and work in his field with his female workers.
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# What instructions did Boaz give Ruth concerning her gleaning?
He said, "Stay and work in my field with my women workers."
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# After receiving the favorable instructions, what question did Ruth ask Boaz?
She asked, "Why have I found favor in your sight?"
She asked Boaz why she had found favor in his sight.
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# What good deed of Ruth had Boaz heard about?
# What good report had Boaz heard about Ruth?
He had heard that Ruth had left her home to follow Naomi.
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# Under whose wings did Boaz say Ruth had found protection?
# Under whose wings did Boaz say Ruth had found refuge?
Ruth had found protection under Yahweh's wings.
Ruth had found refuge under Yahweh's wings.
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# What additional favor did Boaz show to Ruth when they returned to work after mealtime?
He allowed Ruth to glean among the sheaves, and commanded the reapers to pull out sheaves for her from the bundles.
He allowed Ruth to glean among the sheaves.
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# What additional favor did Boaz show to Ruth when they returned to work after mealtime?
# What did Boaz tell his workers to do for Ruth?
He allowed Ruth to glean among the sheaves, and commanded the reapers to pull out sheaves for her from the bundles.
He commanded the reapers to pull out grain for Ruth from the bundles.
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# When Naomi saw the large amount of grain that Ruth brought back, what question did she ask Ruth?
She asked, "Where have you gleaned today?"
She asked where Ruth had gleaned that day.
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# What was the relationship between Naomi's dead husband and Boaz?
They were kinsmen.
# What did Naomi wish for Boaz when she heard that Boaz had helped Ruth?
# What blessing did Naomi wish for Boaz when she heard that Boaz had helped Ruth?
She said, "May he be blessed by Yahweh"
# To whom did Naomi attribute the good things that were now happening to her?
She attributed them to Yahweh.
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# What did Naomi tell Ruth to do before going down to the threshing floor?
She told her to clean up, put on perfume, and change clothes.
She told her to wash and anoint herself, and to put her best clothes.
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# What was Ruth's attitude toward Naomi's instructions?
She was ready to follow all of Naomi's instructions.
She said she would do everything Naomi told her to do.
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# What was Ruth's request to Boaz?
She said, "Spread your cloak over your servant, for you are a near kinsman."
She asked Boaz to spread his cloak over her, for he was a kinsman-redeemer."
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# Why did Boaz ask a blessing from Yahweh for Ruth?
Because Ruth had pursued Boaz and not younger men.
Boaz blessed Ruth because she had pursued Boaz rather than younger men.
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# What obstacle prevented Boaz from immediately performing the part of a kinsman for Ruth?
There was another kinsman nearer than Boaz.
There was another kinsman-redeemer nearer than Boaz.
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# How was Boaz going to determine who would act as kinsman for Ruth?
If the nearest kinsman was willing, then he would perform the part of the kinsman, but if he was not willing, then Boaz would be the kinsman.
If the nearest kinsman-redeemer was willing to redeem Ruth, then Boaz would let him do that. But if he was not willing, then Boaz would be the kinsman-redeemer.
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# Why did Ruth leave the threshing floor early before anyone could recognize her?
Because Boaz had said that it should not be known that she came to the threshing floor.
Boaz did not what people to know that she had come to the threshing floor.
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# Where did Boaz go to resolve the issue of who would be the kinsman for Ruth?
# Where did Boaz go to resolve the issue of who would be the kinsman-redeemer for Ruth?
He went to the gate of the city.
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# What did Boaz first ask the other kinsman to redeem if he wished?
# What did Boaz first speak about to the other kinsman?
He asked him to redeem the parcel of land owned by Elimelech.
He told him that Naomi was selling the parcel of land owned by Elimelech.
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# What did Boaz first ask the other kinsman to redeem if he wished?
# What did Boaz suggest the other kinsman do about the parcel of land?
He asked him to redeem the parcel of land owned by Elimelech.
Boaz suggested that the other kinsman could redeem it.
# What was the other kinsman's answer?
He said, "I will redeem it."
He said he would redeem it.
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# About what additional requirement did Boaz then tell the other kinsman?
He told him that he would also have to take Ruth in order that Elimelech's name would continue with his inheritance.
He told him that he would also have to take Ruth in order to raise up the name of Elimelech through his inheritance.
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# After this, what was the other kinsman's answer?
# What was the other kinsman's answer when he learned that he would have to marry Ruth?
He said, "I cannot redeem it."
He said he could not redeem the land.
# Why did the other kinsman say he could not be the redeemer?
Because it would damage his own inheritance.
He said that it would damage his own inheritance.
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# What did the other kinsman do to show that he agreed Boaz should be the redeemer?
He took off his shoe and gave it to Boaz.
He took off his sandal.
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# Boaz reminded the elders that they had witnessed what two agreements?
# What was the first agreement that Boaz said the elders had witnessed?
They had witnessed that Boaz had bought all that was Elimelech's, and that he had acquired Ruth as his wife.
They had witnessed that Boaz had bought all that was Elimelech's.
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# Boaz reminded the elders that they had witnessed what two agreements?
# What was the second agreement that Boaz said the elders had witnessed?
They had witnessed that Boaz had bought all that was Elimelech's, and that he had acquired Ruth as his wife.
They had witnessed that Boaz had acquired Ruth as his wife.
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# What blessing did the people desire for Boaz?
They desired for him offspring through Ruth.
They desired that Yahweh would give him offspring through Ruth, just as Tamar bore a son to Judah.
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# Why did the women say that Ruth was better for Naomi than seven sons?
Because of Ruth's love for Naomi, and because Ruth had given birth to a grandson for Naomi.
They said this because of Ruth's love for Naomi, and because Ruth had given birth to a grandson for Naomi.
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# What was Naomi's relationship with Ruth's son?
Naomi became his guardian.
Naomi became his caregiver.
@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ His name was Obed.
# Of whom was Obed the father and grandfather?
Obed was the father of Jesse and the grandfather of David.
Obed was the father of Jesse and the grandfather of David.
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# Who did God use to make his message evident at the right time?
# To whom did God entrust his proclamation at the right time?
God used the apostle Paul.
God entrusted it to the apostle Paul.
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# What must an elder's wife and children be like?
He must be the husband of one wife, and have faithful children who are disciplined.
He must be the husband of one wife, and have faithful children who are not accused of reckless behavior or rebellion.
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# What are some of the character traits that an elder must avoid in order to be blameless?
He must not be arrogant, or easily angered, or a drunkard, or a brawler, or greedy.
He must not be arrogant, or easily angered, or addicted to wine, or a brawler, or greedy.
# What position and responsibility does an overseer have in God's household?
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# What good qualities should an elder have?
An elder should be hospitable, a friend of what is good, sensible, righteous, godly, and self-controlled.
An elder should be hospitable, a friend of what is good, sensible, righteous, holy, and self-controlled.
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# What must an elder's attitude be toward the message that he was taught?
He must hold tightly to it, and be able to use it to encourage and rebuke others.
He must hold tightly to it, and thus be able to encourage and rebuke others.
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# What were the false teachers doing by their teaching?
They were upsetting whole families.
They were upsetting whole households.
# What did the false teachers want?
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# How should an elder treat these false teachers who damage the church?
He must severely correct them so they might be sound in the faith.
He must rebuke them severely so they might be sound in the faith.
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# What are some characteristics that older men in the church should have?
They should have temperance, dignity, good sense, and soundness in faith, in love, and in perseverance.
They should be temperate, dignified, sensible, and sound in faith, in love, and in perseverance.
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# What are some characteristics that older women in the church should have?
They should have reverence, not slandering; they should be sober and teach what is good.
They should be reverent, not slander, and be sober, and teach what is good.
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# What should the older women teach the younger women to do?
They should teach them to love and obey their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, and be good housekeepers.
They should teach them to love and obey their husbands, and to love their children.
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# How are slaves who are believers to behave?
They are to obey their masters, not steal from them, and should show good faith.
They are to obey their masters, be pleasing, and should not argue.
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# What does the grace of God train us to reject?
The grace of God trains us to reject ungodliness and worldly passions.
The grace of God trains us to reject godlessness and worldly passions.
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# What future event do believers look forward to receiving?
Believers look forward to the appearance of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Believers look forward to receiving the blessed hope: the appearance of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.
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# Why did Jesus give himself for us?
He gave himself in order to pay the price to redeem us from lawlessness, and to make us a pure people who are eager to do good.
He gave himself in order to redeem us from lawlessness, and to purify for himself a people who are zealous to do good works.
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# What leads unbelievers astray and enslaves them?
Their passions and pleasures lead them astray and enslave them.
Their various passions and pleasures lead them astray and enslave them.
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# Who should we reject after one or two warnings?
We should reject anyone who is causing divisions among the believers.
We should reject a divisive person.
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# What must believers engage themselves in so that they will be fruitful?
Believers must learn to engage themselves in doing good works that provide for urgent needs.
Believers must learn to engage themselves in doing good works that provide for essential needs.
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